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(bibliographie_web_spécialité 2)
MITRA - Médiation interculturelle: identités, mobilités, conflits Bibliographie indicative Spécialité 2 - Le sujet migrant : récits et pratiquessociales Semestre 2 – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U Leuven) UE 1 – Migration and Minorities Policies : Anthropological Presuppositions and Implications
Field, J. (2003): Social Capital. London, New York: Routledge. Basch, L., Schiller, N., Szanton Blanc, C. (1994) : Nations Unbound. Gordon and Breach. Brettell, C. ed. (2007). Constructing Borders/Crossing Boundaries. Lanham: Lexington Books. Rajaram, P.K. & Grundy-Warr, C. eds. (2007) : Borderscapes. Hidden geographies and Politics at Territory’s Edge. London, Minneapllis: Univ. of Minnesota pr. Kearns, A. & Forrest, R. (2000) : ‘Social Cohesion and Multilevel Urban Governance’, Urban Studies, 37 (5-6): p. 995-1017. Eriksen, T.H. (2007) : ‘Complexity in social and cultural integration: Some analytical dimensions’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30 (6): p. 1055-1069 UE 2 – Ethnic Relations: Majorities and Immigrant Minorities in Western Europe Barth, F. (1969) : Ethnic Groups and boundaries. The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Brettell, C.B. and Hollifield, J.F. (2008) : Migration Theory: Talking across disciplines. New York and London: Routledge Brubaker, R. (1992) : Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge: Harvard University Press Castles, S. and Miller, M. (2009, 4th edition) : The Age of Migration. London: MacMillan. Jenkins, R. (1997) Rethinking Ethnicity: Arguments and Explorations. Thousand Oaks; Sage Samers, M. (2010) : Migration. London and New York: Routledge UE 3 - Economic Anthropology
Carrier, J. (1993) : The rituals of Christmas giving. In: Miller, D. (ed.), Unwrapping Christmas. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 55-74. Cooper, F. (1992). Colonizing time: work rhythms and labor conflict in colonial Mombasa. In: Dirks, N.B. (ed.) : Colonialism and culture. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press: 209-45. De Angelis, M. (2004) : Separating the doing and the deed: capital and the continuous character of enclosures. Historical Materialism 12(2):57-87.
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1997) : The Nuer: time and space. In: Grinker & C. Steiner (eds.), Perspectives on Africa. Oxford: Blackwell:24-37. Foster, R.J. (2007) : The work of the new economy: consumers, brands, and value creation. Cultural Anthropology 22(4):701-31. Graeber, D. (2011) : Debt: the first 5,000 years. New York: Melville House Printing. Hermann, G.M. (1997) : Gift or commodity: what changes hands in the U.S. garage sale? American Ethnologist 24 (4): 910-930. Kopytoff, I. (1986) : The cultural biography of things. In: Appadurai, A. (ed.), The social life of things: commodities in cultural perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 64-91. Laidlaw, J. (2000) : A free gift makes no friends. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 6:617- 34. Maurer, B. (2003) : Uncanny exchanges: the possibilities and failures of ‘making change’ with alternative monetary forms. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21:317-40. Nash, J. (1994) : Global integration and subsistence insecurity. American Anthropologist 96 (1): 7-30. Ong, A. (1988) : The production of possession: spirits and the multinational corporation in Malaysia. American Ethnologist 15(1):28-42. Peters, P.E. (2004) : Inequality and social conflict over land in Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change 4(3):269-314. Polanyi, K. (2001) [1944] : The great transformation: the political and economic origins of our time. Boston: Beacon Press. Salzinger, L. (1997): From high heels to swathed bodies: gendered meanings under production in Mexico’s export-processing industry. Feminist Studies 23(3):549-74. Saul, M. (2004). The dominance of the cowry relative to the franc in West Africa. In: Werner, C. A. & D. Bell (eds.), Values and valuables: from the sacred to the symbolic. Walnut Creek, etc: AltaMira Press: 101-127. Shipton, P. & M. Goheen (1992) : Introduction. Understanding African land-holding: power, wealth, and meaning. Africa 62 (3): 307-25. Thomas, N. (1991): Objects, exchange, anthropology. In: Entangled objects: exchange, material culture, and colonialism in the Pacific. Cambridge: Harvard University Press:7-34. Wilk, R.R. (1996) : Economies and cultures. Foundations of economic anthropology. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Wolf, E.R. (1982) : Europe and the people without history. Berkeley: University of California Press. UE 4 - Latin-America: from Colonisation to Globalisation Nombre d’ECTS : 5 Alvarez, Robert R., Jr. ‘The Mexican-US Border. The Making of an Anthropology of Borderlands’, Annual Review of Anthropology, 1995: 24: 447-70. Anderson, Benedict, (first edition: 1983). Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 2006 (revised edition): Chapter 4: Creole Pioneers Anzaldúa, Gloria. URL: http://voices.cla.umn.edu/vg/Bios/entries/anzaldua_gloria.html Arguedas, José María (1965). ‘The Pongo’s Dream’ (El sueño del pongo). English translation. Cleary, Edward L. and Timothy J. Steigenga eds. ( 2004) : Resurgent Voices in Latin America. Indigenous Peoples, Political Mobilization, and Religious Change. Rutgers University Press : Chapter 1. Coronil, Fernando (2004): ‘Latin American postcolonial studies and global decolonization’, in: The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies. Cambridge, (also in: Moraña, Mabel, Enrique Dussel, and Carlos A. Jáuregui eds. (2008). Coloniality at Large. Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate, Duke University Press : 396-416.
De la cadena, Marisol, ‘The production of other knowledges and its tensions. From Andeanist anthropology to interculturalidad?, Journal of the World Anthropology Network, 2005: (1), 13-33. Gómez Peña, Guillermo ‘The New World Border’ (pdf) Huntington, Samuel ‘The Hispanic Challenge’, in: Foreign Affairs, March 2004. Mignolo, Walter (2001). ‘Coloniality of Power and Subalternity,’ The Latin American Subaltern Studies Reader. Ileana Rodríguez, ed. Durham: Duke University Press: 224-244. Pels, Peter. ‘The Anthropology of Colonialism: Culture, History, and the Emergence of Western Governmentality’. In: Annual Review of Anthropology, 1997: 26,163-183 Skidmore, Thomas E., ‘Bi-Racial USA vs. Multi-Racial Brazil: Is the Contrast Still Valid?’, in Journal of Latin American Studies, vol. 25, No.2, may, 1993 : pp.373-386 Slocum, Karla & Deborah A. Thomas, ‘Rethinking Global and Area Studies: Insights from Caribbeanist Anthropology’, in: American Anthropologist, 2003: 105 (3):553-565 Stallaert, Christiane (2002) 'Biological Christianity and Ethnicity: Spain's Construct from Past Centuries', in: J. Leman (red.), The Dynamics of Emerging Ethnicities, Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, 1998: 115-147 (2nd edition) Steigenga, Timothy J. and Edward L. Cleary (eds.) 2007: Conversion of a Continent. Contemporary Religious Change in Latin America. Rutgers University Press, (Chapter 2) Taylor, Diana. ‘Transculturating Transculturation’. Performing Arts Journal, 1991: Vol. 13, Number 2, 90-104 Totten, Samuel; William S. Parsons, and Robert K. Hitchcock, ‘Confronting Genocide and Ethnocide of Indigenous Peoples: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Definition, Intervention, Prevention, and Advocacy’. In: Hinton, Alexander Laban, Annihilating Difference, chapter 3 Walsh, Catherine, ‘Development as Buen Vivir. Institutional Arrangements and ‘De-colonial entanglements’. Development 2010: 53 (1), 15-21 Walsh, Catherine, ‘Political-Epistemic Insurgency, Social Movements and the Refounding of the State’, in: Mabel Moraña & Bret Gustafson (eds.), Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America. Iberoamericana, 2010: 199-211. White, Lyal. ‘Understanding Brazil’s new drive for Africa’. South African Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 17, N° 2, August 2010: 221-242. Yelvington, Kevin A. The Anthropology of afro-Latin America and the Caribbean. Diasporic dimensions. Annual review of Anthropology, 2001: Vol. 30, 227-260. UE 5 – Visual and experimental Anthropology
W. Benjamin (1968) : The work of art in the age of mechanicalreproduction. In Illuminations. New York: Shocken Books. Catherine Russel (1999) : Experimental Ethnography. Durham: Duke University Press. Laura Marx (2000) : The skin of the film. Durham: Duke University Press. Films such as: Nanouk of the North (Flaherty), see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaDVovGjNOc Moi, un noir (Rouch), see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moi,_un_noir Sans soleil (Marker), see http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2459111438622342949 D’Est (Akerman), see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QYByp84_6I
Semestre 3 –Universidade do Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
UFRJ UE 1 parmi Question de genre, Développement, Participation
BAHRI, D. (2006) : Le feminism dans/et le postcolonialisme. In: LAZARUS, N. (Org.). Penser le Postcolonial. Paris: Ed. Amsterdam. BONIFACIO, G. (2012): Feminism and Migration – Cross Cultural Engagements - NewYork: SPRINGER Ed., DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2831-8.
D´AVILA NETO, M. I. ; BAPTISTA, C. M. A. “Páthos e o sujeito feminino: considerações sobre o processo de construção narrativa identitária de mulheres de grupos culturalmente minoritários”. Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais, 2007: v. 2, p. 2-10.
D´ÁVILA NETO, M. I.; NAZARETH, J. S. C. (2005): “Globalization and Women´s Employment”. Peace Review, A Journal of Social Justice. (ISSN 1040-2659 DOI 10.1080/14631370500332940) D´ÁVILA NETO, M. I.; PIRES, C. (2001): “Empowerment or powersharing? Considerations on the project of gender equity in Brazil”. In: KEARNEY, Marie-Louise (Org.). Women, power, and the academy: from rhetoric to reality. New York, Berghan Books. FRASER, Nancy (2007): “Mapeando a imaginação feminista: da redistribuição ao reconhecimento e à representação”. Rev. Estud. Fem. [online], vol.15, n.2 [cited 2012-03-27], pp. 291-308 .scielo.br) MIES, M., SHIVA, V. (1999): Ecofeminismo, Lisboa, Piaget. NAVAZ, L. S.; HERNÁNDEZ, R. A. (Eds.), (2008): Descolonizando el feminismo. Teoría y prácticas desde los márgenes. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. ROCHELEAU, D., THOMAS-SLAYTER, B., WANGARI, E. (Eds.), (1996): Feminist political ecology: global issues and local experiences. London: Routledge.
Enjeux de la globalisation et reconnaissance dans l’approche local/global
FRASER, N. (2007): “Mapeando a imaginação feminista: da redistribuição ao reconhecimento e à representação”. Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, 15(2): 240, maio-agosto. GARCÍA CANCLINI, N. (2003): A globalização imaginada. São Paulo, Editora Luminuras. GOLDSMITH, E. ; Mander, J. (2001) : Le Procès de La Mondialisation, Paris, Fayard GROSFOGUEL, R. (2008): “Para descolonizar os estudos de economia política e os estudos pós-coloniais: transmodernidade, pensamento de fronteira e colonialidade global”. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 80:115-147. STENGERS, I. (2009) : Au temps des catastrophes-Resister á la barbarie qui vient, Paris, La Découverte
Inégalité, Pauvreté, Migration, Diaspora
BRAIDOTTI, R. (2004): “Las figuraciones del nomadismo”. In: BRAIDOTTI, R. Feminismo, Diferencia Sexual y Subjetividad Nomade. Barcelona: Gedisa Ed. D´AVILA NETO, M. I. ; CAVAS,C. (2011): Diaspora Negra : Desigualdades de Gênero e Raça no Brasil. Revista Latino Americana de Geografia e Genero, v. 02, p. 01-09.
MELLO, Hildete (2005): A pobreza e as políticas de gênero no Brasil. Santiago de Chile, Cepal. IPEA Retrato das Desigualdades de Raça e de Gênero: http://www.ipea.gov.br/sites/000/2/destaque/Pesquisa_Retrato_das_Desigualdades.pdf>>. Accessed December 09, 2009). PNUD; CEDEPLAR. Atlas racial brasileiro. 2004. http://www.pnud.org.br/publicacoes/atlas_racial/index.php. (Accessed September 10, 2008). UE 2 - Pratique des langues
Selon les thématiques/enseignants UE 3 - Méthodologie comprenant:
Recherche Participative, discussions et outils de la mise en
pratique D´Avila Neto, M.I. (2001) : Participation et Développement - Nouvelles stratégies, Anciens Défis UNESCO/Chaire UNESCO EICOS, Paris/RJ. (versions en portugais, français, espagnol et anglais) D´AVILA NETO, M.I. e PEDRO, R. (Org.) (2003): Tecendo o Desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Mauad. Selon la thématique, des textes supplémentaires seront indiqués. OU UNAM UE 1 dans « Relations migrants, Etats et société civile en Afrique » parmi Genre et politique
Bondi, Liz (2006): “Ubicar las políticas de la identidad”, debate feminista, octubre: núm. 14. Butler, Judith (1998): “Actos performativos y constitución del género: un ensayo sobre fenomenología y teoría feminista”, debate feminista, octubre, año 9, vol. 18, pp. 296-314. Crenshaw, Kimberlé (2003): “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence Against Women of Color”, in Linda Alcoff y Eduardo Mendieta (comps.) Identities, Race, Class, Gender and Nationality, Malden, Blackwell. Garfinkel, Harold, y Robert J. Stoller (2006): “El tránsito y la gestión del logro de estatus sexual en una persona intersexuada”, in Harold Garfinkel, Estudios en etnometodología, Barcelona, Anthropos / ceiich-unam / Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 135-209. Jenkins, Richard (1996): Social Identity, Londres, Routledge. Goffman, Erving (1980): Estigma / La identidad deteriorada, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu.
Critique culturelle et études sur les genres
Ahmed, Sara (2004): The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press. Hooks, bell, Bhav, Sandoval, Chela, Anzaldúa, Gloria, et alii. (2004): Otras inapropiables. Feminismos desde las fronteras. Madrid, Traficantes de Sueños. Scott, Joan (1991): “The evidence of experience”. Critical Inquiry, 17.4 773-797. Wittig, Monique (2006): “No se nace mujer”. El pensamiento heterosexual. Madrid: Egales, 31-43.
Frontière et citoyenneté
Atwood, M. (2005): Penélope y las doce criadas. Barcelona, Salamandra
Butler, Judith, “Actos performativos y constitución del género: un ensayo sobre fenomenología y teoría feminista” Haraway, D. (1988): “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective", Feminist Studies, vol. 14-3: 575-599. Mignolo, W. (comp.) (2008): Género y descolonialidad. Argentina, Ediciones del Signo. Rancière, J. (2000): Le partage du sensible. Esthétique et politique. Paris, La fabrique-éditions. Traducción: El reparto de lo sensible. Estética y política. Libros Arces-Lom. Traducción disponible en web: http://es.scribd.com/doc/6632390/Jacques-Ranciere-La-Division-de-Lo-Sensible. Richard, N. (2008): Feminismo, género y diferencia(s). Chile: Palinodia. Scott, J.W. (1990 [1986]): “El género: una categoría útil para el análisis histórico”. http://www.cholonautas.edu.pe/modulo/upload/scott.pdf Spivak, G.Ch. (1998): “¿Puede hablar el sujeto subalterno?" Orbis Tertius, III, 6 : 1-44. UE 2 - Pratique des langues
Selon thématiques/enseignants UE 3 – Méthodologie
Belausteguigoitia & Lozano (coord.) (2012) : Pedagogías en Espiral. Experiencias y prácticas. México : PUEG/UNAM
Semestre 4 –K.U Leuven ou Lille
K.U. Leuven Séminaire : Myth and Symbolism -
Boddy, Janice (1989). Wombs and alien spirits : women, men and the Zar cult in northern Sudan. University of Wisconsin Press. Cole, Jennifer (2001): Forget colonialism? : sacrifice and the art of memory in Madagascar. Berkeley: University of California Press. Cole, Jennifer; Deborah Durham (2007): Generations and globalization : youth, age, and family in the new world economy. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Cole, Jennifer; Thomas, Lynn M. (2009): Love in Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Dirt, undress, and difference : critical perspectives on the body's surface. Comaroff, Jean (1985): Body of Power, Spirit of Resistance.The Culture and history of a South African People. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Comaroff, Jean; John L. Comaroff (2006): Law and disorder in the postcolony. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Comaroff, Jean; John L. Comaroff (2000): Millennial capitalism and the culture of neoliberalism. Special Issue Public Culture 12(2). Durham: Duke University Press. Comaroff, Jean; John L. Comaroff (1999): Civil society and the political imagination in Africa : critical perspectives. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. Comaroff, Jean; John L. Comaroff (1993). Modernity and its malcontents : ritual and power in postcolonial Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff John L. (1991): Of revelation and revolution, volume one. Christianity, colonialism and consciousness in South Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Comaroff, John L.; Jean Comaroff (2009): Ethnicity, Inc. Chicago studies in practices of meaning. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Comaroff, John L.; Jean Comaroff (1997). Of revelation and revolution, volume two. The dialectics of modernity on a South African frontier. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Comaroff, John L.; Jean Comaroff (1992): Ethnography and the historical imagination (Studies in the ethnographic imagination). Boulder: Westview Press. Masquelier, Adeline Marie (2001): Prayer has spoiled everything : possession, power, and identity in an Islamic town of Niger. Durham: Duke University Press. Weiss, Brad (2009): Street dreams and hip hop barbershops : global fantasy in urban Tanzania. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. OU LILLE Séminaire : Relations intergroupes, discriminations et dispositifs de lutte contre les discriminations Agamben, G. Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif ? Paris, Ed. Payot § Rivages poche, 2007. Audi, P., Créer.Introduction à l’esth/éthique, Paris, Ed. Verdier, 2010. Bin Kimura, L’Entre, Ed. J. Millon, 2000. Bourhis, R. Y., Gagnon, A., & Moïse, L. C. (1994). Discrimination et relations intergroupes. In R. Y. Bourhis & J.-P. Leyens (Eds.), Stéréotypes, discrimination et relations intergroupes. Liège: Mardaga. Jost, J. T., Banaji, M. R., & Nosek, B. A. (2004). A decade of system justification theory : Accumulated evidence of conscious and unconscious bolstering of the status quo. Paper presented at the Forum section of Political Psychology on social identity, social dominance theory, and system justification theory. Chantraine, G. et Berard, J., 80 000 détenus en 2017 ? Paris, Ed. Amsterdam, 2008 Leblanc Guillaume, Que faire de notre vulnérabilité ? Paris, Ed. Bayard, 2011. Flahault F., Le sentiment d’exister, Paris, Descartes § Cie, 2002. Jost, J. T., Banaji, M. R., & Nosek, B. A. (2004). A decade of system justification theory : Accumulated evidence of conscious and unconscious bolstering of the status quo. Paper presented at the Forum section of Political Psychology on social identity, social dominance theory, and system justification theory. Tajfel, H. (1982). Social identity and intergroup relation. New- York: Cambridge University Press.
Curriculum Professionale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luogo e data di nascita: Roma, 06/07/1975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luglio 2002 . Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso L’Università degli Studi d
Namens de wetenschappelijke staf van Atal-Medial hebben wij het genoegen u de zevende druk van dit referentiewaardenboekje aan te bieden. De analyses zijn onderverdeeld in 4 groepen:Chemie, Hematologie en StollingFaeces en urineLiquorToxicologieDe bepalingen zijn alfabetisch gerubriceerd; indien relevant zijn referentiewaarden naar leeftijd beschreven. Niet opgenomen zijn de allergenen en die a