Heppenstall et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:50http://www.nutritionj.com/content/11/1/50
Relationships between glucose, energy intake anddietary composition in obese adults with type 2diabetes receiving the cannabinoid 1 (CB1)receptor antagonist, rimonabant
Charlotte Heppenstall, Susan Bunce and Jamie C Smith*
Background: Weight loss is often difficult to achieve in individuals with type 2 diabetes and anti-obesity drugs areoften advocated to support dietary intervention. Despite the extensive use of centrally acting anti-obesity drugs,there is little evidence of how they affect dietary composition. We investigated changes in energy intake anddietary composition of macro- and micronutrients following therapy with the endocannabinoid receptor blocker,rimonabant.
Methods: 20 obese patients with type 2 diabetes were studied before and after 6 months dietary intervention withrimonabant. Dietary intervention was supervised by a diabetes dietician. Five-day food diaries were completed atbaseline and at 6 months and dietary analysis was performed using computer software (Dietplan 6).
Results: After 6 months, (compared with baseline) there were reductions in weight (107 ± 21Kg versus 112 ± 21,p < 0.001, 4% body weight reduction), and improvements in HbA1c (7.4 ± 1.7 versus 8.0 ± 1.6%, p < 0.05) and HDLcholesterol. Intake of energy (1589 ± 384 versus 2225 ± 1109 kcal, p < 0.01), carbohydrate (199 ± 74 versus273 ± 194 g, p < 0.05), protein (78 ± 23 versus 98 ± 36 g, p < 0.05), fats (55 ± 18 versus 84 ± 39 g, p < 0.01) andseveral micronutrients were reduced. However, relative macronutrient composition of the diet was unchanged. Improvement in blood glucose was strongly correlated with a reduction in carbohydrate intake (r = 0.76, p < 0.001). Conclusions: In obese patients with type 2 diabetes, rimonabant in combination with dietary intervention led toreduced intake of energy and most macronutrients. Despite this, macronutrient composition of the diet wasunaltered. These dietary changes (especially carbohydrate restriction) were associated with weight loss andfavourable metabolic effects.
Keywords: Dietary assessment, Dietary intervention, Drug interventions, Diabetes
considered a cornerstone in the management of obese
Obesity is extremely common in type 2 diabetes and is a
individuals with type 2 diabetes . However, most strat-
major contributor to premature morbidity and mortality
egies used to combat obesity have not yielded long-term
[]. Obesity results from an imbalance of energy intake
success and so there is increasing interest in the use and
and energy expenditure and so any strategy to reduce
development of pharmacological agents to tackle obesity
body weight must rely on either, a reduction in energy in-
[]. Centrally-acting anti-obesity drugs such as sibutra-
take, an increase in energy expenditure or both. Super-
mine or the CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant are con-
vised weight-loss through dietary intervention is therefore
sidered to act principally by reducing appetite and/orincreasing satiety, thereby producing reduced energy in-take []. For example, in the RIO-trial programme in-
volving obese subjects with type 2 diabetes and other
Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Torbay Hospital, Lawes Bridge,Torquay, Devon TQ2 7AA, UK
cardiovascular risk factors, rimonabant in combination
2012 Heppenstall et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use,distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Heppenstall et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:50
with a recommended moderate daily caloric reduction of
during the trial with monthly telephone consultations
600 kcal was extensively studied in terms of weight, meta-
and with outpatient clinic reviews at 3 and 6 months.
bolic and cardiovascular parameters []. However, despite
Patients with contraindications for the use of rimona-
these large clinical trials and widespread clinical use there
bant (including depressive illness), clinical or echocar-
is little evidence of how centrally acting anti-obesity drugs
diographic evidence of left ventricular impairment,
specifically affect dietary composition in humans.
peripheral vascular disease or significant renal impair-
In the case of rimonabant, animal data suggest that
ment (estimated GFR < 30 ml/min) were excluded. All
weight loss occurs not only because of reduced energy
subjects had been receiving a stable regime of blood
intake, but also due to increased energy expenditure
glucose-lowering treatment for at least 3 months prior
through increased fat oxidation in adipose tissue In
to study entry. All subjects were studied at baseline and
addition, animal data also suggest that CB1 receptor an-
then at 6 months following the weight loss intervention.
tagonism in the rat hypothalamus leads to a preferential
Study measurements and blood samples were under-
reduction in the intake of palatable fatty and sugary food
taken in the morning after a 12 hour fast and medica-
To date, these findings have not been demon-
tions were omitted on the morning of study. Dietary
strated in human studies. Because of concerns relating
follow up consisted of monthly telephone calls and re-
to depression and suicidal risk, rimonabant’s license was
view and analysis of the food diary at 6 months. The
withdrawn by the European regulatory authorities in
telephone calls involved informal discussion with the in-
2008 but there is still interest in this therapeutic class
dividual patient about general well-being, tolerability of
the study medication, appetite and food intake. Patients
In recent times there has been substantial interest in
were given encouragement to adhere to their individua-
the way macronutrient intake affects both weight and
lised diet plan. The 5 day food diaries at baseline and at
glycemia in type 2 diabetes [especially the effects of
6 months were analysed using the dietary analysis soft-
restricting carbohydrate intake Several studies
ware package, Diet Plan 6 (Forestfield Software Ltd,
have reported benefits in terms of improved glucose
UK). The 5 day food diaries were discussed with the in-
control when a low carbohydrate diet is compared with
dividual patients during the baseline and 6 monthly vis-
conventional intake of carbohydrate although
its. A food portion Atlas [] was used with the patient
evidence is conflicting with not all studies demonstrating
so that the patient could identify their portion size. This
was coded by the dietitian and the amounts entered into
The aim of this study was as follows:- [1] to assess
weight and metabolic changes following rimonabant
Body composition analysis was performed using the
therapy in obese patients with type 2 diabetes; [2] to in-
method of bioelectrical impedance (Tanita).
vestigate in detail, changes in energy, macro- and micro-
Fasting blood samples (10 ml venous blood for each
nutrient intake following rimonabant therapy; and [3] to
subject) were drawn on the morning of study. The study
investigate how changes in macronutrient intake (eg.
had approval from the local research ethics committee,
carbohydrate, fat) might influence changes in weight and
together with clinical trial authorisation. All subjects
gave informed consent to participate in the study.
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (ver-
Twenty subjects (age range 30-70 yrs) (11 male, 9
sion 14) for Windows. Data are expressed as mean
females) with type 2 diabetes (11 insulin-treated) were
values ± SD. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate differ-
recruited from the multidisciplinary diabetes clinic at
ences between group means in the same subjects over
Torbay Hospital, a UK district general hospital in 2008.
time for normally distributed data. Correlation between
All subjects were obese with a body mass index of
variables was evaluated using Spearman’s and Pearson’s
greater than 30 Kg/m2 and had expressed the desire to
correlation coefficients. A p value of less than 0.05 was
lose weight. In an open design, all subjects were studied
before, during and after 6 months dietary and lifestyleintervention and rimonabant therapy, 20 milligrams
once daily (the standard licensed dose).
The study group consisted of 11 males and 9 females.
At baseline, all subjects received dietary and lifestyle
The mean age of participants was 58 ± 11 years and the
advice from a specialist diabetes dietician, having com-
mean duration of diabetes was 7 ± 7 years. Eleven out of
pleted a 5 day food diary, and were prescribed an indivi-
20 were receiving insulin therapy. Mean Body mass
dualised 600-800 kcal deficit diet based on healthy
index (Kg/m2) was 38 ± 5 Kg/m2. There was 1 active
eating and portion control. Patients were followed-up
Heppenstall et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:50
The effects of rimonabant on physical and biochemical
Table 2 Effects of Rimonabant with dietary intervention
measurements are shown in Table . Weight was reduced
on daily energy and macronutrient intake before and
from 112 ± 21 Kg at baseline to 107 ± 21 Kg after 6 months
(p < 0.001) equating to a mean 4% weight reduction and
this was accompanied by a reduction in waist circumfer-
ence from 124 ± 13 cm to 121 ± 13 cm (p < 0.05). Nine
out of 20 patients lost more than 5% of body weight over
the 6 month treatment period and 2 out of 20 lost more
than 10% of body weight. Weight changes were associatedwith a reduction in HbA1c from 8.0 ± 1.6% at baseline to
7.4 ± 1.7% at 6 months (p < 0.05). For the 11 subjects re-
ceiving insulin therapy, mean insulin dose fell from
116 ± 59 units/day at baseline to 102 ± 71 units/day after
6 months (p < 0.05). There was a rise in HDL cholesterol
from 1.2 ± 0.2 mmol/L at baseline to 1.3 ± 0.2 mmol/L at
*p < 0.05 in comparison to baseline. **p < 0.01 in comparison to baseline.
Macronutrient intake and dietary compositionCompleted and detailed dietary data using Dietplan was
reductions in saturated fatty acids (30 ± 16 versus
available for 18 out of 20 subjects. Food diaries were
20 ± 6 g, p < 0.01) (33% reduction), monounsaturated
deemed incomplete and not suitable for analysis in 2
fatty acids (29 ± 12 versus 19 ± 7 g, p < 0.01) (34% reduc-
subjects. The changes in daily dietary intake of energy
tion) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (16 ± 8 versus
and macronutrients during the study are shown in
10 ± 4 g, p < 0.01) (38% reduction).
Table Six months following rimonabant treatment
The dietary composition of macronutrients for the
daily energy intake was reduced from 2225 ± 1109 to
group, expressed as a % of total energy intake at baseline
1589 ± 384 kcal (p < 0.01). Total carbohydrate intake was
was carbohydrate 46%, fat 34% and protein 17%. After
reduced from 273 ± 194 to 199 ± 74 g (p < 0.05) with sta-
6 months this composition had not changed significantly
tistically significant reductions in starch (148 ± 48 versus
with carbohydrate 47%, fat 31% and protein 18%.
114 ± 36 g, p < 0.05) and non-starch polysaccharide(18 ± 5 versus 14 ± 3 g, p < 0.01) but a non-significant re-
duction in intake of sugar (121 ± 171 versus 74 ± 64 g
Details of daily micronutrient intake before and after
(p = 0.10). Protein intake was reduced from 98 ± 36 to
rimonabant treatment are shown in Table With re-
78 ± 23 g (p < 0.05). Total fat intake was reduced from
spect to micronutrient intake, after 6 months (in com-
84 ± 39 to 55 ± 18 g (p < 0.01) (35% reduction) with
parison with baseline), levels of intake of sodium(2544 ± 866 versus 3793 ± 1487 mg, p < 0.01), potassium
Table 1 Effects of Rimonabant with dietary interventionon physical and biochemical parameters over the study
Table 3 Effects of Rimonabant with dietary intervention
on daily micronutrient intake before and after
*p < 0.05 in comparison to baseline. **p < 0.01 in comparison to baseline.
*p < 0.05 in comparison to baseline.
***p < 0.001 in comparison to baseline.
**p < 0.01 in comparison to baseline.
Heppenstall et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:50
(2874 ± 944 versus 4307 ± 3299 mg, p < 0.01), vitamin E
investigated the effects of a dietary intervention involving
(5.9 ± 2.6 versus 8.8 ± 5.1 mg, p < 0.05) and folate
the use of the anti-obesity agent, rimonabant on blood
(292 ± 103 versus 431 ± 324 mg, p < 0.05) were reduced.
glucose, energy intake and dietary composition in obese
There was no evidence of a statistically significant
increased intake of any micronutrient studied following
The main findings of the present study were that an
the intervention. In terms of Reference Nutrient Intake
individualised diet based on healthy eating and portion
(RNI) for micronutrients, 9 of the 20 subjects did not
control, in combination with rimonabant therapy led to
meet the RNI for potassium at baseline and this
significant weight loss over a 6 month period with a ma-
increased to 15 at 6 months. No subjects over the age of
jority of patients losing in excess of 5% of their body
65 met the RNI for Vitamin D. With regards to calcium
weight. The reduction in body weight was accompanied
intake, 7 of the 20 subjects did not meet the RNI at
by a reduction in weight circumference and favourable
baseline and 9 did not meet the RNI at 6 months. With
changes to the lipid profile and blood glucose control.
regards to iron intake 3 subjects did not meet the RNI at
These beneficial effects on body weight and metabolic
baseline and this increased to 5 at 6 months. For vitamin
parameters occurred in association with a significant re-
A, 4 subjects did not meet the RNI at baseline and this
duction in energy intake, together with reductions in the
intake of the principal macronutrients, carbohydrate, fatand protein. The levels of these macronutrients were
Relationship between glycaemia and dietary composition
reduced to a similar degree such that the overall dietary
A strong correlation was observed between the reduc-
tion in carbohydrate intake and improvement in gly-
As well as conventional lifestyle intervention, pharmaco-
caemic control (as indicated by change in HbA1c
logical therapies are increasingly used to combat obesity.
concentration) over the study period (r = 0.76, p
Rimonabant is a cannabinoid-1 receptor blocker that
< 0.0001). This correlation persisted after controlling for
induces weight loss and improves the cardiovascular risk
weight loss and energy intake. Multiple stepwise regres-
profile, glycemia and insulin sensitivity in diabetic subjects
sion analysis revealed carbohydrate intake to be an inde-
[]. The endocannabinoid system, consisting of cannabin-
pendent predictor of change in HbA1c (Table It was
oid type 1 (CB1) receptors and endogenous ligands is
noted that 1 individual recorded an excessively large
expressed widely, not only in the central nervous system
carbohydrate intake at baseline, which reduced dramat-
but also in peripheral organs including visceral adipose
ically following the intervention. This led to a very high
tissue []. The effects of CB1 receptor blockers on
change in carbohydrate intake for this individual of
weight, energy expenditure and calorific intake have been
around 550 g. On further enquiry, the carbohydrate in-
studied in detail in rodent models. In these studies CB1-
take was verified. Results were re-analysed excluding this
receptor antagonism at the hypothalamic level resulted
individual but the statistical relationship persisted
not only in reduced food intake but also a change in the
(r = 0.54, p < 0.05) (Figure Reduction in fat intake
composition of the diet [. In particular, Mathes
correlated with degree of weight loss (change in weight
et al. using a novel dessert protocol in female rats demon-
from baseline to end of study) (r = 0.48, p < 0.05). In
strated a lowered calorific consumption with reduced in-
contrast, reduction in carbohydrate intake did not cor-
take of palatable food (sugar fat whip) following
relate with the degree of weight loss.
rimonabant treatment []. In addition, rimonabant hasbeen shown in a rodent model to enhance lipolysis in adi-
pose tissue leading to increased energy expenditure
Dietary intervention is fundamental to the control of glu-
through oxidation of fatty acids and this effect was consid-
cose and weight in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes.
ered an important determinant of weight loss independent
Understanding how specific dietary interventions and
anti-obesity agents affect an individual’s dietary compos-
Inferences from these animal studies include the con-
ition and energy intake should enable us to target these
tention that the endocannabinoid system is an important
interventions more effectively. In the present study we
modulator of the rewarding properties of foods by actingthrough specific mesolimbic areas in the brain and that
Table 4 Stepwise multiple regression analysis with
CB1 receptor antagonists may have the potential in
ΔHbA1c as dependent variable (R2 = 0.58)
humans to reduce the intake of hedonistic type foods in
favour of less energy-dense and healthier alternatives]. To date these observations remain unproven in
human studies and indeed, results from our present
study are at variance with these animal studies in that
our patients’ dietary composition following rimonabant
Heppenstall et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:50
Figure 1 Relationship between reduction in carbohydrate intake and improvement in glycaemic control (as indicated by change inHbA1c concentration) in rimonabant-treated subjects (n = 17) (r = 0.54, p < 0.05).
therapy was unchanged, with no evidence of a shift to-
following this type of dietary intervention and is an area
wards a healthier, less palatable diet. Instead, individuals
appeared to simply reduce calorie intake by globally re-ducing intake of most macronutrients and several micro-
nutrients in addition. ‘Surrogate markers’ of a healthier
This study was intended to mimic that of a clinical situ-
diet such as an increased intake of potassium or dietary
ation as much as possible to give an insight into how
fibre were not observed and in fact levels of both these
CB1 receptor antagonists impact patient’s diets and to
nutrients fell following rimonabant therapy.
ascertain whether further research on CB1 receptor
In the present study we observed a strong relationship
antagonists and indeed other anti-obesity medication on
between carbohydrate intake and blood glucose levels,
dietary composition is worthwhile. There are certainly
with reduction in carbohydrate intake during the study
limitations to this study, namely the relatively small sam-
being closely correlated with reduction in glycated
ple size, open design and lack of a control group. Ideally
haemoglobin independent of body weight change or
a randomised, placebo-controlled trial would have been
total energy intake. In contrast, changes in body weight
the preferred study design but this was not feasible
appeared to be more closely related to fat intake rather
within the resources available to us. Another alternative
than carbohydrate intake. These data are in keeping with
would have been to study a parallel group of similar
the growing body of evidence in favour of carbohydrate
patients who lost weight through dietary intervention
restriction as a key intervention to optimise glucose con-
alone, without anti-obesity medication. This latter type
trol in individuals with type 2 diabetes
of study design would have significantly enhanced the
Micronutrient intake was also assessed in the present
quality of this study and indeed was originally intended.
study. Of note, levels of several micronutrients fell fol-
Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve meaningful
lowing dietary and rimonabant therapy, paralleling the
weight loss through our dietary intervention alone in
changes observed in macronutrients. Indeed, there
our intended control group of type 2 diabetic patients.
appeared to be a trend for an increasing number of sub-
Since no valid comparisons in terms of dietary changes
jects failing to meet the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI)
between rimonabant-treated patients and controls are
for several important micronutrients following the inter-
possible without comparable weight loss achieved in
vention. This observation appears to suggest that some
each group, it was decided that the rimonabant-treated
patients could be at risk of adopting a poorer quality diet
patients alone would be included in the final analysis.
Heppenstall et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:50
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Received: 11 November 2011 Accepted: 5 July 2012
Cite this article as: Heppenstall et al.: Relationships between glucose,energy intake and dietary composition in obese adults with type 2
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CHARLES S. DiGIOVANNI as Special Administrator(Sachidananda D. Shastri and Gericare, Ltd., JUSTICE STEELE delivered the opinion of the court:This appeal arises from an order of the circuit court dismissing defendant Albertson’s,Inc., d/b/a Osco Drugs (Osco), from a suit filed by plaintiff, Charles DiGiovanni, as specialadministrator of the estate of Laverne DiGiovanni (the Estate), with pre
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