Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.


2000-2002 Contributions
2002 – Present
Dean Kereiakes. Editorial Board, Circulation Dean Kereiakes. Editorial Board – Reviews in Cardiovascular Dean Kereiakes. Editorial Board, American Journal of Cardiology
Bin JP, Pelberg RA, Wei K, Le DE, Goodman NC, Kaul S. Dobutamine versus dipyridamole for
inducing reversible perfusion defects in chronic multivessel coronary artery stenosis. J Am Coll
Cardiol. 2002 Jul 3;40(1):167-74.
Bin JP, Le E, Pelberg RA, Coggins MP, Wei K, Kaul S. Mechanism of inducible regional
dysfunction during dipyridamole stress. Circulation. 2002 Jul 2;106(1):112-7.
Pelberg RA, Spotnitz WD, Bin JP, Le E, Goodman NC, Kaul S. Mechanism of myocardial
dysfunction in the presence of chronic coronary stenosis and normal resting myocardial blood
flow: clinical implications. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2001 Nov;14(11):1047-56.
Bin J, Wei K, Pelberg RA. Assessment of the effects of dipyridamole and dobutamine on
coronary microcirculation using myocardial contrast echocardiography. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za
Zhi. 2000 Dec;80(12):939-42.
Bin JP, Pelberg RA, Wei K, Coggins M, Goodman NC, Kaul S. Relation between regional
function and coronary blood flow reserve in multivessel coronary artery stenosis. Am J Physiol
Heart Circ PHysiol. 2000 Dec;279(6):H3058-64.

Kereiakes DJ
, Broderick TM, Howard WL, Anderson LC, Weber M, Mitts DL. Successful
long-term therapy following saphenous vein-covered stent deployment for atherosclerotic
coronary aneurysm. Cathet and Cardiovasc Interv 2002:55:100-104.
Seshiah PN, Kereiakes DJ, Vasudevan SV, Lopes N, Su BY, Flavahan NA, Goldschmidt-
Clermont PJ. Activated monocytes induce smooth muscle cell death – Role of Macrophage
colony-stimulating factor and cell contact. Circulation 2002;105:174-180.

Braunwald E, Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hockman JS, Jones RH,
Kereiakes D, Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE3rd, Steward DE,
Therous P, Gibbons RJ, Alpert JS, Faxon DP, Fuster Intravenous, Gregoratos G, Hiratzka LF,
Jacobs AK, Smith SC Jr. ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for the management of patients with
unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction – summary article: a report
of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice
guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients with Unstable Angina). J Am Coll Cardiol

Braunwald E, Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hockman JS, Jones RH,
Kereiakes D, Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE3rd, Steward DE,
Therous P, Gibbons RJ, Alpert JS, Faxon DP, Fuster Intravenous, Gregoratos G, Hiratzka LF,
Jacobs AK, Smith SC Jr. ACC/AHA guideline update for the management of patients with
unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction – 2002: summary article: a
report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association on practice guidelines
(Committee on the Management of Patients with Unstable Angina). Circulation 2002;106:1893-
Tamburino C, Russo G, Nicosia A, Galassi AR, Foti R, Grasso A, Calvi V, Kereiakes DJ,
Giuffrida G. Prophylactic abciximab in elective complex coronary stenting: results of a
randomized trial. J Invas Cardiol 2002;14:72-79.

Mazur W, Kaluza GL, Sapp S, Balog, C, Topol EJ, Mark DB, Ellis SG, Kereiakes DJ, Lincoff
AM, Kleiman NS. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition with abciximab and post-procedural risk
assessment: lesson from EPISTENT and implication for ad hoc use of GP IIb/IIIa antagonists.
Am Heart J 2002;143:594-601.
Kereiakes DJ, Choo JK, Young JJ, Broderick TM. Combination antiplatelet therapy following
brachytherapy with restenting: “It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings” J Invas Cardiol 2002;14:115-

Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. LMWH in percutaneous coronary intervention: ready for prime time?
ACC Current Journal Review 2002:
Wheeler GL, Braden GA, Steinhubl SR, Kereiakes DJ, Kotte-Marchant K, Michelson AD,
Furman MI, Mueller MN, Moliterno DJ, Sane DC. The Ultegra-RPFA: Comparison to standard
platelet function assays in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with
abciximab therapy. Am Heart J 2002:143:602-11.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ, Cost efficacy of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in clinical
trials and clinical practice. J Intervent Cardiol 2002;15:115-120.
Tamberella MR, Bhatt DL, Chew DP, Kereiakes DJ, Topol EJ, Steinhubl SR on behalf of the
GOLD investigators. Relation of platelet inactivation with intravenous GP IIb/IIIa antagonists to
major bleeding (from the GOLD study). Am J Cardiol 2002:89:1429-1431.
Topol EJ, Lincoff AM, Kereiakes DJ, Kleiman NA, Cohen EA, Ferguson JJ, Tcheng JE,
Anderson KM, Barnathan ES, Califf RM for the EPIC, EPILOG and EPISTENT investigators.
Multi-year follow-up of abciximab therapy in three randomized, placebo-controlled trials of
percutaneous coronary revascularization. Am J Med 2002;113:1-6.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor use during percutaneous
coronary intervention: “IIb or Not IIb, What is the Question?” J Invas Cardiol 2002:14:404-410.
Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hochman JS, Jones RH, Kereiakes DJ,
Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE III, Steward DE, Theroux P.
ACC/AHA 2002 Guideline update for the management of patients with unstable angina and non-
st-segment elevation myocardial infarction-summary article. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;40:1366-
Kereiakes DJ, Lincoff AM, Anderson K, Achenbach R, Patel K, Barnathan E, Califf RM, Topol
EJ on behalf of the EPIC, EPILOG and EPISTENT investigators. Abciximab survival advantage
following percutaneous coronary intervention is predicted by clinical risk profile. Am J Cardiol

Kereiakes DJ,
Montalescot G, Antman EM, Cohen M, Darius H, Ferguson JJ, Grines C, Karsch
K, Kleiman NS, Moliterno D, Steg PG, Teirstein P, Van deWerf F, Wallentin L. Low-molecular-
weight heparin therapy for non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes and during percutaneous
coronary intervention: an expert consensus”. Am Heart J 2002;144:615-624.
Prpic R, Teirstein PS, Reilly JP, Moses JW, Tripuraneni P, Lansky American Journal of
Cardiology, Giorgianni JA, Jani S, Wong SC, Fish RD, Ellis S, Holmes DR, Kereiakes DJ, Kung
RE, Leon MB. Long-term outcomes of patients treated with repeat percutaneous coronary
intervention after failure of gamma brachytherapy for the treatment of in-stent restenosis. Circ

Nakada MT, Sassoli PM, Tam SH, Nedelman MA, Jordan RE, Kereiakes DJ. Abciximab
pharmacodynamics are unaffected by antecedent therapy with other GP IIb/IIIa antagonists in
non-human primates. J Thromobosis and Thrombolysis 2002;14:15-24
Choo JK, Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. A guide to drug use during percutaneous coronary
intervention. Drugs 2002;62:2589-601.

Lepor NE, Madyoon H, Kereiakes DJ. Effective and efficient strategies for coronary
revascularization in the drug-eluting stent era. Reviews in Cardiovasclar Medicine 2002;3(suppl
O’Neill W, Kereiakes DJ, Braden G, Ramee SR. In-stent restenosis: treatment controversies. J
Invas Cardiol 2002:14: Supplement D (October).
Kereiakes DJ, McDonald MA, Broderick TM, Roth EM, Whang DD, Martin LH, Howard W,
Schneider J, Shimshak TM, Abbottsmith, CA. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers: an
appropriate use model for expediting care in acute coronary syndromes. Am Heart Journal
2000;139:S53-S60 (supplement).
Kereiakes DJ, Broderick TM, Roth EM, Mueller M, Anderson LC, Howard W, Blanck C,
Abbottsmith CA. High platelet count in platelet rich plasma reduces measured platelet inhibition
by abciximab but not small molecule glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists. J Thromb
Thrombolysis 2000;9:149-155.
Gurbel PA, Kereiakes DJ, Dalesandro MR, Bahr RD, O’Connor CM, Serebruany VL. Role of
soluble and platelet-bound P-selectin in discriminating cardiac from noncardiac chest pain at
presentation in the emergency department. Am Heart J 2000;139:320-8.
Serebruany VL, Kereiakes DJ, Dalesandro MR, Gurbel PA. Model of flow cytometer markedly
affects platelet - bound p-selectin expression in patients with chest pain. Are we comparing
apples with oranges? Thrombosis Research 1999;96:51-56.
Kereiakes DJ, Midei M, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Schlofmitz R, Yakubov S, Fink S, Hu F,
Nishimura N, Sievers M, Valentine ME, Broderick TM, Lansky A, Moses J. Procedural and late
outcomes following MULTI-LINK DUET coronary stent deployment. Am J Cardiol,

Hendel RC, Henry TD, Rocha-Singh K, Isner JM, Kereiakes DJ, Giordano FJ, Simons M,
Bonow RO. Effect of intracoronary recombinant human vascular endothelial growth factor on
myocardial perfusion. Evidence for a dose-dependent effect. Circulation 2000;101:118-121.
Kereiakes DJ. Into the third millennium: the changing face of cardiology practice. J Cardiovasc
Mgmt 1999;20-23.
Kereiakes DJ, Broderick TM, Abbottsmith CA, Shimshak TM. Bleeding risks and vascular
complications following abciximab therapy for percutaneous coronary intervention: a new look
at an old problem. J Invas Cardiol 2000;12:95-98.
Madan M, Kereiakes DJ, Hermiller JB, Rund MM, Tudor G, Anderson L, McDonald MB,
Berkowitz, SD, Sketch MH, Phillips HR III, Tcheng JE. Efficacy of Abciximab Readministration
in Coronary Intervention. Am J Cardiol 2000;85:435-440.
Kereiakes DJ, Fry E, Matthai W, Niederman A, Barr L, Brodie B, Zidar J, Casale P, Christy G,
Moliterno D, Lengerich R, Broderick T, Shimshak T, Cohen M. Combination enoxaparin and
abciximab therapy during percutaneous coronary intervention: “NICE” Guys finish first. J Invas
Cardiol 2000;12:1A- 5A (supplement).
Tramuta DA, Kereiakes DJ, Dippel EJ, Lengerich R, Broderick TM, Abbottsmith CW, Whang
DD, Roth EM, Schneider JF, Howard W, Shimshak TM. Combination enoxaparin-abciximab
therapy during coronary intervention: the next standard of care? Journal of Invasive Cardiology
2000;12:3C-6C (supplement).
Kereiakes DJ
, Runyon JP, Broderick TM, Shimshak TM. IIb’s are not IIb’s. Am J Cardiol
2000;85;23C-31C (supplement).
Kereiakes DJ, Grines C, Fry E, Esente A, Barr L, Matthai W, Shimshak TS, Broderick M, Cohen
M. Combination enoxaparin and abciximab during percutaneous coronary intervention: a new
standard of care? Current Interventional Cardiology Reports 2000:2;157-164.
Davidson CJ, Laskey WK, Hermiller JB, Harrison JK, Matthai WH, Vliestra RE, Brinker JA,
Kereiakes DJ, Muhlestein JB, Lansky A, Popma JJ, Buchbinder M, Hirshfeld JW Jr. A
randomized trial of contrast media utilization in high risk PTCA (The COURT Trial). Circulation
Trial of abciximab with and without low-dose reteplase for acute myocardial infarction.
Strategies for Patency Enhancement in the Emergency Department (SPEED) Group. Circulation
Kereiakes DJ, Berkowitz SC, Lincoff AM, Tcheng JE, Wolski K, Achenbach R, Melsheimer R,
Anderson K, Califf RM, Topol EJ. Clinical correlates and clinical course of thrombocytopenia
during percutaneous coronary intervention in the era of abciximab platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
blockade. Am Heart Journal 2000,140:74-80.
Kereiakes DJ, Linnemeier TJ, Baim DS, Kuntz R, O’Shaughnessy C, Hermiller J, Fink S,
Lansky A, Nishimura N, Broderick TM, Popma J. Usefulness of stent length in predicting instent
restenosis (The MULTI-LINK stent trials). Am J Cardiol 2000;86:336-341.

Grines CL, Kereiakes DK. Antithrombotic therapy in the catheterization laboratory: interim
analysis of the NICE trials. European Heart Journal 2000;2(suppl):F12-F15.
Harrington RA, Armstrong PW, Graffagnino C, Vande Werf F, Kereiakes DJ, Sigmon KN, Card
T, Joseph DM, Samuels R, Granett J, Califf RM, Topol EJ for the Anti PLAtelet Useful Dose
(APLAUD) study investigators. Dose-finding, safety, tolerability of an oral platelet glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa inhibitor, lotrafiban, in patients with coronary or cerebral atherosclerotic disease.
Circulation 2000;102:728-735.
Kereiakes DJ. Unstable Angina: When Should We Intervene? Current Controlled Trials in
Cardiovasc Med 2000:1:9-14.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Combination low-molecular weight heparin and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibition during coronary intervention. Acute Coronary Syndromes 2000:3:62
Gurbel PA, Kereiakes DJ, Serebruany VL. Soluble p-selection is not a surrogate marker for
platelet p-selection: evidence from a multicenter chest pain study group. J Thrombosis &
Thrombolysis 2000:10:15-22.
Kereiakes DJ, Obenchain RL, Barber BL, Smith A, McDonald M, Broderick TM, Runyon JP,
Shimshak TM, Schneider JF, Hattemer CH, Roth EM, Whang DD, Cocks D. Abciximab
provides cost effective survival advantage in high volume interventional practice. Am Heart J
Young JJ, Kereiekes DJ, Grines CL, for the National Investigators Collaborating on Enoxaparin
(NICE) Investigators. Low-molecular weight heparin therapy in percutaneous coronary
intervention: The NICE 1 and NICE 4 trials. J Invas Cardiol 2000;12(Suppl E):#14-E18.
Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hochman JS, Jones RH, Kereiakes DJ,
Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE, III, Steward DE, Theroux P.
ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina and non-ST-segment
elevation myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:970-1062.
Braunwald E, Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hochman JS, Jones RH,
Kereiakes DJ, Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE, III, Steward DE,
Theroux P. ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina and non-
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: executive summary and recommendations.
Circulation 2000;102:1193-1209.
Antman EM, Kereiakes DJ. Antithrombotic therapy in unstable angina/non-ST elevation
myocardial infarction: the evolving role of low-molecular-weight heparin. J Invas Cardiol
2000;12(Suppl E):E1-E4.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Abciximab: cost-effective survival advantage in clinical trials and
clinical practice. Am Heart J 2000:140:S148-53.
Gurbel PA. Kereiakes DJ, Atar D, Serebrauny VL. Baseline platelet aggregation and major
receptor expression predict subsequent activity following thrombolysis for acute myocardial
infarction. Scand Cardiovasc J 2000:34:53-58.
Kereiakes DJ, Young JJ, Broderick TM, Shimshak TM, Abbottsmith CW. Therapeutic adjuncts
for immediate transfer to the catheterization laboratory in patients with acute coronary
syndromes. Am J Cardiol 2000:86:10M-17M.
Baim DS, Cutlip DE, Midei M, Linnemeier TJ, Schreiber T, Cox D, Kereiakes DJ, Popma JJ,
Robertson L, Prince R, Lansky AJ, Ho KKL, Kuntz RE for the ASCENT investigators. Final
results of a randomized trial comparing the MULTI-LINK stent to the Palmaz-Schatz stent for
narrowings in native coronary arteries. Am J Cardiol 2001;87:157-162.
Baim DS, Cutlip DE, O’Shaughnessy CD, Hermiller JB, Midei M, Kereiakes DJ,
Giambartolomei A, Katz S, Lansky AJ, Fitzpatrick M, Popma JJ, Ho KKL, Leon MB, Kuntz RE
for the NIRVANA investigators. Final results of a randomized trial comparing the NIR stent to
the Palmaz-Schatz stent for narrowings in native coronary arteries. Am J Cardiol 2001;87:152-
Leon MB, Teirstein PS, Moses JW, Lansky AJ, Tripuraneni P, Jani S, Wong SC, Willerson JT,
Ellis S, Holmes DR, Kereiakes DJ, Kuntz RE. A multicenter randomized trial of localized
intracoronary gamma radiation therapy to inhibit restenosis after stenting. New Engl J Med

Kereiakes, DJ
, Kleiman NS, Fry E, Mwawasi G, Lengerich R, Maresh K, Burkert ML,
Aquilina JW, DeLoof M, Broderick TM, Shimshak TM. Dalteparin in combination with
abciximab during percutaneous coronary intervention. Am Heart J 2001;141:348-52.

Dippel EJ, Kereiakes DJ, Tramuta DA, Broderick TM, Shimshak TM, Roth EM, Hattemer CJ,
Runyon JP, Whang DD, Schneider JF, Abbottsmith CW. Coronary perforation during
percutaneous coronary intervention in the era of abciximab platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
blockade: an algorithm for percutaneous management. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent
2001;52:279-286 .
Reddy MS, Carmody TJ, Kereiakes DJ. Severe delayed thrombocytopenia associated with
abciximab (ReoPro) therapy. Cathet & Cardiovasc Interv 2001;52:486-488.
Kereiakes DJ, Grines C, Fry E, Esente P, Hoppensteadt D, Midei M, Barr L, Matthai W, Todd
M, Broderick TM, Rubinstein R, Fareed J, Santoian E, Neiderman A, Brodie B, Zidar J, Cohen M
for the NICE 1 and NICE 4 investigators. Enoxaparin and abciximab adjunctive
pharmacotherapy during percutaneous coronary intervention. J Invas Cardiol 2001;13:272-278.
Steinhubl SR, Talley JD, Braden GA, Tcheng JE, Casterella PJ, Moliterno DJ, Navetta FI, Berger
PB, Popma JJ, Dangas G, Gallo R., Sane DC, Saucedo JF, Jia G, Lincoff AM, Theroux P,
Holmes DR, Teirstein PS, Kereiakes DJ. Point-of-care measured platelet inhibition correlates
with the risk of an adverse cardiac event following percutaneous coronary intervention. Results
of the GOLD (AU-assessing Ultegra) multicenter study. Circulation 2001;103:2572-2578.
Seshiah PN, Kereiakes DJ, Goldschmidt-Clermont P. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor
blockers: class and agent-specific clinical benefits. Cardiology Special Edition (in press)

Smith SC, Dove JT, Jacobs AK, Kennedy JW, Kereiakes DJ, Kern MJ, Kuntz RE, Popma JJ,
Schaff HV, Williams DO. ACC/AHA Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
(Revision of the 1993 PTCA Guidelines) – Executive Summary. J Am Coll Cardiol
Smith SC, Dove JT, Jacobs AK, Kennedy JW, Kereiakes DJ, Kern MJ, Kuntz RE, Popma JJ,
Schaff HV, Williams DO. ACC/AHA Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
(Revision of the 1993 PTCA Guidelines – Executive Summary. Circulation 2001;103:3019-
Tcheng JE, Kereiakes DJ, Lincoff AM, George BS, Kleiman NS, Sane DC, Cines DB, Jordan
RE, Mascelli MA, Langrall MA, Damaraju L, Schantz A, Effron MB, Braden GA, on behalf of
the ReoPro Readminstration Registry investigators. Abciximab readministration: results of the
ReoPro readministration registry. Circulation 2001;104:870-875.
Lincoff AM, Kereiakes DJ, Mascelli MA, Deckelbaum LI, Barnathan ES, Patel KK, Frederick
B, Topol EJ. Abciximab suppresses the rise in levels of circulating inflammatory markers
following percutaneous coronary revascularization. Circulation 2001;104:163-167.
Foley DP, Kereiakes DJ, Riele JAM, Nishimura N, Veldhof S, Yeung A, van Hoogenhuyze ,
Lansky AM, van Es G, Butryk MJB, Serruys PW on behalf of the US and European DUET
investigators. Acute and 6 month clinical and angiographic outcome after implantation of the
ACS DUET stent for single vessel coronary artery disease: final results of the European and US
ACS MULTI LINK DUET registry. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2001:54:25-33.
Roe MT, Cura F, Joski PS, Garcia E, Guetta V, Kereiakes DJ, Zijlstra F, Brodie BR, Grines CL,
Ellis SG. Initial experience with multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention during
mechanical reperfusion for acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:170-173.
Furman MI, Kereiakes DJ, Krueger LA, Mueller MN, Pieper K, Broderick TM, Schneider JF,
Howard WL, Fox ML, Barnard MR, Frelinger AL III, Michelson AD. Leukocyte-platelet
aggregation and platelet p-selectin and GP IIIa expression following percutaneous coronary
intervention: effects of dalteparin or unfractionated heparin in combination with abciximab. Am
Heart J 2001;142:790-8.

Casterella PJ, Kereiakes DJ, Steinhubl SR, Raymond RE, Kottke-Marchant K, Patel K, Mueller
M, Rosenthal M, Moliterno DJ, Teirstein PS. The platelet function dose-response to abciximab
during percutaneous coronary revascularization is variable. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent
Choo J, Kereiakes DJ. Low molecular weight heparin therapy for percutaneous coronary
intervention: a practice in evolution. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2001;11:235-246.
Kereiakes DJ, Lorenz T, Young JJ, Kukeilka G, Mueller MN, Nanniazzi-Alaimo L, Phillips DR.
Differential effects of citrate versus PPACK anticoagulation on measured platelet inhibition by
abciximab, eptifibatide and tirofiban. J Thomb Thrombolysis 2001;12:123-127.
Kandzari DE, Behar VS, Sketch MH Jr., Kereiakes DJ, Shimshak T, Broderick T, Young J,
Runyon JP, Safian RD, Kern M, Colombo A. Extensive thrombus prior to elective percutaneous
coronary intervention. J Invas Cardiol 2001;13:538-42.
Kereiakes, DJ, Ticlopidine monotherapy following coronary stent deployment: “Penny wise and
Pound Foolish”. J Invas Cardiol 2001;13:437-8

Furman MI, Kereiakes DJ, Krueger LA, Mueller MN, Pieper K, Broderick TM, Schneider JF,
Howard WL, Fox ML, Barnard MR, Frelinger AL 3rd, Michelson AD. Leukocyte-platelet
aggregation, platelet surface P-selectin, and platelet surface glycoprotein IIIa after percutaneous
coronary intervention: Effects of dalteparin or unfractionated heparin in combination with
abciximab. Am Heart J. 2001 Nov;142(5):790-8.
Kereiakes DJ, Broderick TM, Howard WL, Anderson LC, Weber M, Mitts DL. Successful
long-term therapy following saphenous vein-covered stent deployment for atherosclerotic
coronary aneurysm. Cathet and Cardiovasc Interv 2002:55:100-104.
Seshiah PN, Kereiakes DJ, Vasudevan SV, Lopes N, Su BY, Flavahan NA, Goldschmidt-
Clermont PJ. Activated monocytes induce smooth muscle cell death – Role of Macrophage
colony-stimulating factor and cell contact. Circulation 2002;105:174-180.

Braunwald E, Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hockman JS, Jones RH,
Kereiakes D, Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE3rd, Steward DE,
Therous P, Gibbons RJ, Alpert JS, Faxon DP, Fuster Intravenous, Gregoratos G, Hiratzka LF,
Jacobs AK, Smith SC Jr. ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for the management of patients with
unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction – summary article: a report
of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice
guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients with Unstable Angina). J Am Coll Cardiol

Braunwald E, Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hockman JS, Jones RH,
Kereiakes D, Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE3rd, Steward DE,
Therous P, Gibbons RJ, Alpert JS, Faxon DP, Fuster Intravenous, Gregoratos G, Hiratzka LF,
Jacobs AK, Smith SC Jr. ACC/AHA guideline update for the management of patients with
unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction – 2002: summary article: a
report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association on practice guidelines
(Committee on the Management of Patients with Unstable Angina). Circulation 2002;106:1893-
Tamburino C, Russo G, Nicosia A, Galassi AR, Foti R, Grasso A, Calvi V, Kereiakes DJ,
Giuffrida G. Prophylactic abciximab in elective complex coronary stenting: results of a
randomized trial. J Invas Cardiol 2002;14:72-79.

Mazur W, Kaluza GL, Sapp S, Balog, C, Topol EJ, Mark DB, Ellis SG, Kereiakes DJ, Lincoff
AM, Kleiman NS. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition with abciximab and post-procedural risk
assessment: lesson from EPISTENT and implication for ad hoc use of GP IIb/IIIa antagonists.
Am Heart J 2002;143:594-601.
Kereiakes DJ, Choo JK, Young JJ, Broderick TM. Combination antiplatelet therapy following
brachytherapy with restenting: “It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings” J Invas Cardiol 2002;14:115-

Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. LMWH in percutaneous coronary intervention: ready for prime time?
ACC Current Journal Review 2002:
Wheeler GL, Braden GA, Steinhubl SR, Kereiakes DJ, Kotte-Marchant K, Michelson AD,
Furman MI, Mueller MN, Moliterno DJ, Sane DC. The Ultegra-RPFA: Comparison to standard
platelet function assays in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with
abciximab therapy. Am Heart J 2002:143:602-11.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ, Cost efficacy of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in clinical
trials and clinical practice. J Intervent Cardiol 2002;15:115-120.
Tamberella MR, Bhatt DL, Chew DP, Kereiakes DJ, Topol EJ, Steinhubl SR on behalf of the
GOLD investigators. Relation of platelet inactivation with intravenous GP IIb/IIIa antagonists to
major bleeding (from the GOLD study). Am J Cardiol 2002:89:1429-1431.
Topol EJ, Lincoff AM, Kereiakes DJ, Kleiman NA, Cohen EA, Ferguson JJ, Tcheng JE,
Anderson KM, Barnathan ES, Califf RM for the EPIC, EPILOG and EPISTENT investigators.
Multi-year follow-up of abciximab therapy in three randomized, placebo-controlled trials of
percutaneous coronary revascularization. Am J Med 2002;113:1-6.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor use during percutaneous
coronary intervention: “IIb or Not IIb, What is the Question?” J Invas Cardiol 2002:14:404-410.
Antman EM, Beasley JW, Califf RM, Cheitlin MD, Hochman JS, Jones RH, Kereiakes DJ,
Kupersmith J, Levin TN, Pepine CJ, Schaeffer JW, Smith EE III, Steward DE, Theroux P.
ACC/AHA 2002 Guideline update for the management of patients with unstable angina and non-
st-segment elevation myocardial infarction-summary article. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;40:1366-
Kereiakes DJ, Lincoff AM, Anderson K, Achenbach R, Patel K, Barnathan E, Califf RM, Topol
EJ on behalf of the EPIC, EPILOG and EPISTENT investigators. Abciximab survival advantage
following percutaneous coronary intervention is predicted by clinical risk profile. Am J Cardiol

Kereiakes DJ,
Montalescot G, Antman EM, Cohen M, Darius H, Ferguson JJ, Grines C, Karsch
K, Kleiman NS, Moliterno D, Steg PG, Teirstein P, Van deWerf F, Wallentin L. Low-molecular-
weight heparin therapy for non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes and during percutaneous
coronary intervention: an expert consensus”. Am Heart J 2002;144:615-624.
Prpic R, Teirstein PS, Reilly JP, Moses JW, Tripuraneni P, Lansky American Journal of
Cardiology, Giorgianni JA, Jani S, Wong SC, Fish RD, Ellis S, Holmes DR, Kereiakes DJ, Kung
RE, Leon MB. Long-term outcomes of patients treated with repeat percutaneous coronary
intervention after failure of gamma brachytherapy for the treatment of in-stent restenosis. Circ

Nakada MT, Sassoli PM, Tam SH, Nedelman MA, Jordan RE, Kereiakes DJ. Abciximab
pharmacodynamics are unaffected by antecedent therapy with other GP IIb/IIIa antagonists in
non-human primates. J Thromobosis and Thrombolysis 2002;14:15-24
Choo JK, Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. A guide to drug use during percutaneous coronary
intervention. Drugs 2002;62:2589-601.

Lepor NE, Madyoon H, Kereiakes DJ. Effective and efficient strategies for coronary
revascularization in the drug-eluting stent era. Reviews in Cardiovasclar Medicine 2002;3(suppl
O’Neill W, Kereiakes DJ, Braden G, Ramee SR. In-stent restenosis: treatment controversies. J
Invas Cardiol 2002:14: Supplement D (October).
Baseline characteristics of patients with atrial fibrillation: the AFFIRM Study. Am Heart J.
Kereiakes DJ. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition and atheroembolism during bypass graft
angioplasty – a cup half full. Circulation 2002;106:2994-2996.

Kereiakes DJ
, Grines C, Fry E, Barr L, Matthai W, Broderick TM, Lengerich R, Cohen
M, Esente P. Abciximab-enoxaparin interaction during percutaneous coronary
intervention: Results of the NICE 1 and 4 trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:92A.
Kereiakes DJ, Berkowitz SD, Lincoff AM, Tcheng JE, Wolski K, Califf RM, Topol EJ.
Abciximab thrombocytopenia: clinical correlates and outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol
Weaver WD, Harrington RA, Grines CL, Keeley EC, Kereiakes DJ, Bittl JA, Grogan
DR, Emanuelsson H. Intravenous AR-C69931MX, a novel P2T platelet receptor
antagonist in patients undering percutaneous coronary interventions: preliminary results
from a placebo or active controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:36A.
Matthai WH, Kereiakes DJ, Grines CL, Siegel JE. Comparative effects of low
molecular weight heparin (with and without abciximab) and unfractionated heparin on
antithrombin activity during coonary angioplasty. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:34A.
Steinhubl S, Talley D, Kereiakes D, Braden G, Tcheng J, Casterella P, Moliterno D,
Berger P, Popma J, Dangas G, Gallo R, Navetta F, Sane, D, Holmes D, Teirstein P, Topol
E. A prospective multicenter study to determine the optimal level of platelet inhibition
with GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients underoing coronary intervention – the GOLD
study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:44A.
Leon MB, Teirstein PS, Moises JW, Lansky AJ, Wong SC, Willerson J, Holmes DR,
Kereiakes DJ, Kluck B, Hermiller JB, George BS, Ellis E, Nawaz DM, Kuntz RE. The
Gamma II trial of localized radiation therapy to inhibit restenosis after coronary stenting.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:50A.
Bhatt DL, Lincoff AM, Tcheng JE, Califf RM, Lallier PL, Marso SP, Wolski KE,
Kereiakes DJ, Topol EJ. The impact of abciximab on mortality after multivessel PCI: a
striking effect in diabetes. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:91A.
Caputo RP, Giambartolomei A, Simons A, Esente P, Kereiakes DJ, Ho K, Carrozza JP.
Small vessel stenting – comparison of modular vs. slotted tube design. Six month results
from the EXTRA trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:56A.
Bhatt DL, Lincoff AM, Kereiakes DJ, Tcheng JE, Godfrey N, Califf RM, Topol EJ.
Reduction in the Need for Unplanned Stenting with the Use of Platelet Glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa Blockade in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. European Heart Journal
Kereiakes DJ, Smith SC, Jacobs AK, Kern M, Faxon DP. Angioplasty for acute
myocardial infarction in community hospital without surgical back-up: response to
Wharton and Angelini publications: Should guidelines be changed?: Not whether but
when. Letter to editor; J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:299-300.
Kereiakes DJ, Cox D, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C, Te Riele J, Lansky A, Fink S,
Nishimura N, Seivers M. MULTILINK-TETRA: A New Generation Stent Design with
Enhanced Clinical Performance. Am J Cardiol, 2000; 86:17i.
Kereiakes DJ, Lincoff AM, Achenbach R, Melsheimer R, Kurz M, Califf R, Anderson
K, Topol E. Long Term Abciximab Survival Advantage is not Explained by Reduction
in Early Major Cardiac Events. Am J Cardiol, 2000; 86:13i.
Kukielka GL, Kereiakes DJ, Lorenz T, Mueller M, Andrade D, Halsey N,
Howard W, Lovejoy S., Phillips DR. Differential Effects of Citrate vs. PPACK
Anticoagulants: Implications for Comparing Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors. Am
J Cardiol, 2000; 86:69i.
Kereiakes DJ, Kleiman NS, Fry E, Lengerich R, Aquilina J, DeLoof M,
Mwawasi G, Maresh K, Burkhart M, Broderick T. Dalteparin and abciximab
combination for percutaneous coronary intervention: first dose finding trial results
Am J Cardiol, 2000; 86:73i.
Kereiakes D, Fry E, Barr L, Matthai W, Cohen M, Brodie , Casale P, Christy G,
Moliterno D, Zidar J. Enoxaparin-Abciximab Combination For Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention: Final Results of the NICE 4 Trial. Am J Cardiol, 2000; 86:14i.
Wong SC, Teirstein P, Moses J, Lansky A, Holmes D, Tripurament P, Jani S, Kereiakes
Kuntz R, Leon MB. Nine-Month Clinical Outcomes After Intravascular Radiation
Therapy for In-Stent Restenosis: A Report from the GAMMA II Registry. Am J
Cardiol, 2000;86:12i.
Kereiakes DJ, Szyniszewski AM, Simon DI, Rogers C, Wahr D, Adelman DC, Chou
TM. Coronary photoangioplasty using Motexafin Lutetium (Antrin): Early findings of a
Phase I safety trial in patients undergoing stent implantation. Circulation
Kereiakes D, Wahr D, Syzniszewski AM, et al. Antrin photoangioplasty: safety results
of a phase I trial in patients undergoing intracoronary stent implantation. Circulation
Lincoff AM, Kereiakes DJ, Mascelli MA, Deckelbaum L, Barnathan E, Patel K,
Frederick B, Topol EJ. Abciximab suppresses the rise in plasma levels of inflammatory
markers following PTCA. Circulation 2000;102:II-330.
Steinhubl SR, Talley JD, Kereiakes DJ, Braden GA, Tcheng JE, Casterella PJ, Moliterno
DJ, Navetta FI, Berger PB, Popma JJ, Dangas G, Theroux P. Correlates of baseline
platelet as measured by the Ultegra-RPFA and its association with the level of platelet
inhibition achieved with GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor therapy. Results from the GOLD Study.
Circulation 2000;102:II-418.
Steinhubl S, Talley JD, Kereiakes DJ, Braden GA, Jia G, Casterella PJ, Moliterno DJ,
Navetta FI, Berger PB, Gallo R. Presence of angiographically visible thrombus, but not
clinical syndrome, is associated with lower levels of platelet inhibition with a GPIIb/IIIa
inhibitor in patients undergoing a percutaneous coronary intervention. Results from the
GOLD Study. Circulation 2000;102:II-419.
Bhatt DL, Cho LS, Diaz LA, Wolski KE, Chew DP, Rott M, Kereiakes DJ.
Hypertension is an under-appreciated, significant risk factor for mortality after
percutaneous coronary intervention and is favorably affected by abciximab. Circulation
Mazur W, Kaluza GL, Sapp SK, Balog C, Ellis SG, Kereiakes DJ. Pre-PCI Procedural
Risk Assessment Does Not Predict Abciximab Benefit. Circulation 2000;102:II430 .
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. New strategies for management of acute coronary syndromes
in the cardiac catheterization lab. Journal of Invesitve Cardiology, Clinical Case Update
Seshiah PN, Kereiakes DJ, Vasudevan S, Lopes N, Goldschmidt-Clermont PJ.
Activated Monocytes Induce Smooth Muscle Cell Death - Role of M-CSF in Coronary
Plaque Instability: Molecular Mechanisms in vitro. JACC 2001;37:501A.

Kereiakes DJ
. Letter to Editor: Diversity of abciximab platelet inhibition (Response to
Steinhubl et al. Attainment and maintenance of platelet inhibition through standard
dosing of abciximab in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
Circulation 1999;100:1977-1982). Circulation 2000;102:E186.
Wong SC, Teirstein P, Moses J, Tripuraneni P, Kluck B, Jani S, Kereiakes DJ, George
B, Duffy CI. Leon MB. Predictors of restensosis following gamma radiation for
treatment of in-stent stenoses. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37:54A.
Seshiah PV, Kereiakes DJ, Shanker SS, Lopes N, Goldschmidt-Clermont PJ. Activated
monocytes induce smooth muscle cell death-role of M-CSF in coronary plaque
instability: molecular mechanisms in vitro. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;37:501A.
Furman, MI, Michelson A, Krueger L, Mueller MN, Broderick TM, Schneider J, Howard
W, Fox M, Barnard M, Frelinger III A, Furman M, Kereiakes DJ. Effects of ½ dose
abciximab in the presence of either dalteparin or unfractionated heparin on platelet
inhibition, as determined by 3 independent assay. Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Supplement July 2001 (abstract P382). (Presented at the XVIIIth Congress of the
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Paris, France, July 8, 2001
Kereiakes D, Michelson A, Krueger L, Mueller M, Broderick T, Schneider J, Howard
W, Fox M, Barnard M, Furman M. Randomized comparison of dalteparin vs. UH in
combination with abciximab during PCI: effects on leukocyte-platelet aggregation,
platelet activation and GP IIb/IIIa receptor expression. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:97G.
Kereiakes D, Syzniszewski AM, Hermann HC, Simon DI, Rogers CDK, Kramer PH,
Shear W, Yeung AC, Chou TM, Adelman DC. Antrin photoangioplasty for treatment of
coronary artery disease: results at 6-month follow-up. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:101G
Kereiakes DJ, Michelson AD, Krueger LA, Mueller MN, Broderick TM, Schneider JF,
Howard W, Fox M, Barnard M, Furman MI. Randomized comparison of dalteparin vs.
unfractionated in combination with abciximab during percutaneous coronary
intervention: effects on leukocyte-platelet aggregation, platelet activation and GP IIb/IIIa
receptor expression. Circ 2001;104:II-38.

Kereiakes DJ, Anderson KM, Achenbach RE, Melsheimer RM, Kurz MA, Barnathan E.
Abciximab survival advantage is not explained by reduction in early major cardiac
events: EPIC, EPILOG and EPISTENT 3 year analysis. Circ 2001;104:II-87.
Quinn MJ, Lincoff, AM, Kereiakes DJ, Kleiman NS, Cohen EA, Ferguson JJ, Tcheng
JE, Califf RM, Topol EJ. Long-Term Mortality Benefit of Abciximab in Percutaneous
Intervention. Circ 2001;104:II-387.

Boyce SW, Bartels C, Bolli R, Chaitman B, Chen JC, Chi E, Jessell A, Kereiakes DJ,
Knight J, Thulin L, Theroux P. Impact of sodium-hydrogen exchange inhibition by
cariporide on death or myocardial infarction in high risk CABG surgery patients. Results
of the CABG surgery cohort of the GUARDIAN study. Circ 2001;104:II-687.
Lincoff AM, Bittl JA, Kleiman NS, Kereiakes DJ, Harrington RA, Sarembock IJ,
Jackman JD, Mehta S, Maierson EF, Chew DP, Topol EJ for the REPLACE
investigators. The REPLACE 1 Trial: a pilot study of bivalirudin vs. heparin during
percutaneous coronary intervention with stenting and GP IIb/IIIa blockade. J Am Coll
Cardiol 2002:39:16A.
Popma JJ, Cox N, Wahr D, Hermann H, Simon DI, Rogers CD, Kramer P, Shear W,
Shunk K, YeungA, Prpic R, Adelman D, Kereiakes D. A quantitative assessment of
regional changes in lumen diameter after photodynamic therapy with motexafin lutetium
in patients undergoing stent implantation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;39:26A.
Steinhubl SR, Saucedo JF, Sane DC, Berger PB, Moliterno DJ, Tcheng JE, Kereiakes
. Point-of-care measurement of platelet function before angioplasty strongly predicts
future target vessel revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002:39:72A.
Vasudevan SS, Seshiah PN, Kereiakes D, Goldschmidt-Clermont PJ. Monocyte-induced
killing of vascular smooth muscle cells: is M-CSF the final common pathway. J Am Coll
Cardiol 2002:39:256A.
Kereiakes DJ, Rabinowitz AC, Ammar R, Young JJ, Vinekar C, Rogers C. First multi-
center experience with a novel, low-profile filter-wire distal protection device
(Interceptor) during saphenous vein graft stenting. Am J Cardiol 2002;90:26H
Kereiakes DJ, Szyniszewski A, Hermann HC, Simon DI, Rogers C, Kramer P, Shear W,
Yeung A, Shunk K, Chou T, Popma J, Fitzgerlad P, Carroll T, Forer D, Adelman D.
Optimizing drug and light dose for Antrin phototherapy during percutaneous coronary
stenting. Am J Cardiol 2002:90:156H.
Kereiakes DJ, Mehra A, Morales C, Magorien R, Popma J, Mazzoni M, Waksman R.
Multi-center study of a novel IR192 vascular brachytherapy device to treat in-stent
restenosis: final results of the ARTISTIC II trial. Am J Cardiol 2002:90:102H
Cox D, Kereiakes D, Hermiller J, Midei M, Bachinsky W, Nukta D, Lansky A, Fink S,
Marin L, Linnemeier TL. First use of a novel cobalt chrome coronary stent alloy in man:
favorable late outcomes from the Guidant Multi-link VISION stent registry. Am J
Cardiol 2002;90:15(H).

Morneault J, Kereiakes DJ, Wright CB. Economic impact of drug eluting stents in a
multiple hospital healthcare system. Am J Cardiol 2002:90:4H
Low R, Takedo P, Feldman R, Cox D, Midei M, Bergin P, Hermiller J, Kereiakes D,
Popma J, Lasala J. Incidence of creatine kinase and creatine kinase-MB and troponin I
and troponin T elevation after elective stenting in the VICTORY Trial with EXPRESS
stent. Am J Cardiol 2002:90:152H.
Chung ES, Packer M, Batra S, Lo KH, Kereiakes DJ, Willerson JT. Randomized,
placebo-controlled trial of infliximab, a monoclonal antibody to tumor necrosis factor-A
in heart failure. Circ 2002;106: II-470.
Vasudevan SS, Lopes NH, Seshiah PN, Wang T, Marsh CB, Kereiakes DJ, Dong C,
Goldschmidt PJ. M-CSF induced killing of smooth muscle cells by monocytes: roles of
monocytes agglutination and the Fas death receptor pathway. Circ 2002;106:II-242.
Moses JW, Leon MB, Popma JJ, Caputo R, O’Shaughnessy C, Brown C, Kereiakes D,
Williams DO, Teirstein PS, Kuntz RE. A multicenter randomized clinical study of the
sirolimus-eluting stent in native coronary lesions: clinical outcomes. Circ 2002;106:II-
Young JJ, Mazzaferri EL. Episodic myalgia, weakness and dark urine. Hospital Practice. 2000;
Jan. 15; 35(1):140-143.
Young JJ, Mazzaferri EL. Acute chest pain after laparotomy. Hospital Practice. 2000; Mar. 15;
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Combination low-molecular-weight heparin and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibition during coronary intervention. Acute Coronary Syndromes. 2000;3(2):62-66.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Low-molecular-weight heparins: current status for use in acute
coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary intervention. Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. New strategies for management of acute coronary syndromes in the
cardiac catheterization lab. J Invasive Cardiol. 2000;2(14):suppl.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Abciximab: cost-effective survival advantage in clinical trials and
clinical practice. Am Heart J. 2000;140:S148-53.
Kereiakes DJ, Young JJ, Broderick TM, Shimshak TM, Abbottsmith CW. Therapeutic adjuncts
for immediate transfer to the catheterization laboratory in patients with acute coronary
syndromes. Am J Cardiol. 2000;86(suppl):10M-17M.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ, Grines CL. Low-molecular-weight heparin therapy in percutaneous
coronary intervention: The NICE 1 and NICE 4 trials. J Invasive Cardiol. 2000;12(suppl E):E14-
Kereiakes DJ, Young JJ, Runyon JP, Shimshak TM. Ticlopidine monotherapy following
coronary stent deployment: “Penny wise and pound foolish”. J Invasive Cardiol. 2001;13:437-8.
Kandzari DE, Behar VS, Sketch MH, Kereiakes DJ, Shimshak T, Broderick T, Young J, Runyon
JP, Safian RD, Kern M, Colombo A. Extensive thrombus prior to elective percutaneous coronary
intervention. J Invasive Cardiol. 2001;13:538-42.
Kereiakes DJ, Lorenz T, Young JJ, Kukielka G, Mueller MN, Nanniazzi-Alaimo L, Phillips DR.
Differential effects of citrate versus PPACK anticoagulation on measured platelet inhibition by
abciximab, eptifibatide and tirofiban. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2001;12:123-7.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Low-molecular-weight heparin in percutaneous coronary intervention:
ready for prime time? ACC Current Journal Review. Mar/Apr. 2002:59-64.
Kereiakes DJ, Choo JK, Young JJ, Broderick TM. Combination antiplatelet therapy following
brachytherapy with restenting: “It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings”. J Invasive Cardiol.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Cost efficacy of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in clinical
trials and clinical practice. J Interv Cardiol. 2002;15:115-20.
Kereiakes DJ, Young JJ, Choo JK, Broderick TM. Intragraft verapamil: “an ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure”. J Invasive Cardiol. 2002;14:303-4.
Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor use during percutaneous
coronary intervention: “IIb or not IIb, what is the question?”. J Invasive Cardiol. 2002;14:404-10
Choo JK, Young JJ, Kereiakes DJ. A guide to drug use during percutaneous coronary intervention.

Dave RJ, Sachdev S, Dippel E, Tramuta D, Young JJ, Runyon JP, Shimshak TM. Improved one
year patency rates for lengthy superficial femoral artery chronic total occlusions using conventional angioplasty techniques and nitinol stenting. Presented at the Global Endovascular Therapy Conference, Monte Carlo, 2001. Yadav JS, Moliterno DJ, Whitlow PL, Almany SL, Ajluni SC, Choksi NA, Bowers TR, Kahn JK, Castaneda F, Brady TM, Swischuk JL, Smouse HB, Hartigan AS, Shimshak TM, Young JJ,
Davis TP, LaLonde TA, Benenati JF, Zemel G, Powell A, Roberts JS, Quesada R, DeFranco AC,
Harris JL, Chambers JL, Rutherford BD, Johnson WL, Mewissen MW, Cummins FE. A
randomized trial comparing the QuickSeal arterial closure device to manual compression
following interventional and diagnostic catheterization procedures. Presented at TCT in
Washington, D.C., September 2001.

Chow T, Booth T, Schloss EJ, Waller T, Chung E, Ibanez K, Choo J, Menon S, Young J, Kereiakes
D. Routine microvolt T-wave alternans screening predicts inducible ventricular arrhythmias. Presented at Cardiostim in Nice, France, June 18, 2002.
Chow T, Booth T, Schloss EJ, Waller T, Chung E, Ibanez K, Choo J, Menon S, Young J, Kereiakes
D. The spectrum of T-wave alternans in patients with coronary artery disease. Presented at Cardiostim in Nice, France, June 18, 2002.
Chow T, Booth T, Schloss EJ, Waller T, Chung E, Ibanez K, Choo J, Menon S, Young J, Kereiakes
D. Limitations of an accelerated ventricular stimulation protocol. Presented at Cardiostim in Nice, France, June 18, 2002.
Young JJ, Abbottsmith CW, Broderick TM, Choo JK, Runyon JP, Schneider JF, Shimshak TM,
Kereiakes DJ. Durable clinical benefit following SR90 beta irradiation therapy for in-stent restenosis in community hospital practice. Presented at TCT in Washington, D.C., September 2002.
Kereiakes DJ, Rabinowitz AC, Ammar R, Young JJ, Vinekar C, Rogers C. First multi-center
experience with a novel, low-profile filter-wire distal protection device (Interceptor) during saphenous vein graft stenting. Am J Cardiol. 2002;90:26H. Lorbar M, Skalova K, Nabi A, Chung ES, Fenton RA, Dobson JG Jr, Meyer TE.
Norepinephrine concentrations in the epicardial transudate reflect early changes in adrenergic activity in the isolated perfused heart. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2000 Sep;32(9):1695-701
Woodiwiss AJ, Tsotetsi OJ, Sprott S, Lancaster EJ, Mela T, Chung ES, Meyer TE,
Norton GR. Reduction in myocardial collagen cross-linking parallels left ventricular
dilatation in rat models of systolic chamber dysfunction. Circulation. 2001 Jan
Meyer TE, Chung ES, Perlini S, Norton GR, Woodiwiss AJ, Lorbar M, Fenton RA,
Dobson JG. Antiadrenergic Effects of Adenosine in Pressure Overload Hypertrophy.
Hypertension. 2001 Mar;37(3):862-868.
Fenton RA, Chung ES. Chronic ethanol enhances adenosine antiadrenergic actions in
the isolated rat heart. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2001 Jul;25(7):968-75.
Norton GR, Woodiwill AJ, Gaasch WH, Mela T, Chung ES, Aurigemma GP,
Meyer TE. Heart failure in pressure overload hypertrophy. The relative roles of
ventricular remodeling and myocardial dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Feb
T Chow, T Booth, E Schloss, et. al. The spectrum of microvolt T-wave alternans in
patients with coronary artery disease. Europace, 185P-12, 2002 (abstract)
T Chow, T Booth, E Schloss, et. al. Routine microvolt T-wave alternans screening
predicts inducible ventricular arrhythmias. Europace, 185P-11, 2002 (abstract)
T Chow, T Booth, E Schloss et. al. Limitations of an acceleration ventricular stimulation
protocol. Europace, 152P-43, 2002 (Abstract)

Book Chapters:
Kereiakes DJ. Platelet GP II/IIIa inhibition-device synergy during percutaneous
coronary intervenion. In Ferguson JJ, Chronos NAF, Harrington RA (eds). Antiplatelet
Therapy in Clinical Practice. Martin Dunitz Publisher, 2000.
Pelberg, Robert A, Antevil, Jared L. Cardiac Imaging. Radiology Recall. Gay,
Spencer. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2000.

Kereiakes DJ,
Shimshak TM. Adjunctive Pharmacology During Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention. In Antman E (ed) Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 2nd Edition. W.B.
Saunders. 2001.
Kereiakes DJ, Shimshak TM. Coronary artery revascularization: adjunctive
pharmacology in the percutaneous approach. In Lanzer P, Topol EJ (eds). Pan Vascular
Medicine, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2002.
Archer TP, Young JJ, Mazzaferri EL. Morning Report: Internal Medicine. McGraw-Hill
Publishing Companies, Inc., New York, NY. 2000, Co-Author.
The Little Heart Book. Robertson & Fisher Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 2001, Co-Editor.
The Little Book on Congestive Heart Failure. Robertson & Fisher Publishing Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio. 2001, Co-Editor.
Dave RM, Sachdev S, Young JJ, Shimshak TM. Aortoiliac bifurcation stent placement. In
White CJ (ed). Peripheral Vascular Interventions. Martin Dunitz Publisher, 2002, pp 153-157.

The Second Annual “PRIMER ON PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE – AN INTERVENTIONAL COURSE FOR ADVANCED ANGIOPLASTY FELLOWS” The HEART 2000 - “A Comprehensive Cardiology Update for Primary Care Physicians Saturday, October 27, 2001 The Heart 2001 Series – “Second Annual Clinical Cardiology Update for Primary Care Physicians” Peripheral Endovascular Techniques – PET Course “Third Annual Program for Advanced Interventional Cardiology” Saturday, October 19, 2002 THE HEART 2002 – Third Annual Clinical Cardiology Update for Physicians, Nurses, and Allied Health Professionals” The Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center PROGRAMS FOR THE PUBLIC:
“Living With Heart Failure”
The Christ Hospital Auditorium
“From Palpitations to Fainting – Atrial Fibrillation; Diagnosis, Management & New Frontiers” The Christ Hospital Auditorium “Cardiovascular Disease In The New Millennium – Cardiovascular Disease: Scope of the Problem” “Living With Heart Failure – Medical Management of Heart Failure; A discussion About Medications: Congestive Heart Failure Program” “Living Well With Heart Disease – A 3-Part Education Series for People Who Care About Their Health” MANAGEMENT OF HEART RHYTHM PROBLEMS (04/17/02) “HEART MATTERS – New Heart Information for everyone” The Christ Hospital Auditorium PRECEPTORSHP TRAINING PROGRAMS
Program Dates
Participants Name
- Kingson Mohmah, M.D. - Alan Simon, M.D. - Visha Bhoopalam, M.D. - Robert Starrett, M.D. - Paul Gordon, M.D. - Hamed Taheri, M.D. - Dr. Robert Starrett - Dr. Kingson Mohmah, MD - Thomas Wolford, M.D.
- Kingston Mohmah, M.D. - Roger Wittum, M.D. - Dr. Jeffrey Rubenstein - Dr. Claude Brachfield 44 Participants
Program Dates
Sponsor Participants Name
- Dr. Pierre Bamdad - Dr. Frederick Stockton 33 Participants

Source: http://www.ohioheartandvascular.com/pdf/2000-2002.pdf


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