HARYANA LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT BOARD NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tender for the supply of the following Hormones :-
Intravaginal Progesterone releasing device containing 1.35 to 1.40 gm of NaturalProgesterone moulded in a non-toxic/non irritant plastic/nylon spine with a strongthread of suitable length (Tail) for easy removal. One user-friendly applicator withevery five packets of ten inserts each.
Synthetic PG F2 aplha: containing equivalent to Cloprostenol Sodium 250microgram per ml. Single 2 ml packing.
Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH, HCG & PMSG) Analogue equivalent to Buserelin 0.0004 mg/ml. 5 ml/10 ml pack.
1. Are hereby invited for above mentioned each item separately by the Managing
Director, Haryana Livestock Development Board, Panchkula, Pashudhan Bhawan,
Bays No. 9-12, Sector-2, Panchkula which should reach in this office on or before
13.02.2014 at 3.00 P.M. The tenders will be opened at 4.00 P.M. on the same day in
the presence of the tenderers or their representative who will be present on the spot.
2. Tender form can be purchased from the office of Managing Director, Haryana
Livestock Development Board, Sector-2, Panchkula on any working day between
09.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M. against a payment of ` 500/- in cash. pashudhanharyana.gov.in.
4. In case ,a tenderer is submitting tender, in tender form downloaded from website
then the tender fee of ` 500/- in the shape of Bank Draft in favour of Managing
Director, Haryana Livestock Development Board payable at Panchkula must be
attached with the tender in addition to earnest money with the tender/bids.
5. Each tender must be accompanied with an earnest money of ` 15,000/-
(` Fifteen Thousand only) in the shape of Bank Draft in favour of Managing Director,
Haryana Livestock Development Board payable at Panchkula.
6. While quoting the rates, it must be certified that the rates quoted are not more than
the rates quoted to the Director, Supplies and Disposals, Haryana, Chandigarh and
7. The tenderer must clearly mention that the tenderer is a manufacturer and must give
proof in support thereof. In case the tenderer is quoting on behalf of some other
manufacturer, the offer must be accompanied by an authority letter from the actual
manufacturer authorizing the tenderer to quote on his behalf.
8. The Managing Director, Haryana Livestock Development Board, Panchkula has the
right to alter any terms and condition of the tender or to cancel the same without prior
9. Conditional tenders shall not be accepted at any cost.
10. In case of acceptance of the tender, the tenderer shall have to ensure the supply of
the material F.O.R. destination as per time schedule.
11. In case of any dispute arising out of the process, the Principal Secretary to
Government Haryana, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department will act as an
arbitrator and shall have the sole jurisdiction to entertain such disputes.
Managing Director,Haryana Livestock Development Board,Pashudhan Bhawan, Sector-2, Panchkula
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Linke, Universität Rostock _________________________________________________________________________________________ Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen Monographien 2003: Populärliteratur als kulturelles Gedächtnis. Reihe American Studies: A Monograph Series, vol. 104. Heidelberg: Winter. 382 S. 1987: Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von T
Solar disinfection (SODIS) and subsequent darkstorage of Salmonella typhimurium and Shigellaflexneri monitored by flow cytometryFranziska Bosshard,1,2 Michael Berney,13 Michael Scheifele,1Hans-Ulrich Weilenmann1 and Thomas Egli1,21Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, PO Box 611, CH-86002Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ETH Zu¨rich, 8092 Zu¨rich