san angeles saluki club, inc.

President: Jane Taylor Vice President: Cathy Chapman

Secretary: Terry Saunders Treasurer: Jackie Wassenaar

Board of Directors: Patrick Garcia, Jane Hepburn, Arnett Taylor, Ron
Wassenaar, Verial Whitten

General Membership Meeting
The members present voted to keep the April June 1, 2013
Specialty the day before the Western Hound shows at their site. Cathy Chapman will contact Lou Guerrero President Jane Taylor brought the meeting to order at of Western Hound. Monica Stoner is our judge. 12:21 PM at Brookside Park in Pasadena. Present were members Anne Bearden, Cathy Chapman, New Business
Elena Edwards, Terry Saunders, Crystin Sedman, Eric Sedman, Arnett Taylor, Jane Taylor, Jackie Jackie Wassenaar moved to donate $125.00 as per Wassenaar, Ron Wassenaar, Yasmin Zografos and the San Francisco club challenge to the ASA Julie Zucker. There was one guest whose signature Celebration. Cathy Chapman seconded. Motion Anne Bearden moved to accept the February minutes. Cathy Chapman – Lorrequer Legacy to Sadik was President’s Report – Jane Taylor thanked everyone
Best in Sweeps at the SASC April Specialty and WB who came to the specialty. She was glad we had at Lake Matthews for her first 2 points. Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze was RWD at the SASC Specialty and at the two following Western Hound shows. Secretary’s Report – Received and email from the
GCh Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart was BOS at the San Francisco club challenge. See New Business. SASC Specialty. Sadik RFR Summer Breeze was WB, BOW & BOS at the second Western Hound Treasurer’s Report – See attached. The club has not
yet received the check for the April specialty. Paul Petrescu – Al Qahirah Jayar Son of the Sheik Committee Reports
was BOB & BIF at the Ibizan lure trial. April Specialty 2013 Show chair, Elena Edwards,
Julie Zucker – Zabarre Adi Agadir was WD at the Western Hound show and WD at Mt. Palomar for his final 2 points. Zabarre Dokhtare Marceline was WB July Specialty 2013 – Everything has been approved.
& BOB at the Antelope Valley KC show for a 3 point Jackie Wassenaar will be collecting trophy donations. major which finished her championship. Zabarre Neshemah was WB at the Pasadena KC Show. TSE – None
Anne Bearden – Ahsanu Moves Like Jagger was Best Lure Coursing – The April trial before the specialty
in Sweeps at the Western Hound show, BOB at the was well attended. Yasmin Zografos’ Kara was Lake Matthews KC show and WD & BOW at the BOB. SASC will possibly do a trial in October. Education – None
Jane Taylor – Khamsa Obi-Wan Sm Al-Shama Tsaheylu was WB at the Mission Circuit. Jane was Membership – Third reading for Sharon Stead.
Colleen Summerfield – Al Qahirah A Kiss of Godiva Unfinished Business
was BIF at the Glen Helen lure course last March. Julie Zucker has volunteered to be match chairman Elena Edwards – Shiraz Khan D’Lyla and GCh unless she has a prior commitment. The match date Z’Bee’s the Time of Your Life at Mazada had is October 5th at Ron and Jackie Wassenaar’s. puppies, 5 dogs and 4 bitches. GCh Shiraz Dreamweaver JC was BOB at the Pasadena KC Jackie Wassenaar moved to adjourn the meeting. Jackie Wassenaar – Ranesaw RSA A Night On The Town was WD, BOW at the SASC April Specialty to Yasemin Zografos – Srinagar Ode To Omkaara JC was BOB &BIF at the lure course preceding the April NEXT MEETING – October 5, 2013
30 minutes after the match at Ron & Jackie Wassenaar’s
4991 Agate St.
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


Microsoft word - westlaw_document_06_11_07.doc

Slip Copy, 2007 WL 1655647 (E.D.N.Y.) (Cite as: 2007 WL 1655647 (E.D.N.Y.)) Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. GARDEN CITY BOXING CLUB, INC., Plaintiff, FOCUSED ENTERPRISES, LTD. d/b/a Brown Sugar Club, and Gregory Jordan, Sr., and No. 06-CV-4874 (FB)(RER). Paul J. Hooten, Esq. Paul J. Hooten & Associates Mt. Sinai, NY, for the Plaintiff. MEMORA

Animal-Kind International Annual Report for 2012 (By Karen Menczer, Executive Director) The 2012 Annual Report is organized in line with the AKI mission: to raise visibility of the work of AKI partner organizations with the aim of connecting people, and donating funds and supplies to our partners. During 2012, AKI kept the same partner organizations as we had during 2011. We added Anim

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