Microsoft word - willow springs medical release.doc
MEDICAL RELEASE AND INFORMATION I, _________________________________ (parent) give permission for
Please Print: If Volunteer write “volunteer” in camper
Willow Springs Water Park staff or camp volunteer to seek medical
name space. Separate forms must be completed for each
treatment (including hospitalization, injection, emergency dental care, or
camper and volunteer.
anesthesia, etc) for my child, ___________________________________
Camper Name: __________________________________
in the event of an emergency if deemed necessary and release Willow Springs and any volunteers or sites affiliated with the camp from any
Parent Name: __________________________________
liability against named child. I hereby release Willow Springs Staff,
Address: ______________________________________
Camp volunteers, associated staff and organizations from any liability
City: ______________________ State: ___ Zip: ______
from any injury, loss or damage to person or personal property and to hold them free and harmless from any claims, demands, or suits from
damages arising from the giving of such consent during camp or during
Emergency Name/Phone: _________________________
transportation to and from events. I understand that every attempt will be
made to contact the person on this form prior to treatment.
Camper/volunteer age: ______ Male or Female
I, the undersigned have legal custody of the child named above, have read
and agree to the above release, and give my consent for him/her to attend
T-Shirt size (circle) YS YM YL YXL Other: ______
Signed: ______________________________________
Persons with approval to pick up child other than parent
Date: ______________________________________
(must present ID) ________________________________
Health History:
List any pre-existing or current medical conditions:
Rules and Guidelines:
(Example: ADHD, asthma, hearing loss, etc.) _______________________________________________________
• No diving, flips or head first sliding
Name, dose, and times of any medications: (Example: Amoxil 150mg, 8a.m. and 8p.m.)
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
List any food, medication, or natural allergies and usual treatment.
• Wear swimsuit or swimming clothes to camp
(Example: Peanuts/epi pin, wasp stings/benadryl)
• Bring dry play clothes and towel in bag to camp for
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Failure to obey rules or drop off from 2:00–2:30 and pick
up from 8:00-8:15pm are grounds for cancellation of
Referenzen zur Belegung der Teststeron fördernden wie auch stärkenden Wirkung der wichtig-sten Inhaltsstoffe von TestoJack®1. Wang B, Ma L, Liu T. 406 cases of angina pectoris in coronary heart dis-ease treated with saponin of Tribulus terrestris [in Chinese; English ab-stract] . Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih. 1990;10:85-87. 2. Adimoelja A. Phytochemicals and the breakthrough of traditional
HONORARIOS POR SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES. PAGO. REQUISITOS. En lo que atañe a la aprobación de actos por los que se contrate la prestación de servicios personales, se señala que la competencia prevista por la Decisión Administrativa Nº 215/99 se encuentra modificada por el Decreto Nº 577/03. La aprobación de actos por los que se contrata se encuentra vinculada a la previa autorizació