Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.


Development of organic farming in Wallonia, PhD. Scientific Attache Philippe BURNY – Walloon Center for Agricultural Research, Professor Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege Gembloux (Belgium), Scientific Attache Frederic DEBODE – Wallon Center for Agricultural Research, Gembloux (Belgium):  Biodiversity and ecosystem approach as political discourse, PhD. Assistant professor Gabriella VINDIGNI, PhD. Professor Iuri PERI, PhD Student Arturo URSO – University of Catania (Italy):  Energy challenge and agriculture in Italy, PhD. Professor Carlo Alberto CAMPIOTTI – Agriculture Unit, Technical Unit of Energy Efficiency, ENEA (Italy), PhD. Professor Giuseppe ALONZO – ITAF Department, University of Palermo (Italy), PhD Student Monica Patricia ARDELEANU – Parthenope University Naples (Italy): pg.18
Research on the market of land lease in Romania, PhD. Professor Gabriel POPESCU – Bucharest Academy of  Climate change – European and national policies and actions, PhD. Researcher Victor PLATON, PhD Student Researcher Andreea CONSTANTINESCU - Institute of National Economy:  Considerations on environmental indicators proposed by European Environmental Agency (EEA) in 2012, PhD. Professor Vladimir ROJANSCHI, PhD. Assistant professor Ion Ștefan DUDUMAN, PhD. Associate professor Florian GRIGORE – Bucharest Ecological University:  Global warming and environmental agreements, PhD. Professor Daniela COVINO, PhD. Assistant professor Flavio BOCCIA, PhD. Virginia SARNO – Parthenope University Naples (Italy):  Sustainable tourism and mobility through cycling, PhD. Associate professor Dacinia Crina PETRESCU, PhD. Assistant professor Radu Cristian BARNA – Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca:  Strategy development for Mediterranean pot plants: a stakeholder analysis, PhD. Professor Alfonso Silvio ZARBA, PhD. Research fellow Giuseppe Di VITA, PhD Student Valeria ALLEGRA –University of Catania (Italy):  Information and awareness in the process of social and industrial development, PhD. Associate professor Gabriel NĂSTASE – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Eng. Petrică Sorin ANGHELUȚĂ:  Competitive products and the process of collective electivity, PhD. Associate professor Gabriel NĂSTASE – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University Eng. Petrică Sorin ANGHELUȚĂ:  Short overview of global sustainable development indicators, Postdoctoral researcher Codrin PAVELIUC OLARIU – Gembloux Agro Bio Tech, University of Liege Gembloux (Belgium), PhD. Scientific Attache Philippe BURNY – Walloon Center for Agricultural Research, Professor Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege Gembloux (Belgium): pg.68
Politics and economic value: interplays that underpin social progress, PhD. Professor Florina BRAN – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Professor Melinda CÂNDEA – University of Bucharest, PhD. Assistant professor Angela ANDREICA – Satu Mare Commercial Academy:  Water governance – way for sustainable protection of the environment, PhD. Assistant professor Vlăduț-
Severian IACOB – Ștefan cel Mare University Suceava:  Current scenarios in the Romanian agro-food trade inside the EU, PhD. Professor Alfonso Silvio ZARBA, PhD Student Valeria ALLEGRA, Researcher Gioacchino PAPPALARDO – University of Catania (Italy):  Wellbeing sustainability, territorial dimension and multifunctional agriculture, PhD. Research fellow Irene Paola BORRELLI – University Centre for the Strategic Development of the Wine Sector, Firenze (Italy), PhD. Assistant professor Rosa MISSO – Parthenope University Naples (Italy), PhD. Francesco RUGGERI - Parthenope University Naples (Italy):  Economic performance of smallholders PDO wine grapes in Eastern Sicily, PhD. Research fellow Giuseppe Di VITA, PhD. Associate professor Mario D’AMICO, PhD. Associate professor Salvatore BRACCO – University of Catania (Italy):  Environmental and economic performance of organic citrus growing, Research fellow Gaetano CHINNICI, PhD. Professor Biagio PECORINO, Research fellow Alessandro SCUDERI – University of Catania (Italy):  Interferences between ecomarketing and ecotourism. Promoting ecotourism products in Dobruja, PhD. Professor Mariana JUGANARU, PhD. Associate professor Ion-Danut JUGANARU – Ovidius University Constanta:  Issues regarding the certification of organic vegetables in Romania, PhD. Professor Mircea NASTASE -  Environmental management activities, PhD. Florin TUDOR – University of Craiova:  Qualitative structural changes in the use of labour resources in Romania, PhD. Calcedonia ENACHE – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Razvan PANAIT – University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest: pg.129
The energy policy and energy conservation, PhD. Associate professor Alina CRETU, PhD. Assistant professor Irina Florentina BAJAN – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Sustainability of wellbeing, food systems and environmental issues, PhD. Assistant professor Rosa MISSO, PhD. Professor Gian Paolo CESARETTI, PhD. Research fellow Immacolata VIOLA – Parthenope University Naples (Italy):  Sustainable wellbeing – the importance of education and training, PhD Student Giacomo ROTONDO, PhD. Professor Gian Paolo CESARETTI, PhD. Associate professor Debora SCARPATO – Parthenope University Naples (Italy):  Corporate social responsibility and green economy in the agri-food business, PhD. Research fellow Immacolata VIOLA, PhD. Francesco RUGGERI, PhD Student Giacomo ROTONDO - Parthenope University Naples (Italy): pg.151
Organic farming in Sicily: analysis and perspectives through the main productive chains, PhD. Associate professor Giuseppe TIMPANARO, PhD. Researcher Vera Teresa FOTI, PhD. Domenico SPAMPINATO – DiGeSA, University of Catania (Italy):  Competitiveness and environmental performance in the olive oil sector: an analysis of the Campania region, PhD. Associate professor Debora SCARPATO, PhD. Research fellow Irene Paola BORRELLI, PhD Student Monica Patricia ARDELEANU – Parthenope University Naples (Italy):  ERP solutions – catalysts for the companies’ business, PhD. Professor Victoria STANCIU, PhD. Teaching assistant Andrei TINCA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Sustainable management plan applicable to the certification systems in ecotourism¸PhD. Associate professor Romeo Catalin CRETU – University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest:  Value estimation of a modern economic and agricultural entity with a vegetal profile from an income approach perspective, PhD. Assistant professor Raluca Florentina CRETU - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Associate professor Corneliu GUTU – Moldavian Academy of Economic Studies (R. Moldavia), PhD. Associate professor Romeo Catalin CRETU – University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest:  Structural analysis of forms of local partnership in the Val D’Anapo area, PhD. Assistant professor Marcella RIZZO, PhD. Valeria Lo GIUDICE – University of Catania (Italy):  Environmental impact and cost factors, PhD. Professor Ion DOBRE, PhD Student Liviu Adrian STOICA -  Romanian characteristic tourist products and their promotion perspectives, PhD. Professor Melinda CANDEA, PhD. Assistant professor Elena BOGAN – University of Bucharest:  The Horezu ceramics – between traditional and commercial, PhD. Assistant professor Elena BOGAN, Elena Ramona ROMAN – University of Bucharest:  Influences of changing bioclimatic conditions on outdoor tourism activities in Campulung Moldovenesc – Vatra Dornei mountain area, PhD. Teaching assistant Ana Irina DINCA – University of Bucharest, PhD. Researcher Dana MICU – Institute of Geography of Romanian Academy, PhD. Researcher Carmen DRAGOTA - Institute of Geography of Romanian Academy, PhD. Researcher Camelia SURUGIU – National Institute of Research and Development in Tourism:  Cultural peculiarities – source of income by tourism, PhD. Assistant professor Camelia TEODORESCU, PhD. Student Mihaela POROJAN – University of Bucharest:  The audit of agriculture in terms of performance, PhD. Cristina POPA – Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, PhD. Professor Mariana IOVITU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Anca Georgiana BRAN – BCR Erste:  Biomass – the main renewable and ecological energy source, PhD. Professor Maricica STOICA - Bucharest  Methodology for establishing the effects of money laundering and terrorism financing on the national economy and security, PhD Student Camelia POPA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Associate professor Daniela POPA – Christian Dimitrie Cantemir University Bucharest:  Identification of quantitative connections between illicit incomes and money laundering, PhD. Associate professor Daniela POPA – Christian Dimitrie Cantemir University Bucharest, PhD Student Camelia POPA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The management of natural and global resources, PhD. Professor Marin ANDREICA – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Associate professor Romulus ANDREICA, PhD Student Amelia DIACONU – Artifex University Bucharest:  Aspects and problems of changing economic utilization of the land in Italy and the corresponding soil consumption, PhD. Senior researcher Claudio BELLIA – University of Catania (Italy), PhD. Research fellow Manuela PILATO – University of Catania (Italy), PhD. Senior researcher Valeria SCAVONE – University of Palermo:  Organic social agriculture: a tool for rural development, PhD. Researcher Vera Teresa FOTI, Research fellow Alessandro SCUDERI, PhD. Associate professor Giuseppe TIMPANARO - University of Catania (Italy): pg.266
Intervention policies in Italian viticulture, PhD. Domenico SPAMPINATO, PhD. Associate professor Mario D’AMICO, PhD. Professor Placido RAPISARDA – University of Catania:  Mechanism for feeding, mixing, and dosing sawdust mills to manufacture pellets, PhD. Eng. Marian TOPOLOGEANU – SC ICTCM SA Bucharest, PhD. Associate professor Robert Aurelian SOVA – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Professional training in the field of intellectual property, PhD. Associate professor Ghenadie CIOBANU – INCSMPS, PhD. Professor Gheorghe LEPADATU – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University Bucharest, Ec. Diana ANDRONACHI: pg.284
Sustainable consumption for prosperity. Case study: water consumption, PhD. Gheorghe MANEA, PhD. Associate professor Ildiko IOAN, PhD. Associate professor Carmen Valentina RADULESCU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The labor market in the Republic of Moldova, PhD. Professor Alexandru NEGREA – Ovidius University Constanta, PhD. Researcher Ghenadie CIOBANU – INCSMPS, Diana ANDRONACHI:  The internal audit function: evolution and role, PhD. Professor Mariana IOVITU, PhD. Professor Daniela BORISOV, PhD Student Paul CALANTER – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Certification of traditional agro-food products in Romania and in the European Union, PhD. Professor Nicolae ISTUDOR, PhD Student Dan PETRACHE, PhD. Assistant Irina Elena PETRESCU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Measures to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions in Romania, PhD. Researcher Mariana BALAN, PhD. Professor Valentina VASILE – Institute of National Economy of Romanian Academy:  Financial instability, CO2 emissions and environmental pollution, PhD. Assistant professor Cristian IONESCU –  Goals of the national agricultural policy, Cristina BURGHELEA – Hyperion University Bucharest, Liliana CRACIUN – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Anca Gabriela MOLANESCU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Development of organic agriculture in the European agricultural landscape, Constantin Octavian BURGHELEA – Printec Group Romania, Oana Camelia IACOB – Hyperion University Bucharest, Ana Maria VOLINTIRU – Amma Print SRL Romania:  Population’s access to drinking water in areas vulnerable to nitrate pollution, PhD. Assistant professor Giuliano TEVI, PhD. Associate professor Mihaela VASILESCU – Ecological University Bucharest:  The architecture of standards for the design of integrated eco-management system in food industry, PhD, Professor Costel NEGREI – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD Student Anna POPA – Floyd AD&C:  Research on the performance of farms’ management in French agriculture, PhD. Associate professor Iuliana DOBRE - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Tourism and development strategies at national level, PhD Student teaching assistant Maria Roxana DOROBANTU, PhD. Teaching assistant Ionela Carmen PIRNEA, PhD. Assistant professor Denisa PARPANDEL – Constantin Brancoveanu University Ramnicu Valcea:  Objectives and issues of regionalization and development in the Romanian water sector, PhD. Senior researcher Simona FRONE – Institute of National Economy, PhD. Associate professor Dumitru Florin FRONE – University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest:  Public road shelter-belts – an efficient solution for preventing damage caused by blizzard, PhD. Eng. Cristinel CONSTANDACHE, PhD.Eng. Sanda NISTOR – ICAS – Focsani, PhD. Eng. Emil UNTARU:  Data mining and econometrics over EU rural development funds mal-absorbtion in Central and East European countries, PhD. Professor Anca TUTU, PhD. Assistant Elena Monica SABAU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The development of the ecomarketing, green performance and corporate responsibility in a competitive economy, PhD. Associate professor Anda GHEORGHIU, PhD Student Assistant Paula Angela VIDRASCU, PhD Student Assistant professor Mihaela Daniela NICULESCU – Hyperion University Bucharest:  Scenarios on the Romanian wind energy production, PhD. Professor Tudor NISTORESCU, PhD. Assistant Ionut-  Some aspects of commercial arbitration, PhD. Assistant professor Ovidiu Horia MAICAN – Bucharest Academy of  The green revolution and the future of the organic nourishment, PhD. Associate professor Marcela STEFAN, Alina STEFAN – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The impact of human capital on economic growth, PhD. Associate professor Stefania Cristina CUREA, PhD. Student Assistant professor Costin CIORA – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The impact of food price volatility in financial audit, PhD Student Florin DOBRE, PhD. Assistant professor Adriana Florina POPA, PhD. Assistant professor Georgiana Oana STANILA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The role of direct payments in the sustainable development of Romanian agriculture, PhD. Associate professor Florentina CONSTANTIN - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Legal and accounting regulatory concerns related to the environment, PhD. Professor Adriana DUTESCU, PhD. Assistant professor Andreea Gabriela PONORICA, PhD Student Florin DOBRE - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Problems encountered in the process of rural development through the absorbtion of European funds and possible solutions, PhD Simona ISPAS, PhD. Assistant professor Georgiana Raluca LADARU, PhD. Daniela Nicoleta SAHLIAN - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The environmental impact of agriculture, PhD. Associate professor Maria MORTAN, PhD. Assitant professor Leonina SUCIU – Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca:  Present concerns regarding taxation for environment. The Romanian case, PhD. Assistant professor Adriana Florina POPA, PhD. Assistant professor Andreea Gabriela PONORICA, PhD. Assistant professor Georgiana Oana STANILA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The potential and the development of organic farming sector in Romania, PhD. Teaching assistant Patricia Iulia RATIU, PhD. Assistant professor Vincentiu VERES – Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca:  Waste management between authorities policies and residents’ perception, PhD. Associate professor Angela ALBU, PhD Student Paul IVAN – Stefan cel Mare University Suceava:  Security of energy supply in the European Union: an analysis of the energy import dependency, PhD. Assistant professor Andreea ZAMFIR - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  The potential tourism risks upon environment within globalization, PhD. Professor Dan BOBOC, PhD Student Alexandra Maria GALBEAZA – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Focusing the ECA audit on the environment and sustainable development objectives, PhD. Professor Ionel BOSTAN, PhD. Professor Costica ROMAN – Stefan cel Mare University Suceava:  The marketing of Romanian agrotouristic and eco guesthouses in the crisis years 2008-2012, PhD. Associate professor Maria STOIAN – University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest:  Studies regarding the response of various varieties of wheat to the ecological reconstruction of Burnas Plain soils in the agricultural year 2011-2012, PhD Student Roxana HOROIAS, PhD. Professor Stelica CRISTEA - University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest:  Sustainable auditing of annual accounts drawn by the administrative-territorial units, PhD. Professor Ioan Alexandru SZABO – Vasile Godis Western University of Arad: pg.471
Audit materialism vs nature – risk - value, PhD. Professor Ioan Alexandru SZABO – Vasile Godis Western pg.475
How to build the bridge of excellence for best practices transfer – European opportunities, PhD Student Octavian SERBAN - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Climate changes emphasis – a disturbance factor for the world food security, PhD Student Bogdan BAZGA –  Bridge the excellences for best practices in regional development – Romanian opportunities, PhD Student Octavian SERBAN - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Sustainable development in healthcare and the direct connection with the wine industry, PhD Student Ana Maria BOBEICA, PhD Student Onita NEACSU (BLEAJA) - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Benchmarking – a tool for analysis of the performance in the wine industry, PhD Student Onita NEACSU (BLEAJA), PhD Student Ana Maria BOBEICA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Road safety as seen in the light of the evolution of motorcycles and traffic accidents, PhD Student Cristina Emilia CIOVICA, PhD Student Cristian FLOREA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Sustainable resource management in the Apuseni Mountains, PhD Student Aurelia Gabriela ANTONESCU - pg.515
The social market economy – the ordoliberal doctrine situated between classic liberalism and social economy, PhD Student Cristian MARINESCU, PhD Dumitru-Alexandru BODISLAV, PhD Student Daniel BELINGHER - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies: pg.519
Promotion and development of entreprenorial initiatives in organic farming, as a promote of sustainable development, PhD Student Alexandru Costin CIRSTEA, PhD Student Ramona DOBRE - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies: pg.523
Determinig the impact of economic crisis to non-financial companies lending activity in Romania, PhD Student Olivia Mariana DESPA, PhD Student Catalin Constantin DUMITRESCU - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies: Sustainable development through foreign direct investment, PhD Student Daniela Magdalena DINU - Bucharest pg.534
Organic farming – a rural development opportunity, PhD Student Ramona DOBRE, PhD Student Alexandru Costin CIRSTEA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies: pg.539
Environmental management system audit in the current economic context, PhD. Assistant professor Mihaela MAFTEI – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD Student Constantin CONSTANTINESCU – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD. Bogdan Ioan COJOCEA – Economica Publishing House:  Measures to mitigate the energy sector impact on the environment, PhD Student Paul CALANTER – Bucharest  Tourism or travel necessity – a polyvalent approach of tourism, PhD Student Cristian FLOREA, PhD Student Cristina Emilia CIOVICA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies: pg.556
The inclusion of the concept of energy efficiency in the energy policy at EU level, PhD Student Anca DUNARINTU, PhD Student Madalina DOCIU - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Spatial methods used in the evaluation of accesibility of cultural services. Case study: Romanian libraries, PhD Student Ioan Vlad LOGHIN – University of Bucharest:  The inbound agrotourism – a sustainable alternative for the development of the rural areas, PhD Student Cristina PARTAL, PhD Student Oleg MARGINA - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, PhD Student Lidia Lenuta BALAN – University of Bucharest:  Eco-management – an integrated approach of sustainable development, PhD Student Madalina DOCIU, PhD Student Anca DUNARINTU - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:  Cost management through competitive advantage and value chain, PhD Student Georgiana BRINZA - Bucharest  Climate changes and their influence on flood risk, PhD Student Constantin CONSTANTINESCU, PhD. Assistant professor Mihaela MAFTEI, PhD Student Ana Maria CALIN – Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies: pg.581
Management of returned products and waste supply chains, PhD Student Georgiana BRINZA - Bucharest  Sustainable development and the urban identity of Bucharest historic center, PhD Student Loredana Florentina LASCU – University of Bucharest:  Storage possibility of traditional plant resources, PhD Student Florentina Daniela MATEI - Bucharest Academy  Importance of protected natural areas in tourism promotion and biodiversity conservation, PhD Student Ana Maria CALIN - Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:

Source: http://www.srac.ro/calitatea/en/arhiva/supliment/2013/Q-as_Vol.14_S1_March-2013_Contents.pdf


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