The sedra begins with the command to take pure olive oil and use it to lightthe Menora daily in the Mikdash. There it is in the upper-left of the PPix.
The shell to the left of the Menora is Murex Trunculus, the snail which isthought to be the source of T'CHEILET, mentioned 8 times in our sedra inconnection with the garments of the Kohen Gadol
Gemstones under the olive oil are for the CHOSHEN
The chain (below the crossword) is for connecting the CHOSHEN to theEIFOD
Silhouettes of the bull and 2 rams are the inaugural korbanot of the kohanim
The matza is for Menachot that accompanied the animal sacrifices. Almost allMenachot are non-chametz
At the Kohein Gadol's elbow are two lambs for the twice-daily T'MIDIM. Themitzva is counted in Parshat Pinchas, but also mentioned in T'tzaveh
Heart with the graduation cap represents the CHACHMEI LEIV, the skilledweavers, etc. who did the work on the garments and other Mikdashrequirements. For the Mishkan, CHOCHMA is not only in the brain but also inthe heart
Pomegranate and bell are for the bottom of the ME'IL of the Kohein Gadol
The book marked with a 4 is section 4 of the Shulchan Oreich, known asCHOSHEN MISHPAT
Crossword is TASHBEITZ in Hebrew, the word in the Torah for the weave ofthe linen garments
Dominoes are all double sixes. In T'tzaveh, the word SHEISH (meaning linen,
not the number 6) occurs 6 times, represented by the three standingdominoes.
Twice we find the word SHISHA, which does mean 6 - represented by thehorizontal domino
Lipstick is for ODEM, which refers to the first of the Breastplate's gemstones. Modern Hebrew, ODEM is used for lipstick
The emblem mid-right of the PPix is that of Yale University, the words URIMV'TUMIM, in Hebrew, are written on the book
NER TAMID is borrowed by our shuls from the Torah's description of theMenora
Seat belt logo is for the word V'CHAGARTA, etc. re the AVNEIT
Between the base of the Menora and the lipstick is a photo of the TOLAATSHANI
Upper-right corner is a ZERET, a span, the distance fron tip of pinky (calledZERET in Hebrew) to the tip of the thumb
The elephant (never forgets) with its trunk tied in a knot (a traditionalreminder) - a perfect image of both Zachor and LO TISHKACH. And, as anadded bonus, the elephant being pink reminds us of Purim as well for thosewho over-imbibe in wine and/or Shushan HaBira (beer).
The gragger (raashan) is not just for the upcoming Purim, but it is meant towipe out the name of Haman the Amaleli, hence it ties in with Zachor.
The King of Diamonds does double (at least) duty. Diamond in Hebrew isYAHALOM, which is the name of one of the gemstones on the CHOSHEN. Itseems unlikely that there was a diamond on the CHOSHEN - there arevarious other suggestions in different sources for what that YAHALOM was(and will be). But the name connection is there. The card being a king remindsus of Shaul HaMelech, from the haftara of Zachor, Agag, king of Amalek fromthe same haftara, and, of course, Achashveirosh of Meliga fame (or infamy).
The hood ornament and part of its car is of "the Sapphire, a large automobilewhich was produced by the British company, Armstrong Siddeley MotorsLimited, from 1952 to 1960. A distinctive element of the Sapphire was thetraditional Armstrong Siddeley V-shaped radiator grille with the Sphinx motifmounted on it." So it represents the SAPIR of the CHOSHEN.
Holy Bagel in Modiin is located in the Kaiser neighborhood (now officiallycalled AVNEI CHEN - gemstones). It is on a street called AVNEIHACHOSHEN - certainly appropriate for Parshat T'tzaveh.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (1997) 40 , 573–577 Concentrations of levofloxacin (HR 355) in the respiratory tract following a single oral dose in patients undergoing fibre-optic bronchoscopy J. M. Andrews a , D. Honeybourne b , G. Jevons a , N. P. Brenwald a , B. Cunningham b and R. Wise a Departments of aMedical Microbiology and bThoracic Medicine, City Hos
An ecologically valid study of categorisation by designers Thomas C. Ormerod, Ryan RummerLancaster University Abstract This paper reports the use of ethnographic and experimental methodologies to investigatethe conceptual representation of design expertise. An ethnographic study was firstconducted in a commercial software development group. This study yielded a wide rangeof data, from which