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Journal of International Business Studies, 1–15
& 2005 Academy of International Business All rights reserved 0047-2506 $30.00www.jibs.net
Cross-national differences in cooperativedecision-making in mixed-motive businesscontexts: the mediating effect of vertical andhorizontal individualism
AbstractBased on the institutional vs the individual view of culture and the theory of
1Department of Management and Organization,
individualism–collectivism in explaining the in-group–outgoup distinction that
School of Business, University of Washington,
people make in different cultures, we predicted that Chinese people would
Seattle, USA and 2Center for Social & Economic
make less cooperative decisions than Australians in mixed-motive business
Behavior, Institute of Psychology, Chinese
situations in which no formal or informal sanction systems were in place. We
also predicted that Chinese would be less cooperative with foreigners than withfellow Chinese when they were in a foreign territory, whereas Australians would
Correspondence:X-P Chen, Department of Management and
be equally cooperative with members of both groups. Data from two cross-
national experiments provided general support for these predictions. More-
over, the results of Study 2 showed that the nation effects on cooperative
decision-making were mediated by individual cultural orientation on vertical
and horizontal individualism. The theoretical and practical implications of these
findings are discussed in the context of cross-cultural business settings.
Journal of International Business Studies (2005), doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400169
Keywords: cross-national difference in cooperation
IntroductionIn recent years, researchers have come to discover systematic cross-national differences in many fundamental psychological effects,such as the construal of the self (Markus and Kitayama, 1991), thefundamental attribution error (Morris and Peng, 1994), intrinsicmotivation (Iyengar and Lepper, 1999), confidence judgment (e.g.,Yates et al., 1996, 1997, 1998) and risk preference (Weber and Hsee,1998; Weber et al., 1998; Hsee and Weber, 1999; Rohrmann andChen, 1999). However, little is known about whether people indifferent cultures differ in their decision-making in mixed-motive
Advance online publication citations for this journal UNCORRECTED PROOF
situations where individual interest is in conflict with the
‘article title’, Journal of International Business
collective interest. Even less is known about decision-making
Studies, doi’’. as in ‘‘Werner S. and Brouthers
involving members of different cultures (Leung, 1997). In the
L.E. (2002) ‘How international is manage-
present study, we developed hypotheses contrasting the coopera-
ment?’, Journal of International Business Stu-dies, doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.9201234’’.
tive decision-making of Chinese and Australians when facingbusiness partners from the same culture and from different
cultures. We also proposed an underlying psychological mechan-
ism explaining how culture might exert its influence on individual
decision-making. We tested these hypotheses in two cross-national
studies in which the participants were asked to
once the public good is established; the extent to
make an investment decision in mixed-motive
which an equality rule is accepted is also related to
cultural beliefs and norms (e.g., Leung and Bond,
The purpose of this research was to determine
how Chinese and Australian decision-makers differin their tendency to cooperate with others, and to
Cultural individualism–collectivism and
determine the cultural explanations for such differ-
ences. We chose business contexts that contained
One of the dimensions that differentiates the
the primary features of the mixed-motive games for
Chinese and Australian cultures is individualism–
the present study. A mixed-motive game is a
collectivism (Hofstede, 1991; Schwartz, 1994).
situation in which an individual faces a conflict
Collectivism can be defined as a social pattern that
between maximizing personal interests (defection)
consists of closely linked individuals who see
and maximizing collective interests (cooperation).
themselves as parts of one or more collectives,
It is generally more profitable to defect, but if all do
and individualism can be defined as a social pattern
so, all are worse off than if all choose to cooperate.
that consists of loosely linked individuals who view
One example of the mixed-motive game is the
themselves as independent of collectives. Accord-
prisoner’s dilemma game, in which one prisoner’s
ing to Triandis (1995), individualism and collecti-
unilateral confession of a crime will lead to the
vism are cultural syndromes that consist of many
freedom of this person but a 10-year sentence for
defining attributes. One such defining attribute is
the other prisoner, whereas a bilateral confession
the degree to which individualists and collectivists
will lead to a 5-year sentence for both but a bilateral
distinguish between in-group and out-group mem-
non-confession leads only to a 1-year sentence for
bers in social interactions. In-groups are usually
both. Another example of the mixed-motive game
characterized by similarities among the members,
is the public goods dilemma, in which voluntary
and individuals have a sense of ‘common fate’ with
contribution is called from group members to
members of the in-group. Clear out-groups are
establish or maintain a public good; once in
groups that disagree on valued attributes, or groups
existence, all have equal access to it, regardless of
with which one is in conflict. However, the
their contributions. In this case, if one contributes
boundaries between in-group and out-group are
little but the majority of others contribute a lot, this
not always clear, and there could be much elasticity
person can then enjoy the benefit associated with
involved in such categorizing (e.g., Buchan et al.,
the public good at minimal cost. On the other
2002). For example, two strangers from the same
hand, if everyone thinks and acts this way, the
country who meet in a foreign city may suddenly
public good will not be there and all will be worse
see each other as in-group, whereas they might not
talk to each other in their home country.
A mixed-motive game is particularly appropriate
To predict how cooperative Chinese and Austra-
for studies of cross-cultural comparisons on coop-
lians will be in mixed-motive games with business
eration because the individual vs collective dilem-
partners of their own cultural heritage (compa-
ma embedded in these games puts the target person
triots) or not (non-compatriots), two sets of litera-
in tension. This tension makes cultural beliefs (e.g.,
ture are relevant: the literature on individualism–
individualism–collectivism) more salient in one’s
collectivism (cf. Triandis, 1995) and the literature
decision-making. Furthermore, the high level of
on the institutional vs the individualistic view of
interdependence involved in the mixed-motive
culture (Yamagishi, 2003). These two theoretical
games forces people to think about the conse-
accounts will help us predict whether the Chinese
quences of their own choices for the group and
will be more or less cooperative than the Austra-
other members. And the propensity to relate
lians in general, and whether the Chinese’s and
oneself with others is also culturally cultivated
Australians’ cooperative decisions will be more or
(e.g., Markus and Kitayama, 1991). Moreover, there
less influenced by the extent to which their
is a great deal of uncertainty in these situations,
business partners share the same cultural heritage.
because the participants do not know what choicesothers might make. This uncertainty makes the
individual’s characteristics play an important role
in his or her decision-making. Finally, in public
Because few cross-cultural studies included Austra-
goods games, an equality distribution rule is used
lians in their sample, we have to rely on general
Journal of International Business Studies
conclusions made from cross-cultural research with
consisted of complete strangers, people’s behavior
regard to individualism–collectivism to infer the
is no longer confined or constrained by concerns of
extent to which the Australians, who are more
others, and they become more willing to reveal
individualistic, will behave in mixed-motive games
their egoistic sides and behave accordingly. In other
in comparison with the Chinese, who are more
words, the institutional view of culture assumes an
collectivist. Previous research on the social loafing
external incentive for collectivists’ cooperation
phenomenon – individuals tending to exert less
with groups. The long-term conditioning of the
effort when working with others than when work-
externally driven cooperative behavior therefore
ing alone (Latane et al., 1979) – has shown that
becomes more vulnerable to, or less likely to endure
loafing occurs in individualistic groups, but not in
in, situations where such external incentives are
collectivist groups (e.g., Gabrenya et al., 1983;
removed than in situations where such incentive is
Earley, 1989). For example, Matsui et al. (1987),
absent in the first place (Pillutla and Chen, 1999a;
using Japanese students (collectivists according to
Chen and Yao, 2003). That is why the Japanese
Hofstede, 1991; Schwartz, 1994) as participants,
participants in Yamagishi’s (1988a, b) studies were
found that individuals’ performance in groups was
more likely to leave a group when there was free
superior to their performance alone.
riding than their American counterparts, and why
The above findings seem to suggest that collecti-
the Japanese contributed less to provide for the
vists work better with others and are more coop-
welfare of the other group members than did the
erative than individualists. However, Yamagishi’s
findings from a series of cross-societal experiments
The institutional view of culture provides us with
using trust games, public goods dilemmas, and
a new perspective with which to interpret the
social dilemmas in the United States and Japan
results of the cross-cultural social loafing studies
(Yamagishi, 1988a, b; Yamagishi and Yamagishi,
described earlier. The reason why the Chinese
1994) suggest something of a different nature. For
managers in Earley (1989), the Taiwanese school
example, in his experiment on free riding and exit
children in Gabrenya et al. (1983), and the Japanese
from the group (Yamagishi, 1988a), he compared
participants in Matsui et al. (1987) did not exhibit
the tendencies of American and Japanese partici-
social loafing was not that the collectivists were
pants to leave a group that contains free riders in a
more cooperative with others by nature. Instead, it
public goods dilemma. In contrast to a simplistic
was because these subjects were no strangers to one
another: they had interactions with one another
Japanese were collectivist, so that they would have
prior to the experiment, and might have viewed
a stronger preference for staying in the group, he
their experimental group as an in-group, and
found that the Americans exhibited a much
therefore informal mutual monitoring and sanc-
stronger tendency to remain in the group than
tioning for loafing might be in place.
the Japanese. In another cross-societal experiment
This explanation seemed to receive support from
comparing cooperative tendencies in social dilem-
the findings of several cross-cultural experiments
mas in the United States and Japan (Yamagishi,
that distinguished between in-group and out-group
1988b), he again found that Japanese participants
contexts. For example, Earley (1993) examined the
cooperated less than Americans, in contrast to what
implications of group membership for individuals’
would have been predicted by the view that
performance in a group setting and found that the
Japanese individuals value group interests over
performance of Americans was higher when work-
individual interests more than Americans do.
ing alone than when working in an in-group or an
Therefore Yamagishi proposed an ‘institutional
out-group, whereas Chinese performance was high-
view of culture’ (Yamagishi, 2003) to explain the
er in an in-group context than in an individual or
out-group context. In a negotiation study con-
institutional view of culture posits that the
ducted in Hong Kong and the United States, Chan
Japanese often ‘prefer’ to belong to groups, and
(1991) found that negotiation between friends (in-
place group interests above their own individual
group) was more cooperative and led to higher
interests, not because of an intrinsic tendency, but
mutual outcomes in Hong Kong than in the US, but
because there exists a system of formal and
the opposite pattern was found between strangers
informal mutual monitoring and sanctioning in
the group. Once such a system is absent, as in the
According to Triandis’ theory of individualism–
case of Yamagishi’s experiments in which groups
collectivism, one important attribute is the extent
Journal of International Business Studies
to which people make distinctions between in-
among individualists who interacted with either in-
group and out-group members. Whereas individu-
alists make little distinction between the two,
In the present study, we were interested in
collectivists make a sharp distinction. It appears
exploring cross-national differences in cooperative
that Yamagishi’s institutional view of culture
decision-making with members of the same or
provides a plausible explanation as to why it is so
different cultures. Because in-groups are formed
for collectivists; it explains the motivation behind
through long-term interaction and history, it is
collectivists’ behaviors. These two theoretical
practically impossible to ‘create’ in-groups in
accounts are therefore consistent in that one
experiments using hypothetical business situations.
describes whom collectivists will be more or less
However, we could create situations that involved
cooperative with, and the other explains the
different degrees of ‘in-groupness’ through experi-
underlying mechanisms for such tendencies.
mental manipulation. The creation of the same-
Based on this discussion, we hypothesize that:
culture vs different-culture member as businesspartner was our means to achieve that end. A
Hypothesis 1: When complete strangers are
stranger compatriot would be viewed as more ‘in-
involved in a mixed-motive game, Chinese will be
group’ in a foreign land than in one’s home
less cooperative than their Australian counterparts.
territory; and a stranger non-compatriot would beviewed as more ‘out-group’ in one’s home territorythan in a foreign territory.
Who cares more about whether the business
To examine how elastic the notion of ‘out-
partner is of the same or different cultural
groupness-vs-in-groupness’ was, and how it affected
individual cooperation in mixed-motive games, we
Whereas the institutional view of culture provides a
created ‘compatriot’ and ‘non-compatriot’ business
plausible explanation for the sharp distinction
partners. Whereas non-compatriots may be viewed
collectivists make in their in-group-vs-out-group
as outsiders regardless of the geographical location,
behavior, the individualistic view of culture (Yama-
and a stranger compatriot at home may be viewed
gishi, 2003) offers a reasonable explanation for the
as an outsider, two complete stranger compatriots
individualists’ rather identical behavior in either in-
may see each other as belonging to an ‘in-group’
group or out-group contexts. The individualistic
when they meet in a foreign territory. Meanwhile,
view of culture states that individualists value
stranger compatriots in a foreign land possess some
individual interests over group interests, consis-
informal sanctioning power for the Chinese for
tently so across group contexts. If individualists
several reasons. First, the number of compatriots in
choose to cooperate in a mixed-motive game with
a foreign country is usually few, and some guanxi
people they know, they are likely to do the same
bases (for a review, see Chen and Chen, 2004)
with people they are not familiar with. In other
might be discovered after some interactions. The
words, individualists are more independent of
recognition of a guanxi network may impose some
social influence. There is much empirical support
sanctioning power between the compatriots. Sec-
ond, because of the ‘strangeness’ of the foreign
implied in the individualistic view of culture. For
land, the original stranger compatriot may look
example, cross-cultural research has established
much more like oneself than before. In other
that individualists are less susceptible to the
words, the physical similarity, the speaking of the
influence of social norms in determining their
same mother tongue, and other readily identifiable
behavior than are collectivists (Bontempo and
cultural traits would suddenly become salient in
Rivero, 1992; Suh et al., 1998; Suh, 2002). They
light of the foreign land. Finally, shared identity
rely more on their own beliefs, attitudes, or
may emerge as a result, and psychological connec-
personal needs in deciding what to do (Davidson
tion is likely developed. This connection could
et al., 1976; Miller, 1984). Cross-cultural experi-
then serve as an informal sanctioning system. In
ments on cognitions have also shown that indivi-
their home country, however, they are much less
dualists experience more cognitive dissonance than
likely to develop such identity and connection.
Therefore it is more likely for the Chinese to
between attitudes and behavior (Markus and
cooperate with a compatriot in a foreign territory
Kitayama, 1991; Triandis, 1994). Therefore we
than in their home country. Based on this reason-
predicted that little distinction would be made
Journal of International Business Studies
Hypothesis 2: Chinese will be more cooperative
prevalent. For example, to motivate students to
with stranger compatriots in a foreign territory
achieve, schools (from elementary school to uni-
than with stranger compatriots in their home
versity) widely adopt the ranking system: that is,
country, or with non-compatriots regardless of
students are ranked every time an exam or a test is
the geographic location, whereas Australians will
conducted, and such ranking is always publicized.
If the ranking itself represents the formal sanction-ing, the publicizing of this information is relatedmainly to informal sanctioning. It is evident that
How does culture exert influence on individual
such a system is more likely to enhance the social
comparison process and ‘nurture’ people to become
Culture affects individual decision-making through
‘vertically’ oriented. On the other hand, the
its influence on individual values. The strong
individualistic culture emphasizes focus on oneself
institutional (formal or informal sanction system)
in terms of reaching goals or self-achievement. In
influence on Chinese behavior is likely to direct
school, teachers always encourage students to
Chinese’s thinking and attention to others’ exis-
challenge themselves and to reach their own
tence and behaviors in determining what one
potential. All information regarding one’s academic
ought to do in a given situation. On the other
record is private. Obviously this culture is more
hand, the individualistic view held by Australians
likely to produce people who are ‘horizontally’
will direct their attention to self-needs, self-inter-
oriented. In other words, we hypothesize that:
ests, personal values and attitudes rather than thoseof others. The horizontal and vertical aspect of
Hypothesis 3: Chinese and Australians will differ
individualism–collectivism seems to address this
on cultural values such that Chinese will score
difference between Chinese and Australians.
higher on the vertical dimension of individual-
According to Markus and Kitayama (1991), there
ism–collectivism whereas Australians will score
are four kinds of self: independent or interdepen-
higher on the horizontal dimension of individu-
dent, and same or different. The combinations of
these four types can be categorized as horizontalindividualism (independent/same) and horizontal
The notion of horizontal–vertical individualism–
collectivism (interdependent/same), vertical indivi-
collectivism has received some empirical support
dualism (independent/different) and vertical col-
in decision-making research. One notable study
was by Probst et al. (1999), in which they examined
horizontal dimension emphasizes the ‘same self’,
how individual cultural values in terms of horizon-
maximizing self-interest or self-goal without much
tal – vertical individualism–collectivism predicted
comparison with others. Horizontal individualists
cooperative behavior in social dilemmas. Using
are less likely to be interested in distinguishing
both single-group and inter-group prisoner’s dilem-
themselves from others, to pay attention to infor-
ma paradigms, the authors found support for the
mation about how others are doing, or to be eager
prediction of the vertical individualists, whose
to win. They behave more consistently across
cooperation varied in the two types of dilemma as
situations. In contrast, the vertical dimension
a function of the extent to which their personal
emphasizes a ‘different self’ and winning over
outcomes would be maximized, and the prediction
others. To establish ‘different’ and ‘better’ self,
of the vertical collectivists, whose cooperation varied
vertical individualists must pay more attention to
in the two dilemmas as a function of the extent to
others, be more sensitive to whom they are dealing
which their group outcomes would be maximized.
with, and the context in which they take actions.
These findings suggest that individual cultural
As a result, they behave less consistently across
orientation is a powerful predictor of cooperative
Therefore a parallel can be drawn between the
One problem with the study of Probst et al. (1999)
horizontal and vertical individualism–collectivism
was that it was not cross-cultural (their sample
values and the characteristics of the institutional
comprised students at the University of Illinois):
and individualistic cultures. The institutional cul-
therefore it could not address how individual
ture emphasizes the use of formal and informal
cultural values would explain the culture-level
sanctioning systems to guide people’s behavior. In
China, the use of such a system is especially
studies in other areas have demonstrated that
Journal of International Business Studies
individual cultural orientation often mediates the
40 countries, the Western countries (e.g., US,
relationship between culture and individual beha-
Australia, Canada) are higher on individualism
vior (e.g., Chen et al., 1998; Lam et al., 2002). For
than countries with populations of Chinese back-
example, Chen et al. (1998) found a stronger in-
ground (e.g., Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore). In
group favoritism among the in-group Chinese than
particular, on a 100-point scale, Australians scored
among the in-group Americans. Their further
90 (US scored 91) on individualism, whereas
analysis revealed that the individual-level indepen-
Chinese had an average score of 21. In this study,
dent or interdependent self-construal was a med-
we used country as a proxy for culture.
iator between culture and in-group favoritism.
Participants were 98 Chinese students from
Similar mediating effects were found in Lam
Zhejiang University in the People’s Republic of
et al.’s (2002) study in which they examined the
China and 86 Australians students from the Uni-
relationship between participative decision-making
versity of New South Wales in Australia. Both
and employee job performance in a multinational
universities were among the top five in their home
commercial bank. They found that, for the Amer-
countries. Most students were majoring in psychol-
ican employees, participative decision-making had
ogy and volunteered to participate in the experi-
a positive effect on individual job performance only
ment. The mean age of the students for both
when they had high level of self-efficacy, whereas
samples was 18–19 years, and about two-thirds of
for the Hong Kong Chinese employees participative
decision-making had positive effects on groupperformance only when members had high levels
of collective efficacy. Furthermore, this cultural
In this study, the stimuli were presented in book-
effect was fully mediated by employees’ cultural
lets. We used the English version for both samples
for three reasons. First, the stimulus material was
Based on the above discussion, we hypothesize
relatively simple and easy to understand, and the
crucial information (i.e., the payoff matrix) waspresented in numbers, which did not involve
Hypothesis 4: The country-level effects on Chi-
language issues. Second, the college students in
nese and Australian cooperative decision-making
China have all been studying English for more than
in mixed-motive contexts will be mediated by
10 years and have passed the national entrance
individual cultural value orientation.
exam in English before getting into college. Third,using the same version for both samples eliminatespotential problems with translation. Given that
both groups understand the material equally well,
Two cross-national studies were conducted to test
the differences observed in their responses would
our hypotheses. Study 1, using country as proxy for
be more likely to be attributed to cultural rather
culture and a two-person prisoner’s dilemma game
as the decision-making context, put participants in
The prisoner’s dilemma scenario and matrix used
a foreign territory with either compatriots or non-
by Bolle and Ockenfels (1990) was adopted in
compatriots, and tested Hypotheses 1 and 2.
almost its original form. The only difference was
Building on the results of Study 1, Study 2
that the participants were asked to make two
measured each participant’s cultural orientation
decisions (instead of one) using the same payoff
and further tested hypotheses related to how
matrix as offered by the original problem. One
individual cultural values influenced cooperative
decision had to be made in a hypothetical situation
decision-making in a step-level public goods dilem-
in which the other player was a compatriot,
whereas the other decision was made in the samehypothetical situation but with the other player anon-compatriot. The location of the investment
was in a foreign country: that is, for the Chinese,
they were making this investment decision inAustralia, whereas for the Australians, they were
Based on the findings of Hofstede’s (1980, 1991)
The problem presented to participants concerned
large-scale survey of beliefs and values in more than
a choice between ordering a large size or a small size
Journal of International Business Studies
of bottle-filling machine. Essentially, the partici-
Country (F1,182¼9.96, Po0.01, and a significant
pants were told that if both producers ordered the
interaction effect of Country  Other Player’s Heri-
large bottle, both would receive a payoff of 10,
tage (F1,182¼4.29, Po0.05). Other effects were not
whereas if both ordered the small bottle, both
would receive a payoff of 50 (the larger number
A closer look at Table 1 indicates that these results
indicates a bigger payoff). On the other hand, if one
provided support for both Hypotheses 1 and 2 in
ordered a small bottle, but the other a large one,
then the one who ordered the small bottle wouldreceive nothing whereas the one who ordered the
large bottle would receive a payoff of 75. They were
then asked to indicate on a nine-point scale the
extent to which they would like to order a large
(2) in the foreign territory, the Chinese made a
bottle-filling machine (1, definitely small bottle; 5,
more cooperative choice when the other player
indifferent; 9, definitely large bottle). The reason
was a compatriot (mean¼6.63) than when the
why we used a nine-point scale instead of a
dichotomous choice was that we were mostly
(mean¼7.51), whereas the Australians were
interested in their tendencies to cooperate, in
equally cooperative when the other player was
addition to the benefit of making our dependent
a compatriot (mean¼6.05) or a non-compatriot
The results of Study 1 provide initial support for
The experimental design was 2 (Country: Australia
our hypotheses, and suggest that there are con-
vs China) Â 2 (the Other Player’s Cultural Heritage:
siderable differences between Chinese and Austra-
same or different, nested within participants)
lians in terms of their cooperative tendencies in
between-subjects repeated factorial. The order of
making investment decisions with compatriots and
the question presentation was counterbalanced for
non-compatriots in foreign territories. There are
both Chinese and Australian participants. About
two potential problems with this study, however.
half the Chinese (Australian) participants received
First, the comparison of same- vs different-culture
the compatriot/non-compatriot order while the
business partner was made within subjects; social
other half of the Chinese (Australians) received
desirability might lead to the obtained patterns of
the non-compatriot/compatriot order.
responses. The participants were clearly aware ofthe key differences in the two scenarios. In the
Australian culture, which emphasizes self-consis-tency, it might be socially desirable to make similar
Table 1 presents the results of Study 1. The numbers
decisions regardless of the ethnic background of the
on the nine-point scale participants circled in the
business partner, whereas in the Chinese culture,
two situations were used as indices of their
which emphasizes differential treatment of people
cooperativeness in decision-making (the larger the
of different relationships, the socially desirable
number, the less cooperative). A two-way ANOVA
answer might just be the opposite. To overcome
with repeated measures on Other Player’s Cultural
this problem, in Study 2 we used a between-subjects
Heritage was conducted to test Hypotheses 1 and 2.
design to examine whether the same pattern of
The analysis revealed a significant main effect of
The second problem with Study 1 was related to
the inference of ‘culture’. Although we referred theobserved differences as ‘cultural’, Study 1 did not
Table 1 Mean competitiveness of Australians (n¼86) andChinese
provide any empirical evidence to support such an
assertion because country was used as proxy for
culture. To uncover the process of how culture (a
nation-level variable) influences individual beha-vior (an individual-level variable), in Study 2 we
measured each participant’s cultural value orienta-
tion and examined whether it mediated the
cultural effects on individual decision-making.
Journal of International Business Studies
ProcedureUpon arrival at the laboratory, participants were
given the questionnaire booklet to complete.
English versions of the scenario were used in bothcountries for reasons discussed earlier. Participants
One hundred and fifty-one Chinese (42 male and
were asked to read the scenario carefully before
109 female) and 122 Australians (31 male and 91
making decisions, and were allowed to ask any
female) volunteered to participate in the experi-
questions they had. Participants were randomly
ment. The Chinese were students from a major
assigned to one of the four experimental condi-
university in Hong Kong, China, who enrolled in
tions. All participants were asked to make a choice
an introductory organizational behavior course.
regarding the step-level public goods dilemma by
The Australians were students from the University
indicating the extent to which they would like to
of New South Wales in Australia, who enrolled in a
invest the $10,000 on a nine-point scale (1,
social psychology course. The majority of the
definitely invest; 5, indifferent; 9, definitely not
students from both countries were in their second
invest), and then were asked to complete a 32-item
year of study and were majoring in engineering,
social sciences, or business. The mean age of the
questionnaire (Singelis et al., 1995). After finishing
Chinese was 20.23 (s.d.¼1.44) and the mean age of
all these questions, they were debriefed and
the Australians was 20.93 (s.d.¼5.66). All students
received course credit for their voluntary participa-tion.
MeasuresVertical and horizontal individualism–collectivism.
We used the 32-item scale of Singelis et al. (1995)
The experimental design was 2 (Country: China or
to measure Horizontal Individualism (HI), Vertical
Australia) Â 2 (Territory: home or foreign) Â 2 (Part-
Individualism (VI), Horizontal Collectivism (HC),
ner: Compatriots or non-compatriots) factorial,
and Vertical Collectivism (VC). Each type of I-C was
resulting in four experimental conditions in each
measured with eight statements to which the
culture. Because we later learned that the bottle
participants responded on a nine-point Likert scale
problem used in Study 1 might suggest collusion –
to express their degree of agreement (1, strongly
something that is viewed differently across coun-
disagree; 9, strongly agree). To establish the con-
tries (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1998) –
struct validity of the measure in both cultures, we
we created a scenario in which a typical five-person
first conducted a principal component factor
step-level public goods dilemma was embedded.
analysis on the combined data set from the two
Specifically, participants were told that they had
samples, which resulted in a four-factor solution
$10,000 that could be used to build a wind power
that explained 46.38% of the variance. The analysis
station, which was made up of a number of
also indicated that some items loaded more highly
individual wind-driven generators. Another four
on an inappropriate factor. A decision was made to
people were also interested in this project and had
drop three items from each of the original HI and
$10,000 to invest. The money each person had was
VI subscales, and drop five items from each of the
just enough to buy one electric generator, and
original HC and VC subscales to improve discrimi-
everyone knew that at least three generators were
nant validity. This resulted in a five-item HI scale, a
needed for the power network to work well. If less
five-item VI scale, a three-item HC scale and a
than three generators were built – that is, less than
three-item VC scale with alphas of 0.86 (on HI),
$30,000 was invested – the power supply would be
0.77 (on VI), 0.70 (on HC), and 0.77 (on VC) for the
unstable and useless, and the money (invested)
Australian sample and alphas of 0.83 (on HI), 0.72
(on VI), 0.66 (on HC), and 0.70 (on VC) for the
invested, however, there would be a workable wind
Hong Kong Chinese sample. A simultaneous con-
power station and everyone would receive $20,000
firmatory factor analysis (van de Vijver and Leung,
worth of benefits from the business done in the
1997) for the two samples revealed that the four-
remote area S, in addition to the money they kept
factor model showed a good fit (w2¼306.1,
for themselves. Four versions were developed to
d.f.¼196, CFI¼0.90, TLI¼0.88, RMSEA¼0.046).
match the four experimental conditions for each
Moreover, when equal loadings were imposed on
the four-factor model, there was an adequate fit
Journal of International Business Studies
izontal individualists (Triandis, 1995; Triandis et al.,
RMSEA¼0.046), and the increase of w2 was not
On the other hand, the finding that Australians
P40.05). These results suggest that there is a
and Chinese were equally collective came as a
reasonable construct equivalence of the HI, VI,
complete surprise. We shall discuss possible expla-
HC, and VC measures across the two samples.
nations for this finding in a later section.
Cooperativeness. The likelihood (number on the
nine-point scale) that the participants would invest
Cooperative tendency of Australians and Chinese
in the wind power station was used as an index of
Participants were asked to indicate their choice by
cooperative tendency: the larger the number, the
circling a number on a nine-point scale as to what
extent they would not like to invest their $10,000 tobuild the wind-power station. This number wasused as the index of their cooperative tendency (the
larger the number, the less cooperative). The meancooperativeness of the two samples is presented in
Cultural orientation of the australians and thechinese
Table 2. A 2 Â 2 Â 2 three-way ANOVA revealed asignificant main effect of Country (F
We first report the results of the cultural orientation
Po0.001), and a significant interaction of Part-
profiles of the two samples. Consistent with
Hypothesis 3, Chinese scored higher on the vertical
 Territory (F1,281¼4.94, Po0.05). None of the
other effects was significant at the 0.05 level.
dimensions of individualism–collectivism than did
A closer examination of Table 2 indicates that in
Australians (t287¼5.39, Po0.001), and Australians
general the choices made by Chinese were less
scored higher on the horizontal dimensions than
rated the four types of values and found that the
we found in Study 1 and providing further support
Australians scored higher on HI (mean¼7.54) than
for Hypothesis 1. To further test Hypothesis 2, that
the Chinese (mean¼6.33) (t287¼8.40, Po0.001),
Chinese will be more cooperative with their
compatriots in a foreign territory than with compa-
(mean¼5.82) than the Australians (mean¼4.68)
triots in their home territory or with non-compa-
(t287¼7.50, Po0.001). However, the two samples
triots regardless of territories, whereas Australians
did not score significantly differently on HC
will not differ across conditions, we grouped
(mean¼7.07 vs 6.89 for Australians and Chinese,
participants’ decisions in the three conditions
respectively) or on VC (mean¼6.55 vs 6.61 for
(compatriot in home territory and non-compatriot
Australians and Chinese respectively).
in both home and foreign territories) together and
These results suggest that the cultural orienta-
compared this with their decision in the compatriot
tions of Australians and Chinese are more compli-
– foreign territory condition for the two samples
cated than as suggested by previous findings from
separately. T-tests showed a significant difference
Hofstede (1980, 1991). In this study, Australians
were found more horizontally individualistic than
sample, whereas for the Australian sample the
Chinese, whereas Chinese were actually more
difference was not significant at the 0.05 level
vertically individualistic than Australians, indicat-ing that Australians tend to maximize the indivi-dual outcome without really considering whether
Table 2 Mean competitiveness of Australians (n¼122) and
they gain more than the others, whereas Chinese
are more inclined to win over others. In other words, UNCORRECTED PROOF
whereas Australians are more likely to have a
‘self-interest’ mindset, Chinese are more likely to
have a ‘competition’ mindset. Initially these resultsseemed inconsistent with prior measures of value
orientation in these cultures (Hofstede, 1980, 1991;
Hui, 1988), but further analysis suggested that they
demonstrated face validity and consistency with
some previous findings that Australians are hor-
Journal of International Business Studies
Results of regression analysis on mediating role of
cultural value on country effects on individual cooperative
On the other hand, the significant interaction
effect of Partner  Territory and the insignificant
effect of the three-way interaction (i.e., Coun-
Chinese were more cooperative with compatriots
in foreign than in home territories (mean¼5.03
vs 5.78), they treated non-compatriots equally
competitively in both home and foreign locations
(mean¼5.90 vs 6.08). The opposite pattern
was found for Australians. Specifically, they were
more cooperative with non-compatriots at homethan in a foreign territory (mean¼3.85 vs 5.11),
but treated compatriots equally cooperatively in
both home and foreign locations (mean¼4.68
Meanwhile, it is worth noting that both cultural
groups were most competitive in the condition
with non-compatriots in a foreign location. This
behavior may be driven by the stronger need to
protect oneself and to survive in a foreign land, or a
reaction to the so-called ‘culture shock’, which
might be universal for members of both cultural
These results, however, were not completely
consistent with the general assumption behind
H2 that Australians would be equally cooperative
with all others, regardless of their cultural heritage
or business locations. Later, possible explanationswill be discussed.
To examine the mediating effect of individual
mechanism of how culture influences individualdecision-making, we did the three-step regression
(2) Country was a significant predictor of HI and VI
analyses suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986).
(b¼À0.45 and 0.40 respectively, Po0.05), but
Results of this analysis are presented in Table 3. In
step 1, we regressed the three independent variables
(b¼À0.10 and 0.03 respectively, NS). Further-
(Country, Territory, and Partner) on the individual
more, both HI and VI were predictors of the
decision. In step 2, two regression analyses were
performed: one with Country as IV, and the four
respectively, Po0.01), whereas neither HC nor
cultural values as DVs; the other with four cultural
VC was significant in predicting the mean
values as IVs, and the mean cooperativeness as DV.
cooperativeness (b¼À0.01 and À0.05 respec-
In step 3, we entered all three independent
tively, NS). HC and VC were thus dropped from
variables and the four cultural values simulta-
neously as predictors of the individual decision.
(3) We found that the effect of Country became
In addition, the two demographic variables (age
insignificant (b¼0.09, NS) once HI and VI were
and sex) were always entered first as control
entered simultaneously, whereas the effects of
variables in all the regression analyses. These
HI and VI remained significant (b¼À0.16 and
(1) Country had a significant effect on mean
These results suggest that horizontal and vertical
individualism fully mediated the relationship
Journal of International Business Studies
between Country and individual cooperativeness,
although both Americans and Chinese predicted
that the Americans would be more risk-seeking,
A closer examination of the b weights of HI
the Chinese were actually significantly more risk-
(b¼À0.16, Po0.05) and VI (b¼0.15, Po0.05) indi-
seeking in the context of financial decisions than
cated that VI had a negative effect on individual
were the Americans. Similarly, contradictory to the
cooperative decision-making whereas HI had a
lay expectation that Chinese would be more
positive effect . A median-split ANOVA showed
humble than the Americans, Yates et al. (1996,
that people who scored high on VI tended to make
1997, 1998) found that the Chinese were more
less cooperative decisions (mean¼5.42) than those
overconfident about their answers to general
knowledge questions and other judgments. On
Po0.05), whereas people who scored high on HI
the other hand, we suggest caution in generalizing
made more cooperative decisions (mean¼4.74)
the ‘Chinese are less cooperative’ finding to situa-
than those who scored low on this dimension
tions of different characteristics. Several conditions
(mean¼5.45) (F1,271¼5.26, Po0.05). These results
seem to be necessary for this phenomenon to
provide empirical support for the distinction
between horizontal and vertical dimensions of
(1) cooperation must be voluntary – there is no
individualism–collectivism, and suggest the direct
formal or informal sanction for non-coopera-
influence of cultural values on individual decision-
(2) the business partners should be strangers to
each other – there are no prior ties/relationships
The results of the present study are intriguing. First,
(3) the business situation involves a great deal of
consistent with the institutional view of culture, we
social uncertainty – no communication is
found that Chinese made less cooperative decisions
permitted, and the information about what
in mixed-motive business situations than did
other business partners might do is extremely
Australians. These results suggest that, when moved
out of the ‘group’ boundary or context where noformal or informal sanction is present, Chinese
The discrepancy between our finding and others’
tend to focus more on egoistic interest and act
regarding cultural values of the Chinese and
accordingly. Second, somewhat unexpected, we
Australians is intriguing. Three explanations seem
found that Chinese actually scored higher on
to be plausible. The first is related to the notion of
vertical individualism than Australians, who scored
cultural ‘transmission’ (Triandis, 1994). Modern
higher on horizontal individualism than Chinese.
communication results in cultural diffusion via
Third, the Chinese seemed to treat stranger compa-
films and television. Tourism, commerce, and other
triots more cooperatively in a foreign territory than
factors also facilitate cultural transmission. Assum-
they treated non-compatriots or stranger compa-
ing that previous findings are valid, the emphasis
triots at home. Finally, we found that these
on teamwork in the West in the past two decades or
observed national differences in decision-making
so might have had a gradual influence on Austra-
were fully mediated by individual cultural values:
lian culture. Following the same logic, the Chinese
more vertical individualism was associated with less
culture may have become more individualistic and
cooperative decisions whereas more horizontal
less collective than it was after two decades of the
individualism was associated with more coopera-
‘open and reform’ policy and its increasing eco-
nomic development, because cultures evolve and
The finding that the Chinese are less cooperative
change, especially under the influence of economic
is somewhat contradictory to the broad view of
Chinese that they are generally more collective and
The second explanation comes from the idea of
cooperative than people in individualistic cultures.
value trumping (Osland and Bird, 2000). Osland
It nevertheless echoes some other recent counter-
and Bird’s sense-making model of culture states
intuitive cross-cultural research findings on deci-
that, in a specific context, certain cultural values
sion-making. For example, in exploring whether
take precedence over others. This idea of value
there are systematic cross-national differences in
trumping seems to be consistent with Cialdini
choice-inferred risk preferences between Americans
et al.’s (1990) idea of norm salience, and also with
and Chinese, Hsee and Weber (1999) found that
Pillutla and Chen’s (1999b) finding of the interac-
Journal of International Business Studies
tion effect of norm and context on individual
family. Future studies may examine this trust
cooperative decision-making. We explicate that, as
hypothesis in explaining the in-group–out-group
many values and norms exist simultaneously in an
individual’s mind, the context in which he or she isinvolved is likely to activate a specific set of valuesand norms. In our experiment, the mixed-motive
business context might be more likely to activate
The present study has several limitations. First, it
the individual’s awareness of competition and
was conducted in a laboratory in which many
make the competitive value salient, and the effect
factors were manipulated and the situation was
was more pronounced for Chinese than for Aus-
overly simplified. Second, our participants were
university students, who might be more competi-
The third explanation is that different measures
tive and individualistic than the general popula-
of individualism–collectivism were used in previous
tion. This is especially so in China, where only a
research from the ones used in the present study.
small percentage of the population gets admitted
Most previous measurements excluded the vertical
into college. Third, hypothetical business scenarios
dimension. For example, in Hui’s (1988) INDCOL
were used; participants might not be as engaged as
scale, only one item reflects the meaning of
in real business situations. Finally, we did not check
‘vertical individualism’. Triandis et al.’s (2001)
whether our experimental manipulations achieved
recent study also shows that participants’ endorse-
the intended effects on participants’ perception.
ment of the horizontal items on Singelis et al.’s
These features of the present study arouse some
(1995) scale corresponded to Hofstede’s ranking of
concerns regarding the external validity of the
culture on individualism–collectivism, suggesting
that most of the items used in Hofstede’s studies
On the other hand, there are certain features of
that measured individualism–collectivism in fact
the experimental task and our research participants
measured only the horizontal dimension of the
that reflect the global business reality. Our
participants were students with part-time work
Whereas both the institutional vs individualistic
experience, and the experimental task reflected
view of culture (Yamagishi, 2003) and the indivi-
certain key features of an international business
dualism–collectivism theory (Triandis, 1995) made
situation. Furthermore, it is also clear that we
similar predictions regarding Chinese and Austra-
could not ever simulate the psychological processes
lians’ cooperative tendencies in mixed-motive
involved in real international business situations
business contexts with in-group vs out-group
in a laboratory setting. Although the consequences
members, the institutional view of culture provided
of decisions for our research participants were
a deeper understanding of why the Chinese would
not as dramatic as they would be in real business,
be less cooperative in situations where no formal or
informal sanction systems were present. A deeper
assumption behind this view rests on the general
There is always a tradeoff between an experiment
trust level of the two groups of people. As
and a natural setting field study, but we believe that
Yamagishi discussed in his 2003 article, it was the
the experimental manipulation and design allowed
lack of general trust that led the Japanese to want to
us to rigorously test our hypotheses and to draw
establish sanction systems before making their
causal linkages between the variables of interest,
contribution to public goods. Following the same
which often cannot be achieved by adopting other
line of reasoning, we contend that it is the lack of
research methods (e.g., field survey). However, ‘a
general trust of the Chinese that led them to be less
strong case can be made that external validity is
likely to cooperate with ‘strangers’ in our experi-
enhanced more by many heterogeneous small
The lack of general trust in Chinese society
experiments than by one large experiment employ-
has been discussed by some insightful social
ing random selection of subjects, tasks, and times’
observers such as de Tocqueville (1945) and Fukiya-
(Cook and Campbell, 1979: 80). Thus we hope that
ma (1995), who have characterized American
the generalizability of the findings reported in this
society as having a high level of general trust, and
study will become evident as other researchers
have argued that the strong family ties in societies
replicate this study with other small experiments
such as China, France, and southern Italy prevent
using different samples and tasks, and conducted at
trust from developing beyond the confines of the
Journal of International Business Studies
foreigners to establish relationships with the Chi-
The current research shows that cooperative deci-
nese before doing business (as a way to build the
sion-making in mixed-motive situations is among
informal system), especially when formal systems
the variables that seem to have consistent cross-
national variations. In addition, these variations
The mediating effect of horizontal and vertical
seem to be consistent with both the institutional vs
individualism found in the present study also
individualistic view of culture and the theory of
indicates the importance of understanding people
individualism–collectivism. We hope that this work
at the individual level. Individuals from the same
country may have different cultural values, asdemonstrated by studies that investigated within-
(1) to examine whether the institutional vs indivi-
culture variances (e.g., Triandis, 1995; Vandello and
dualistic view of culture is indeed the under-
Cohen, 1999). It is the individual-level values that
lying mechanism that explains the in-group vs
directly influence one’s cooperative tendency, not
out-group phenomenon of the collectivist cul-
where the individual comes from. Identifying
individual values will help collective members to
(2) to clarify which of these two theoretical
achieve optimal solutions, because one can then
accounts provides a better explanation of indi-
more effectively incorporate structural and motiva-
vidual differences in intra- vs-inter-cultural
tional mechanisms (for detailed discussion see
Yamagishi, 1986) to induce cooperation. Our find-
(3) to determine the antecedents and consequences
ings suggest that, in order to get maximum benefit
of cross-national differences in cooperative
from business and cultural exchanges between
nations and individuals, people need to be aware
At the same time, we hope that our findings will
of both cultural and individual differences, and
help decision-makers in practical applications. For
that predictions based on stereotypes can be
example, after knowing that Australians tend to be
cooperative with non-compatriots in their homeland, a foreign person who does business in
Australia should probably adjust his/her natural
We thank Harry Triandis, Chris Earley, the three
competitive tendency and be more willing to
anonymous reviewers, and the departmental editor
cooperate so that a long-term cooperative and
Kwok Leung for their constructive and thoughtful
trusting relationship can be built. Moreover, as
comments on earlier versions of the paper. This paper
formal or informal sanctioning is one of the major
was presented at the Academy of Management meet-
forces for Chinese to cooperate, it may be useful for
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‘reality’’, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes70: 87–94.
Yates, J.F., Lee, J.W., Shinotsuka, H., Patalano, A.L. and Sieck,
Shu Li (Ph.D. UNSW) is currently a Professor at the
W.R. (1998) ‘Cross-cultural variations in probability judge-
Center for Social and Economic Behavior, Institute
ment accuracy: beyond general knowledge overconfidence?’Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 74:
of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His
research interests are in the area of behavioraldecision-making. His research has appeared in over
three-dozen journals, such as Ergonomics, Journal of
Xiao-Ping Chen (Ph.D., UIUC) is Associate Profes-
Behavioral Decision Making, and Organizational Beha-
sor in the Department of Management and Orga-
Accepted by Professor Kwok Leung, Departmental Editor, 28 February 2005. This paper has been with the author for two revisions. UNCORRECTED PROOF
Journal of International Business Studies
Wat te doen en laten rondom de zwangerschap? Een optimale voedingsstatus van de vrouw voorafgaand aan en tijdens de eerste weken van de zwangerschap is van essentieel belang voor een goed verloop van de zwangerschap en de gezondheid van het ongeboren kind. Dit artikel beschrijft welke nutriënten en voedings-middelen in deze periode extra aandacht verdienen. In de periode rondom de conceptie
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Note from the Pastor. . . If you have ever watched your investments in the stock market, you know that the only c onsistency of high-risk/high-yield stocks is their flux-causing reflux in your stomach. The only sane manner to both keep u p with it all, and stop popping Nexium, is to