Presence of a na+-stimulated p-type atpase in the plasma membrane of the alkaliphilic halotolerant cyanobacterium aphanothece halophytica
Presence of a Na1-stimulated P-type ATPase in the plasmamembrane of the alkaliphilic halotolerant cyanobacteriumAphanothece halophytica
Kanjana Wiangnon1, Wuttinun Raksajit1 & Aran Incharoensakdi1,2
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; and 2Center for Environmental Stress Tolerance inPlants, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Biochemistry and Center for
Aphanothece cells could take up Na1 and this uptake was strongly inhibited by
Environmental Stress Tolerance in Plants,Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University,
the protonophore, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Cells
preloaded with Na1 exhibited Na1 extrusion ability upon energizing with glucose.
Na1 was also taken up by the plasma membranes supplied with ATP and the
uptake was abolished by gramicidin D, monensin or Na1-ionophore. Orthovana-date and CCCP strongly inhibited Na1 uptake, whereas N, N0-dicyclohexylcarbo-
Received 13 October 2006; revised 11 January
diimide (DCCD) slightly inhibited the uptake. Plasma membranes could hydrolyse
ATP in the presence of Na1 but not with K1, Ca21 and Li1. The K
First published online 15 February 2007.
and Na1 were 1.66 Æ 0.12 and 25.0 Æ 1.8 mM, respectively, whereas the Vmax valuewas 0.66 Æ 0.05 mmol minÀ1 mgÀ1. Mg21 was required for ATPase activity whose
optimal pH was 7.5. The ATPase was insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide, nitrate,
thiocyanate, azide and ouabain, but was substantially inhibited by orthovanadateand DCCD. Amiloride, a Na1/H1 antiporter inhibitor, and CCCP showed little or
no effect. Gramicidin D and monensin stimulated ATPase activity. All these results
suggest the existence of a P-type Na1-stimulated ATPase in Aphanothece halophy-
cyanobacterium; salt stress; Na1 extrusion.
tica. Plasma membranes from cells grown under salt stress condition showedhigher ATPase activity than those from cells grown under nonstress condition.
enhanced salt tolerance (Waditee et al., 2001; Wutipraditkulet al., 2005). Moreover, the overexpression of the NhaP
antiporter from A. halophytica could allow the freshwater
Salinity is one of the most important problems encountered
cyanobacterium Synechococcus to grow in sea water (Wadi-
by soil microorganisms and plants leading to the reduction
tee et al., 2002). The efflux of Na1 mediated by Na1/H1 is
in crop productivity worldwide. Specific mechanisms are
categorized as a secondary Na1 transport because it utilizes
needed to adjust the internal osmotic status for organisms
proton motive force provided by a primary proton pump,
thriving in hypersaline environments. One such mechanism
involves the ability of the cells to accumulate compatible
In most plant cells, the extreme of Na1 was mediated
low molecular weight organic solutes such as glycine
primarily through the Na1/H1 antiport system. However,
betaine (Incharoensakdi & Wutipraditkul, 1999; Sakamoto
there have been recent reports on the involvement of a
& Murata, 2002). Another mechanism for adaptation to
primary Na1 pump, Na1-ATPase, in the efflux of Na1 in
high salinity is the removal of Na1 ions from the cytoplasm
bacteria and higher plants. V-type Na1-ATPases were found
out of the cells via plasma membrane or into the vacuoles
in Enterococcus hirae and M-12, Amphibacillus sp. (Kaieda
via tonoplast membrane (Apse & Blumwald, 2002). Apha-
et al., 1998; Murata et al., 2001) whereas F-type ATPases were
nothece halophytica is a halotolerant cyanobacterium, which
found in Ilyobacter tartaricus and Acetobacterium woodii
is able to grow in a wide range of salinity from 0.25 to 3.0 M
(Neumann et al., 1998; Muller et al., 2001). An alkaliphilic
NaCl and in external alkaline conditions up to an external
Exiguobacterium aurantiacum contains a P-type Na1-ATPase
pH of 11.0 (Takabe et al., 1988; Waditee et al., 2003).
(Ueno et al., 2000). P-type Na1-ATPases were also found in
Previous studies showed that Na1/H1 antiporters of alkali-
the plasma membranes of marine algae, Heterosigma akashi-
philic A. halophytica play a crucial role in Na1 efflux with
wo and Tetraselmis viridis (Shono et al., 1996; Popova et al.,
2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
1998). Studies on ATPase in cyanobacteria were scarce. P-type
22NaCl (0.45 mCi mmolÀ1) with an illumination of 30 mmol
ATPase gene was cloned from Synechococcus 7942 whereas its
photon mÀ2 sÀ1 provided by cool-white fluorescent lamps.
function was found to be involved in Cu21 transport (Phung
After equilibration for 30 min, the mixture was added with
et al., 1994). P-type ATPases were also reported in more
4 mM ATP to initiate the uptake of 22Na1. Na1-ionophore
freshwater cyanobacteria such as Synechococcus PCC 6301,
(ETH 2120, N,N,N0,N0,-tetracyclohexyl-1,2-phenylenediox-
Synechocystis PCC 6803 and Anabaena PCC 7120 (Neisser
ydiacetamide) and other ionophores including inhibitors
et al., 1994). A P-type ATPase from Synechococcus PCC 7942
were added at 10 min before the addition of ATP. At
with a proposed role in K1 influx under hyperosmotic
intervals, 50 mL of the reaction mixture was filtered through
condition has been reported (Kanamura et al., 1993; Neisser
a 0.2 mm nitrocellulose membrane. The radioactivity
et al., 1994). ATPase with enhanced activity under hypersaline
trapped on the membrane filter was measured with a
condition was reported in a marine cyanobacterium Spirulina
subsalsa (Gabbay-Azaria et al., 1994). Hitherto, ATPaseinvolved in Na1 transport has not been reported for cyano-
bacteria. This study demonstrates the presence of a P-typeATPase, specifically stimulated by Na1. The transport of Na1
The activity of ATPase was assayed by measuring the release
by this cyanobacterium appeared to utilize the proton motive
of inorganic phosphate resulting from the hydrolysis of ATP
(Koyama et al., 1980). The reaction mixture (1 mL) con-tained 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6, 5 mM MgCl2, 4 mM ATP,100 mM NaCl and enzyme. The reaction was started by the
Axenic cells of A. halophytica were grown photoautotrophi-
To determine ATP content in A. halophytica, cell suspensions
cally in BG-11 medium supplemented with 18 mM NaNO3
were centrifuged at room temperature (2500 g, 10 min) and
and Turk Island salt solution described previously (Inchar-
the pellet was washed twice before suspending with 0.22 M
oensakdi & Waditee, 2000). Cells were grown in cotton-
phosphate buffer pH 6.8. This was followed by sonication to
plugged 250 mL conical flasks containing 100 mL medium
completely break the cells. Debris was removed and super-
on a rotary shaker at 30 1C under continuous illumination
natant was determined for ATP by HPLC. The iso-
by cool white fluorescence tubes of 60 mmol photon mÀ2 sÀ1
cratic reverse phase HPLC with a water Resolve C18
(5-mM, spherical) column (Millipore, Milford, MA) wasused and mobile phase was 0.22 M phosphate buffer pH 6.8.
The eluate was monitored by absorption at 259 nm with a
Cells at exponential growth phase were harvested and
flow rate of 1 mL minÀ1. ATP content was determined based
suspended in 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6 containing 1.0 M
on the standard curve constructed with the use of known
sucrose. The crude membrane vesicles were prepared by
concentrations of ATP injected vs. peak areas (Patil et al.,
treatment of the cell suspension with 0.2% lysozyme and the
1997). Protein concentration was determined by the method
resulting spheroplasts were subject to a French pressure cell
of Bradford (1976) using bovine serum albumin as standard.
at 900 psi. This crude membrane preparation was centri-
In general, three independent experiments were per-
fuged twice (4000 g, 20 min) to remove unbroken cells and
formed and the mean values Æ SEM are given in the figures.
cell debris. The resulting dark blue green supernatant isreferred to as a mixture of crude vesicles. The plasma
membrane vesicles were isolated by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning using 5.6% (w/w) Dextran T-500 and
5.6% (w/w) polyethylene glycol as described by Norling et al.
(1994). The final plasma membrane vesicles were suspendedin 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.6 buffer containing 4 mM benza-
To test whether A. halophytica could take up Na1, the effect
of NaCl at different concentrations on the uptake of Na1
was investigated. Aphanothece cells showed an increaseduptake of 22Na1 with increasing concentration of 22NaCl
(Fig. 1a). Initial uptake rates at 2, 5, 10 and 20 mM NaCl
were estimated to be 13.4 Æ 0.5, 38.6 Æ 1.6, 75.0 Æ 3.1 and
The membrane vesicles were suspended in 1 mL of 20 mM
130.3 Æ 4.8 nmol minÀ1 mgÀ1, respectively. The uptake of
Tris-HCl pH 7.6 (1 mg protein mLÀ1) containing 20 mM
22Na1 was inhibited by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide
2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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Na1-stimulated ATPase in Aphanothece halophytica
m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) (Fig. 1a, inset). Slight
increased intracellular content of 22Na1 with increasing time
uptake of 22Na1 in the CCCP-treated Aphanothece cells was
of incubation with 20 mM 22NaCl. Addition of glucose to
observed at 10 and 20 mM NaCl, which might reflect
the cell suspension at 10 min resulted in a slight decrease of
diffusion of Na1 by sodium symport systems.
intracellular 22Na1 at 15 min. An almost complete loss of
Aphanothece cells also possessed Na1 extrusion capacity
intracellular 22Na1 was evident at 20 min, suggesting 22Na1
upon energizing with glucose (Fig. 1b). Cells showed an
extrusion capacity of Aphanothece cells. To determine theinvolvement of ATP in the uptake and extrusion of Na1, thelevels of ATP in Aphanothece cells with and without glucose
during the transport process were measured. In deenergized
cells, ATP levels were decreased (Fig. 1b, inset) concomitant
with the increase of Na1 uptake (Fig. 1b). Similarly, theenergized cells also showed the decreased ATP levels (Fig. 1b,inset) accompanying the increase of Na1 extrusion capacity
(Fig. 1b). 22Na1 uptake was also demonstrated using plasmamembrane vesicles upon addition of 4 mM ATP (Fig. 1c). An increase of 22Na1 uptake into the vesicles was observedwith saturation at around 6 min of incubation. The uptake
of 22Na1 was dependent on ATP. Na1-ionophore as well as
gramicidin D and monensin abolished the uptake of 22Na1.
The protonophore, CCCP and orthovanadate strongly in-hibited 22Na1 uptake. In contrast, N, N0-dicyclohexylcarbo-
diimide (DCCD) caused no inhibition of 22Na1uptake in
the first 4 min although slight inhibition was observed
Before the characterization of ATPase, it was necessary to
determine the ratio of the inside-out and right-side-out
vesicles in the membrane preparations. This was accom-
plished by measuring ATPase activity of the prepared
membrane vesicles treated with 3% toluene according to
Fig. 1. Na1 uptake (a), Na1 extrusion (b) in Aphanothece halophytica
and Na1 uptake in plasma membrane vesicles (c). In (a), cells at the
exponential growth phase (2 mg protein mL À 1) were incubated in
20 mM Tris-HCl buffer pH 7.6 containing 2 (~), 5 (’), 10 (m) and20 mM () 22NaCl (0.45 mCi mmol À 1). At indicated times, the radio-
activity trapped in the cells after filtering through a 0.45 mm nitrocellu-
lose membrane was counted in a gamma counter. Inset shows 22Na1
uptake rates at different concentrations of 22NaCl without treatment ()or pretreated 10 min with 1 mM CCCP (n). In (b), the experiments werecarried out as in (a) with 20 mM 22NaCl (). At 10 min, the reaction
mixture was divided into two portions with the addition of 10 mMglucose (indicated by arrow) to one portion (m). Inset shows ATP levelsof deenergized (no glucose) cells () and energized (with 10 mM
glucose) cells (n) at indicated times of Na1 uptake and Na1 extrusion.
In (c), the membrane vesicles (1 mg protein mL À 1) were incubated in
(0.45 mCi mmol À 1) with 4 mM ATP (), without ATP (}), with 4 mM ATP
plus 1 mM DCCD (~), with 4 mM ATP plus 1 mM CCCP (m), with 4 mM
ATP plus 10 mM orthovanadate (&), with 4 mM ATP plus 100 mM
monensin (), with 4 mM ATP plus 25 mM Na1-ionophore (’) and with
4 mM ATP plus 10 mM gramicidin D (n).
2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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(1 mg protein mLÀ1) were incubated in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer pH 7.6containing 4 mM ATP, 5 mM MgCl2 with NaCl (), KCl (’), CaCl2 (m)and LiCl (~) at indicated concentrations. Inset shows a double reciprocal
plot of the activity against the NaCl concentration.
Heise et al. (1992). Toluene destroyed the membrane
integrity resulting in increased ATPase activities if the
membrane preparations contained right-side-out vesicles. The stimulation of ATPase activity by toluene treatment(data not shown) could not be observed, indicating that themembrane preparations consisted almost entirely of inside-
The ATPase activity was only marginal without the
addition of NaCl (Fig. 2). Increasing NaCl concentration
led to an increase of ATPase activity with saturation at about
100 mM. No stimulation of the activity was observed by theaddition of monovalent cations such as K1 or Li1 ordivalent cation such as Ca21, suggesting that ATPase was
specific for Na1. The Km value for Na1 was estimated fromthe
25.0 Æ 1.8 mM. The ATPase activity increased with the ATP
concentration with saturation being reached at about 4 mM
(Fig. 3a). The Km value for ATP and Vmax estimated bythe Lineweaver–Burke plot were 1.66 Æ 0.12 mM and0.66 Æ 0.05 mmol minÀ1 mgÀ1 protein, respectively (Fig. 3a,inset). The ATPase activity required the presence of MgCl
with optimal activity at 5 mM (Fig. 3b). Concentration of
2 higher than 5 mM led to a decline in ATPase activity.
Optimal pH for the ATPase was around pH 7.5 (Fig. 3c).
Fig. 3. Dependence of ATPase on ATP, Mg21 and pH. Membrane
It is noted that considerable ATPase activity was retained
vesicles (1 mg protein mLÀ1) were incubated in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer
pH 7.6 containing 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2 and indicated concentra-
It was also checked whether salt stress could affect Na1-
tions of ATP (a), or containing 100 mM NaCl, 4 mM ATP and indicatedconcentrations of MgCl
stimulated ATPase activity of the plasma membrane. Na1-
2 (b), or containing 100 mM NaCl, 4 mM ATP,
5 mM MgCl2, at indicated pH values (c) of 6.0–7.0 (, 20 mM Mes-KOH
stimulated ATPase was present in high amounts in cells
buffer), 7.0–8.5 (m, 20 mM Hepes-KOH) and 7.5–9.0 (’, 20 mM Tris-
grown at low salt and stimulated slightly in cells grown at
HCl). Inset in (a) shows a double-reciprocal plot of the activity against the
2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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Na1-stimulated ATPase in Aphanothece halophytica
Table 1. Effect of inhibitors on the Na1-ATPase of plasma membrane
ÃATP hydrolytic activity was assayed as described in ‘Materials andmethods’. Each inhibitor was added to the reaction mixture 10 min
Fig. 4. Effect of salt stress during growth on Na1-ATPase. Membrane
before the start of the reaction. One hundred percent activity corre-
vesicles were prepared from cells grown under nonstress condition (m)
with 0.5 M NaCl or under salt-stress condition () with 2.0 M NaCl. TheATPase assay was carried out as described in ‘Materials and methods’ atindicated concentrations of NaCl.
cells (Incharoensakdi & Laloknam, 2005), suggesting thatglucose could be utilized as energy source by A. halophytica.
The Na1 extrusion is likely due to the contribution by
ATPase because glucose can yield ATP during its metabo-
N-Ethylmaleimide, KNO3 and KSCN, which are inhibitors
lism. The decreased ATP levels inside the cells during the
of V-type ATPase, had little or no effect on ATPase (Table 1).
course of Na1 uptake (Fig. 1b, inset) also support the
Similarly, no inhibition was caused by either azide, an
contention that ATP was hydrolyzed by ATPase to provide
inhibitor of F-type ATPase, or the protonophore CCCP.
a driving force for Na1 uptake and Na1 extrusion. This was
Ouabain, an animal Na1/K1-ATPase inhibitor, did not
further substantiated by Na1 uptake experiments using
inhibit ATPase. Amiloride, a potent inhibitor of many
membrane vesicles (Fig. 1c). Inhibition of ATPase by
Na1-coupled transport systems including Na1/H1 antipor-
orthovanadate resulted in strong inhibition of Na1 uptake.
ter, had no significant effect on ATPase. However, orthova-
Na1-stimulated ATPase activity was observed in plasma
nadate, an inhibitor of P-type ATPase, and DCCD could
membrane vesicles (Fig. 2). This ATPase was specific for
inhibit ATPase. Na1-gradient dissipators, gramicidin D and
Na1 with no activity toward K1, Li1 and Ca21. The ATPase
monensin, caused some stimulation of ATPase. All the
was inhibited by orthovanadate and DCCD, whereas no
results suggested that A. halophytica contains a P-type
inhibition was observed by CCCP, amiloride, KNO
N-ethylmaleimide, azide and ouabain (Table 1). On theother hand, both gramicidin D and monensin, which can
dissipate electrochemical sodium ion gradient, were able tostimulate Aphanothece ATPase. This is to be expected
This study demonstrated that A. halophytica could take up
because the rate of ATP hydrolysis is controlled by ion
Na1 in a concentration-dependent fashion (Fig. 1a). The
potential, i.e. the lower the potential, the higher the activity.
uptake of Na1 by Aphanothece cells could be strongly
Taken together, it is thus likely that the Na1-stimulated
inhibited by the protonophore CCCP, suggesting the invol-
ATPase in A. halophytica is a P-type ATPase.
vement of electrochemical proton gradient in the uptake
The results in Fig. 1c provide strong evidence for the
system (Fig. 1a, inset). Furthermore, Aphanothece cells also
coupling of ATPase and Na1 transport. An increased uptake
had Na1 extrusion capacity when energized with glucose
of 22Na1 occurred upon the addition of ATP. The hydrolysis
(Fig. 1b). The utilization of glucose for growth has been
of ATP by ATPase is the driving force for Na1 transport.
reported in some photoautotrophic cyanobacteria, i.e. Ana-
Furthermore, the abolition of Na1 transport observed under
baena variabilis (Ohki & Katoh, 1975), Aphanocapsa 6714
conditions when ATP was added in the presence of either the
(Pelroy et al., 1972) and Plectonema boryanum (White &
Na1 ionophore or gramicidin D or monensin suggested that
Shilo, 1975). Previously, the uptake of nitrate in the presence
Na1 gradient might be involved in the transport. Strong
of glucose was shown to increase in the starved Aphanothece
inhibition of Na1 uptake by CCCP (Fig. 1c) indicated that
2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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mH1-dependent Na1/H1 antiporter might be involved in
study using certain defined mutants such as the Na1/H1
the ATP-dependent Na1 transport. The participation of the
antiporter deficient mutant is needed.
P-type ATPase in Na1 transport is also suggested bythe strong suppression of Na1 uptake by orthovanadate(Fig. 1c).
Membrane vesicles prepared from Aphanothece cells
This work was supported by the Thailand Research Fund
grown under stress condition (2.0 M NaCl) showed higher
(BRG 4880004) to A. I. and partly by the scholarship from
Na1-ATPase activity than that from vesicles of nonstressed
the Faculty of Graduate Studies of Chulalongkorn Univer-
(0.5 M NaCl) cells (Fig. 4). Similar observation was reported
in a marine cyanobacterium Spirulina subsalsa subject toprolonged adaptation to hypersaline conditions (Gabbay-Azaria et al., 1994).
Previous studies on the response of A. halophytica to an
Apse MP & Blumwald E (2002) Engineering of salt tolerance in
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Bradford M (1976) A rapid and sensitive method for the
2001; Wutipraditkul et al., 2005). At least three Na1/H1
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Appl Environ Microbiol 71: 4176–4184.
2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
‘Leave all hope behind….and come in!’ Laat ik beginnen met een bekentenis. Dit is de eerste keer dat ik een dag voor betrokkenenbezoek. Dat ik desondanks meteen de kans krijg om vanaf deze plek het woord tot u terichten, laat zien hoe gastvrij uw vereniging is. Ik wil er alles aan doen om het in mij gesteldeMisschien mag ik mezelf een ervaringsdeskundige noemen, maar een expert ben ik
B.C.’S ECONOMIC ADVISORY COUNCIL David Emerson, chair David Emerson is CEO and chair of the BC Transmission Corporation and senior advisor for CAI Capital Management, a private equity firm. He was a federal Member of Parliament from 2004-2008, during which time he served as Minister of Industry, Minister of International Trade and Minister of Foreign Affairs. He has served in chief e