Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Anti-staphylococcal activity of ent-kaurane-type diterpenoids from
Giang P.M., Son P.T., Matsunami K., Otsuka H.
Faculty of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Vietnam National University, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi,
Viet Nam; Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku,
Abstract: Ent-kaurane-type diterpenpoids 1-11, isolated from the dried leaves of the endemic Vietnamese
medicinal plant Croton tonkinensis Gagnep. (Euphorbiaceae), were evaluated for inhibitory activity against
Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains. The most active diterpenoids, 2,
3, and 8, exhibited minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 32, 500, and 125 μg/ml, respectively,
against MRSA strains. 2005 The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy and Springer.
Author Keywords: Croton tonkinensis; Diterpenoid; Ent-kaurane; Euphorbiaceae; MRSA; Staphylococcus
Index Keywords: diterpenoid; ent 11alpha acetoxyhydroxykaur 16 en 18 oic acid; ent 15alpha,18
dihydroxykaur 16 ene; ent 18 acetoxy 11apha hydroxykaur 16 en 15 one; ent 18 acetoxy 14apha
hydroxykaur 16 en 15 one; ent 18 acetoxy 7beta hydroxykaur 15 one; ent 18 acetoxy 7beta hydroxykaur 16
en 15 one; ent 18 acetoxy 7beta,14alpha dihydroxykaur 16 en 15 one; ent 1alpha acetoxy 7beta,14alpha
dihydroxykaur 16 en 15 one; ent 1alpha,14alpha diacetoxy 7beta hydroxykaur 16 en 15 one; ent
1alpha,7beta diacetoxy 14alpha hydroxykaur 16 en 15 one; ent 7beta acetoxy 11apha hydroxykaur 16 en 15
one; kaurene derivative; penicillin G; streptomycin; tetracycline; unclassified drug; antibacterial activity;
article; bacterial strain; controlled study; Croton; Croton tonkinensis; drug activity; drug inhibition; drug
isolation; Euphorbia; methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus; minimum inhibitory concentration;
nonhuman; plant leaf; Staphylococcus aureus
Source title: Journal of Natural Medicines
Chemicals/CAS: penicillin G, 1406-05-9, 61-33-6; streptomycin, 57-92-1; tetracycline, 23843-90-5, 60-54-
Correspondence Address: Otsuka, H.; Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1-2-
3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan; email: hotsuka@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Abbreviated Source Title: Journal of Natural Medicines
• Giang, P.M., Faculty of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Vietnam National University, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Viet
Nam, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan
• Son, P.T., Faculty of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Vietnam National University, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Viet Nam
• Matsunami, K., Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-
• Otsuka, H., Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551,
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