Antelope Valley Ostomy News November Local News…~ by Ann Wright, RN, CWOCN, CNS, Editor Lancaster News December 9th (Saturday) Annual Christmas Party! Mark your calendars now for the event of the season!
Our AV Ostomy Group Christmas party will
November greetings, everyone! I hope you
be held at the Hacienda Mobile Home Park
are all doing well. As the season changes, it
is now time to get ready for the “H” –
word…yes, the holiday season is soon
charity to support, and have a potluck feast!
November 18 (Saturday
cordially invited to attend a party in honor of our friend Augusta May who will be celebrating her 65th birthday. Augusta is traveling back to Lancaster from Stockton for this special occasion. Augusta invites all
her special Ostomy support group friends,
January 21st (Sunday), 2007!
(old and new) to join us in the celebration!
Happy New Year – We will have our
This potluck get- together will be in lieu of
our regular meeting Sunday, Nov. 19th. The
at 2PM in the meeting room at the Senior
gathering will be held at the clubhouse at
Ave. J-8 in Lancaster. The party starts at
So!! We have lots going on. I would like to
November 19th (Sunday) - NO REGULAR
to join us for our get-together November
SUPPORT GROUP MEETING THIS MONTH! We will reconvene at our regular
support group meeting on the third Sunday
of January, from 2-4 PM at the Senior Center in Lancaster.
Lancaster UOA Newsletter WHAT CAN YOU DO?
Anticipate the negative. There are negative
Via: The Innermost News, Monterey City & the G.B.
life with an ostomy (leakage, skin irritation,
charge and live a happier life—despite
happen if you didn’t have an ostomy. The
overall health, happiness and productivity.
Be a person, not a patient. Make this the
person who has had ostomy surgery, not an
Via: The Pouch, N. Virginia & GB News Review
Your social life can be as active as it was
patient is when you’re in the doctor’s office
before surgery. You can enjoy all activities:
see yourself living with an ostomy is an
meetings, parties, religious occasions, or
whatever you enjoyed before. The first time
ostomy affects you and your life - Identify
you go out of the house after surgery, you
the ways that your ostomy causes problems
may feel as if everyone is staring at your
appliance, even though it is not visible
and then determine how you’re going to
appliance on your body, but no one can see
Set overall goals for improving your life:
it. Keep these questions in mind: Did you
situation. Improve your coping style. Set
stoma was located or what it looked like
goals. Aim to regain control of your life. Do
colostomies or ileostomies, you may also
worry about your pouch filling with gas and
less time with things you dislike. Enhance
sticking out under your clothing. A quick trip
participation in your social network. Improve
pouch filling up immediately after eating at
a social event, remember, people without
ostomies often need to go to the restroom
after eating, and nobody will think it is
difficulties that you are having living with
unusual if you do the same. You probably
will find that you need to empty your pouch
the left side of a folded piece of paper. On
less often than you need to urinate. You
may be wondering about your relationships
with others. Now that you have an ostomy,
you may feel that it will change your present
you can. Ask others for additional ideas,
opportunities for friendship and love. True
friendships and deep relationships on any
Lancaster UOA Newsletter
understanding. These qualities depend on
you and other persons. You have the same
13. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his
qualities you had before surgery, and your
ability to develop friendships is unchanged.
14. Circumvent (n.), the opening in the
If you care about yourself, others will feel
your strength and will not be deterred. If
15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that,
when you die, your soul goes up on the roof
friendship, a relationship, or even marriage,
this relationship was not built on trust and
16. Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist.
crumbled some time in the future anyway.
A “SOFT TOUCH” ALL WINTER Via: Los Ileos News & Hemet– San Jacinto, CA
Winter skin problems can occur whether you are indoors or out, male or female,
young or older. Here is some advice from several prominent dermatologists. * The dry skin syndrome affects only the top layer of skin, the stratum corneum. It is as thin as tissue paper and it is composed of flattened dead cells manufactured in the
layer below. Water and body oil move from
“WORD PLAY” ~Oliver Goldsmith (Sincere
the live skin to the outer layer. The oil
keeps the water from evaporating quickly
1. Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed
and it is the water that makes skin moist.
* Moist or dry skin is due, in large part to
2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how
3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever
skin. Oddly enough, winter skin problems
4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an
moisture, and draws it from every available
source. The skin is a natural target. Here
5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.
are some easy to follow hints to make life
6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition
7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.
humidity can protect your skin. If you have
8. Gargoyle (n.), an olive flavored
central heating, you can add a humidifying
9. Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle
humidifier for your rooms. They are very
that picks you up after you are run over by
helpful in bedrooms and can keep you from
10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding
3. Substitute a quick shower, or at least a
short warm bath for a long hot soak in the
11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on
tub. Take it easy with the bath soap in the
winter. A luxurious lather feels good to the
12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified Lancaster UOA Newsletter
touch but is bad for your skin because it
care will become just a normal part of your
washes away the skin’s own protective oils.
4. Apply a moisturizer to the skin right after
* Basic management skills can be learned,
the bath or shower. (Ostomates, omit the
product you really like and use it faithfully.
and managed as they occur. With time and
The only part of the skin that dries out is the
say. Of course, you know to drink enough
* You are alive! You will get better and
stronger. Give yourself time to get over
5. Invest in a good pair of rubber gloves
ostomy surgery and to adjust to this body
and use them for those cleaning agent and
solvent jobs. Wear gloves when outdoors. If your hands are extremely dry, sleep in cotton gloves after putting on cream. 6. Avoid too tight clothing. They rub against dry winter skin; it itches, you scratch, the
THE FUNGUS AMONG US! By Kathy Dahn, RN, Riverside HealthCare Via:
With frostbite, warm the area with blankets,
My patients frequently tell me how good it
outdoors. Have a happy comfortable winter.
itchiness at that point is normal. What is not
somewhere that itching dry skin can be helped by putting some oatmeal in a small
wearing it. There can be several reasons
cloth sack and let it stand in your bath
for this but one of the most common is a
water. It seems to relieve the itching.
fungal infection. This is not a cause for panic!! Many people worry that having a
POINTERS FOR THE NEW OSTOMATE Via: Big Sky Informer & Hemet-San Jacinto, CA
not clean and that is simply not the case.
* There is no answer for “Why me?” but it is
normal to ask the question and you do need
dark and moist—a great description of the
* Each person’s ostomy is different, even as
The peristomal skin (the skin around the
stoma) will usually be a “hot pink” or
strawberry-red when a fungal infection is
there may be places where the top layer of
* It is your ostomy; learn to manage it and
wound which is red and moist (and tender).
don’t let your ostomy manage you. In the
beginning, it is normal for your ostomy care
in different ways with the main difference
to be the center of your existence; however,
with time and practice your ostomy and its
Lancaster UOA Newsletter
cream product. Regardless of whether you
you remove the paper backing. There is no
will probably not adhere for as long a period
special amount of time that you will need to
say, “Fore-warned is fore-armed”, so
If you have had your ostomy for years and
(Mycostatin) powder is a product that will
areas which are open and moist. To use the
efficient as we age. In addition, increased
skin well, then apply a light “dusting” of the
the “bad germs” but wipes out our normal
flora– the “good germs” that normally
can place your appliance directly over the
live in our body. Our normal flora help to
keep the “bad germs” in check so when
over the powder to help achieve a tighter
the normal flora is decreased; the fungus
seal. Another method is to apply Lotrisone
can take over—sort of a “when the cat
is away, the mice will play” scenario And of
is a combination product with clotrimazole
(steroid) to decrease the itching. By the
perspiration. I hope this helps to clarify
some of the confusion about “the fungus
fungal infection, they are frequently so
that we elect to use the Lotrisone to give
Directions to Marty and Gerry’s: Hacienda Mobile Home Park
you’re probably thinking….but Lotrisone is a
slip right off.and you’re right! To help
the Lotrisone with a “second skin” - Extra
20th St east, turn right. Turn left on J-8 and
then right into the Hacienda mobile home
just what it says it is—it is very thin and it
park. The clubhouse is directly in front of
Ave. K exit, turn right. Go east on Ave K to
20th street east and turn left. Stay in right
edges of the Duoderm can be secured with
lane and turn right onto J-8. Then right into
using the Extra Thin Duoderm: if you are
directly in front of the entrance. Marty and
accommodate your stoma, you will need to cut the hole smaller than usual as the
Fisioterapia respiratória na bronquioliteFisioterapia respiratória nas crianças com bronquiolite viral aguda: visão crítica respiratory physiotherapy in children with acute viral Fisioterapia respiratoria en niños con bronquiolitis viral aguda: Marina Herruzo Mucciollo1, Natália A F Simionato2, Lúcia Cândida S de Paula 3, Andréia Inamassi Feola4 , Viviane Cabral Monteiro5, Maria E
Rehabilitation suchtkranker Schwerverletzter: Diagnose und Behandlung von Suchterkrankungen Ute Lübbe, ReIntra GmbH Ein Unfall hat sich ereignet. Wie geht das Leben des Verletzten weiter? Im günstigsten Fall erholt sich der Patient vollständig und kann sein Leben ohne Einschränkungen weiterführen. Nach schweren Unfällen ist ihm dies meist nicht mehr möglich. Nicht selten verläuft de