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Blood group mutation database:
Working Group "Rare Blood Groups“of Section V (Immunohaematology/Gene Technology) of DGTI:
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Radiation Management Of Prostate Cancer An OvervieW Table of Contents THE PROSTATE GLAND ….…………………………………………….……….….2 PROSTATE CANCER.……………………………………….………………….……2 PATIENT EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING …………….….….3-5 MANAGEMENT OF PROSTATE CANCER AN OVERVIEW OF APPROACHES
THIS IS A GUIDANCE DOCUMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED AS A REPLACEMENT TO THE RULES. The rules for classifying and coding industrial wastes andhazardous wastes may be found in 30 Texas AdministrativeCode (TAC) Sections (§§) 335.501-.521 (Subchapter R). Texas Commission on Environmental QualityTexas Commission on Environmental Quality Kathleen Hartnett White, Chairman R. B. “R