August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number National Institutes of Health
Comparison of three human ehrlichiosis agent genome
Brantley, William A, Restoratv/prosthetic
Structure and properties of high-palladium dental alloys.
Telomeres, telomerase, and chemotherapy.
Lairmore, Michael D, Veterinary Bioscienc
Animal models of molecular pathogenesis of HTLV-1.
Macrophage HIV infection in the lung microenvironment.
Caligiuri, Michael A, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and
Parris, Deborah S, Mole Virol,imm & M G
Initiation of HSV DNA replication--UL9 interactions.
Regulation of gene expression in Neurospora.
Bone mass and nutritional status of children with fracture.
Mechanisms for glutamate transporter alteration in
Topoisomerase II and telomerese in cancer and aging.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
B7 receptors in tumor immunotherapy and immune
X-ray studies on nucleic acid constituents.
Boris-lawrie, Kathleen, Veterinary Bioscienc
HIV structural gene vectors -- live- attenuated HIV
Azinomycin total synthesis and mechanism of action.
Role of NTHI endotoxin in otitis media pathogenesis.
Determinants of calcium binding in non-EF-hand proteins.
Sheridan, John F, Oral Biology; Marucha, Phillip T,
Social reorganization, HPA reactivity, and inflammation.
Periodontology; Quan, Ning, Oral Biology; Padgett,
Zadnik, Karla S, Optometry, Coll Of; Moeschberger,
Redox properties of flavodoxin and related flavoproteins.
Kuret, Jeffrey A, Neurobiotechnlgy Cnt and
Structure, function, and regulation of casein kinase-1.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Schoenberg, Daniel R, Mole&cell Biochem
Hormonal regulation of messenger RNA stability.
Grever, Michael R, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and
Molecular studies of drug resistance in CLL.
Histones and nucleosomes in Archaea (Archaebacteria).
Peptide deformylase: Mechanism and inhibitor design.
Oberyszyn, Tatiana M, Mole Virol,imm & M G
The role of prostaglandins in UVB carcinogenesis.
Todd, James T, Psychology and Center Cognitive Sci
The perceptual representation of 3D surfaces.
Neff, Maria H, Psychiatry; Neff, Norton H,
GM1 corrects neurotransmitter deficits in aged brain.
Alpha-sense therapy of diabetic glomerulosclerosis.
Stokes, Bradford T, Physiology&cell Biol and
Neurotrophins and transplants in spinal cord injury.
Med&public Hlth Adm; Jakeman, Lyn B,
Givens, Bennet S, Psychology and Center Cognitive
Ethanol and prefrontal correlates of attention.
Host and bacterial factors in disease due to H. pylori.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Saif, Linda J, Oardc-fd Anml Health and Vet
Enhancing the immunogenicity of human rotavirus
Preventive Med; Redman, Donald R, Oardc-fd Anml
Health; Redman, Donald R, Vet Preventive Med
Mansky, Louis M, Mole Virol,imm & M G
Rosol, Thomas J, Veterinary Bioscienc; Tannehill-
Lung cancer: Role of PTHrP and regulation by TGF-beta.
Boris-lawrie, Kathleen, Veterinary Bioscienc
RNA trafficking in simplified HIV-1 derivatives.
Effects of antiviral agents on immune functions.
Van Riper, Marcia L, Comm/parent-chld/psy
Family experience of genetic testing: Ethical dimensions.
Marucha, Phillip T, Periodontology; Ortiz, Griselle
Neuroendocrine regulation of HSV-1 induced cytokines.
Myung, In J, Psychology; Pitt, Mark A, Psychology
Methods for selecting among mathematical models of
Transgenic mice with precise control of gene expression.
Gregory, Paula E, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and Mole
Science for the new millennium: High school cancer research
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Nahman, Norris S Jr, Nephrology; Bhatt, Udayan Y,
Role of adenoviral receptors in gene therapy of diabetes.
Schricker, Scott R, Restoratv/prosthetic; Parquette,
Dental composites based on rigid, hyperbranched
Leone, Gustavo W, Mole Virol,imm & M G and
Petty, Richard E, Psychology; Rucker, Derek D,
The role of distinct negative moods in persuasion.
Petty, Richard E, Psychology; Larsen, Jeff T,
Kuret, Jeffrey A, Neurobiotechnlgy Cnt and
Structure, function, and regulation of casein kinase-1.
Total National Institutes of Health $8,802,192 National Science Foundation
Brillson, Leonard J, Ctr Materials Resrch and
Development of instrumentation for combined secondary ion
Electrical Engrg; Brillson, Leonard J, Physics
mass spectrometry, cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, and chemical processing.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Van Heuvelen, Alan, Physics; Fentiman, Audeen W,
Science fellows supporting teachers in the classroom.
Civ&env Eng&geod Sci; Mckenzie, Garry D,
Geological Sciences; Wallace, Lane J, Pharmacy, Coll Of
Optimal distinctiveness and intergroup discrimination.
Sack, Fred D, Plant Biology; Vaessin, Harald F,
A wide-field deconvolution microscope for cell and
Molecular Genetics; Oakley, Berl R, Molecular
Genetics; Verma, Deshpal S, Molecular Genetics; Beattie, Christine E, Pharmacology
Bedford, Keith W, Civ&env Eng&geod Sci;
The impact of episodic events on nearshore- offshore
Mcdonald, Ellen T, Civ&env Eng&geod Sci
transport in the Great Lakes: Sediment resuspension and transport modeling program.
Todd, James T, Psychology and Center Cognitive Sci
The detection and segmentation of image motion.
Waldron, Kenneth J, Mechanical Engrg; Orin, David
An experimental study of quadruped gallops.
Harmonic analysis and global invariants.
Disorder and correlation effects examined through electron
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Prosodic influences on the production and comprehension of
syntactic ambiguity in a game-based conversation task.
Parental work and family effects on children: The United
Hamilton, Gordon S, Byrd Polar Res Ctr; Whillans,
Mass balance and accumulation rate along US ITASE
Ian M, Byrd Polar Res Ctr; Whillans, Ian M,
Hamilton, Gordon S, Byrd Polar Res Ctr; Whillans,
Satellite image analyses for US ITASE route selection and
Ian M, Byrd Polar Res Ctr; Whillans, Ian M,
Casian, Luis G, Mathematics; Kodama, Yuji,
Toda lattices and toric varieties for real semisimple Lie
Askin, Rosemary A, Byrd Polar Res Ctr; Polyak,
Construction and support of a polar rock repository.
Webb, Peter N, Byrd Polar Res Ctr and Geological
Cretaceous-Paleogene Foraminiferida of the Victoria Land
Wilson, Terry J, Byrd Polar Res Ctr and Geological
Collaborative research: TAMARA: Transantarctic
Sciences; Grunow, Anne M, Byrd Polar Res Ctr;
Mountains Aerogeophysical Research Activities.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Jenkins, Joseph C, Mershon Ctr For Educ and
Hostile attribution bias and the self: A cross- cultural
Total National Science Foundation $2,620,578 Department of Education
Freeman, Evelyn B, Educ Admin; Damarin, Suzanne,
Technology enhanced teaching and learning: Implementation
National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area
Richardson, Bradley M, Ofc/interntl Studies
National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area
Assessment-based intervention for special education students
Program Excel student - support services.
Knowlton, Virginia A, Agr Tech Inst Adm Sp
Total Department of Education $998,167 Department of Defense August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Eng, Charis, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and Internal
A novel phosphatase gene on 10q23, MINPP, in hereditary
In vivo evaluation of gossypol-containing cottonseed oil as a
dietary chemopreventive agent for estrogen- induced mammary carcinogenesis.
Mobley, Carroll E Jr, Materials Sci & Engr
Total Department of Defense $827,951 Department of Energy
An in-core power deposition and fuel thermal environmental
Alkoxide metal complexes: Templates for organometallic
Miller, Don W, Mechanical Engrg; Radcliff, Thomas
Local measurement of fuel energy deposition and heat
D, Mechanical Engrg; Radcliff, Thomas D,
transfer environment during fuel lifetime using controlled
Aldemir, Tunc, Mechanical Engrg; Miller, Don W,
Development of a probabilistic technique for on-line
Mechanical Engrg; Hajek, Brian K, Mechanical
parameter and state estimation in non- linear dynamic
The role of multiple transcription factors in archaeal gene
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Transmethylation reactions during methylotropic
methanogenesis in Methanosarcina barkeri.
Total Department of Energy $762,454 Department of Labor
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 79: Round 19 &
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 79: Round 19 &
Total Department of Labor $1,254,773 Department of Agriculture
Bisaro, David M, Molecular Genetics and Plant
Molecular mechanisms of geminivirus replication.
Morrison, Mark, Oardc-animal Sciencs and Animal
Molecular and kinetic analyses of the adhesion of
Building a biologically- based approach to manage insect and
Entomology; Cardina, John, Oardc-hort&crop Sci;
Mcfeeters, Donald J, Oardc-piketon R & E
Southern Ohio agri- business training program.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Horn, David J, Oardc-entomology and Entomology
Monitoring effects of prescribed burning on selected
arthropods in the Wayne National Forest, Vinton and Lawrence Counties, Ohio.
Gordon, Donald T, Oardc-plant Patholgy and Plant
Virus replication and distribution in germinating maize
embryos and developing seedling tissues.
Total Department of Agriculture $1,063,778 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Analysis of the interaction of environmental signal
transduction pathways using gravi-compensation.
Bigham, Jerry M, Oardc-nat Resources and Natural
Acid sulfate drainage: A model system for understanding
potential biomineralization processes on Mars.
Total National Aeronautics and Space Administration $104,668 Other Federal
MCH Interdisciplinary Leadership Training Program.
Modeling anthropogenic emissions of green house gases.
Adams, Charles F Jr, Sch Of Publ Pol&mgmt
Building a civic infrastructure in South Africa: A bottom up
Community development work study program.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Sponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Irele, Francis A, African-amer&afr Std; Mphande,
CD-Rom of oral literature: Southern African praise poetry.
Lupenga, African-amer&afr Std; Mphande, Lupenga,
Strege, Gayle M, Consumer&textile Sci;
Cunningham, Patricia A, Consumer&textile Sci
Total Other Federal $809,326 Industry
Effects of immunosuppression with cyclosporin A, RAD,
cyclophosphamide, and steroids on survival time in baboons receiving life-supporting xenotransplantation.
Effects of immunosuppression with cyclosporin A, RAD,
cyclophosphamide and steroids on survival time in baboons receiving life-supporting xenotransplantation.
Design techniques for third generation wireless
NSAIDs and H. pylori gastritis in gnotobiotic piglets.
Lee, John D, Aero Engr Appl M&a; Freuler, Richard
Frankel, Gerald S, Materials Sci & Engr
SSC resistance of welded high strength pipeline in sour
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Hogan, Joseph S, Oardc-animal Sciencs and Animal
Utilization of an intramammary E. coli challenge model to
Sciences; Smith, K Larry, Oardc-animal Sciencs;
evaluate the immunogenicity of selected in vitro potency
Characterization of InGaAsN and related photovoltaic
Center for Automotive Research consortium.
Center for Automotive Research consortium.
Brew, Christopher H, Linguistics and Center
Development of text analysis and prosody rules for text-to-
Technology improvements for illumination control in RCS
A long-term study of the antihypertensive activity and safety
of BMS-186716, in the treatment of hypertension.
Binkley, Philip F, Cardiology; Leier, Carl V,
Study of oral YM087 (CI-1025) to assess functional capacity
in patients with class III chronic heart failure.
Study comparing the effects of atorvastatin versus pravastatin
on the progression and quantification of coronary atherosclerotic lesions as measured by intravascular ultrasound. August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Notz, William I, Statistics; Pearl, Dennis K,
Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and
Statistics; Stasny, Elizabeth A, Statistics
Muir, William W Iii, Vet Clinical Science
Dose confirmation/ physiology study to define cessation of
critical vital functions in the dog following administration of Embutane{TM} at two intravenous dosages.
Bisaro, David M, Molecular Genetics and Plant
Studies of mutant geminivirus AL2 proteins.
Sahai, Yogeshwar, Materials Sci & Engr
Novel technique to control free surface waves in a continuous
Pfeiffer, Douglas R, Mole&cell Biochem
Targeting the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter.
Rosenstiel, Stephen F, Restoratv/prosthetic; Seghi,
Clinical evaluation of Targis/Vectris Bridge System.
Effectiveness of perflubron-based emulsion to augment
intraoperative autologous donation in patients undergoing primary coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Purdue Pharma LP various phase I studies.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Kaneps, Andris J, Vet Clinical Science; Bertone,
Thermography and scintigraphy of equine synovitis following
Alicia L, Vet Clinical Science; Mattoon, John S, Vet
A phase II open label study of SU101 for patients with
anaplastic astrocytoma in first relapse.
Allen, Theodore T, Indust Weld&sys Engr
Weld sizing technology for arc welding production.
Villalona, Miguel A, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct
Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of sequentially
administered CPT-11 and mitomycin C in patients with advanced solid tumors.
Avalos-copelan, Belinda, Hematology & Oncolog
Comparative trial of FK-463 versus fluconazole for
prophylaxis of fungal infections in patients undergoing a hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
Clopidogrel in unstable angina to prevent recurrent ischemic
Lee, Ly J, Chemical Engineering; Koelling, Kurt W,
Paquette, Leo A, Chemistry; Hart, David J, Chemistry
Synthesis of medicinal agents -- task order 1.
Multinational trial to investigate the effect of the NA+/H+
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of the Selegiline
Transdermal System (STS) in Parkinson's disease patients.
Arnold, L Eugene, Nisonger Center; Aman, Michael
A 12-month, open-label study of SLI381 in children with
G, Nisonger Center; Lindsay, Ronald L, Nisonger
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Clinical pediatric study to measure refractive error using
Grotewold, Erich, Plant Biology and Plant
A novel approach to functional genomics in arabidopsis.
Fowler, Jeffrey M, Obstetrics/gynecolgy; Copeland,
Phase 2 nonrandomized patients with recurrent or advanced
Larry J, Obstetrics/gynecolgy; Eaton, Lynne A,
Study to determine the long-term safety and efficacy of
pregabalin in patients with refractory complex partial seizures.
Rammohan, Kottil W, Neurology; Lynn, Deborah J,
Study to evaluate the efficacy of AVONEX{R} in the
treatment of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.
Gear tooth geometry inspection and transmission error
A safety and efficacy study to compare the licensed
Agenerase dose to a lower Agenerase dose in the presence of Norvir.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
rSP-C surfactant for the treatment of acute respiratory distress
Load distribution program analysis for planet-sun- ring spur
An open-label safety extension study of Avonex{R}.
Multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of
adenosine as an adjunct to reperfusion therapy in the treatment of acute anterolateral myocardial infarction.
Clinical study of AR-623 (Liposomal Tretinoin).
Target glycemic control and the incidence of symptomatic
nocturnal hypoglycemia in insulin naive subjects with type 2 diabetes on oral hypoglycemic agents.
Freuler, Richard J, Aero & Astro Researc
Open-label dose titration assessment of the clinical utility of a
slow, low dose titration schedule of Zonegran{TM} in the initiation of therapy.
Mode selection trial for cardiac pacing (MOST).
Evaluation of donepezil hydrochloride (E2020) in patients
with dementia associated with cerebrovascular disease.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Woda, Russell P, Anesthesiology; Allen, James N Jr,
Multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled pivotal trial
for dose selection and efficacy of partial liquid ventilation with perflubron.
Mode selection trial for cardiac pacing (MOST).
Jackson, Rebecca D, Endo, Diabetes & Met
Evaluate upper gastro- intestinal tolerability upon rechallenge
in post- menopausal women with osteoporosis who discontinued aldendronate due to upper gastro- intestinal symptoms.
Evaluation of HIV RNA suppression produced by a triple
combination regimen administered once daily compared to a reference combination regimen.
Kaneps, Andris J, Vet Clinical Science; Bertone,
Thermography of equine synovitis administration of
Alicia L, Vet Clinical Science; Mattoon, John S, Vet
Hebert, Lee A, Nephrology; Rovin, Brad H,
Study of the effect of h5G1.1-mAb on the reductiom of
proteinuria in patients with idiopathic membraneous glomerulopathy.
Total Industry $1,048,921 State of Ohio August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Sivilotti, Linda W, Civ&env Eng&geod Sci; Walker,
Ultrasonic cleaning of fouled membranes during drinking
Harold W, Civ&env Eng&geod Sci; Whitlatch, E
water treatment: Application to small treatment systems.
Nell, Susan K, Ctr Ed Trng Employmt; Sherman,
Corrections in career- technical and adult education.
Kraut, Eric H, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and Internal
Ohio Hemophilia Program: Comprehensive Care and
Hemophilia Insurance Pilot Program (HIPP).
Bean, Thomas L, Oardc-fd Ag Biol Eng and
Continuing the partnership for saving lives in Ohio's
Whitlatch, E Earl Jr, Civ&env Eng&geod Sci
Support funding for the Ohio Water Resources Center.
Miller, Diane D, Oardc-hort&crop Sci and
Microbiological safety of fresh grape juice.
Messerly, Nancy A, Organiz&humn Res Dev
Adeli, Hojjat, Civ&env Eng&geod Sci
Neural network model for automatic traffic incident
Hushak, Leroy J, Ctr/lake Erie Ar Rsc and Agr
Economic value of recreational boating in Ohio.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Mccaslin, N L, Oardc-hum&com Res Dv and
Special services in agricultural education.
Total State of Ohio $2,073,067 Private Agencies
Sloutsky, Vladimir M, Integrated Teaching
The development of understanding in mathematics and
science: Cognitive mechanisms and methods of amplification.
Liu, Yang, Pathology; Bai, Xue-feng, Pathology
The role of heat-stable antigen in the pathogenicity of self-
Biomedical Engineering graduate student support.
Binkley, Philip F, Cardiology; Khouri, Samer J,
Does ischemic burden determine myocardial cytokines
St Martin, Steven K, Oardc-hort&crop Sci and
Molecular mapping of disease resistance genes in soybean.
Horticulture&crop Sc; Dorrance, Anne E, Oardc-
plant Patholgy; Dorrance, Anne E, Plant Pathology; Francis, David M, Oardc-hort&crop Sci; Francis, David M, Horticulture&crop Sc
Steffensmeier, Janet M, Political Science
Surveying public attitudes toward reform.
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
The role of muscle proteins in synaptic structure and
Binkley, Philip F, Cardiology; Khouri, Samer J,
Evaluation of myocardial viability with contrast perfusion
echocardiography and electromechanical mapping.
Hutchens, James W Jr, Art Education; Killeen,
National Arts Education Consortium - transforming education
Oberdick, John D, Neurobiotechnlgy Cnt and
The role of the olivocerebellar system in the control of motor
Cardiac allograft acceptance and subsequent tumor
Vantoai, Tara T, Horticulture&crop Sc; Dorrance,
Identification of molecular markers linked to phytophthora
Anne E, Oardc-plant Patholgy; Dorrance, Anne E,
partial resistance quantitative trait loci in soybean.
Plant Pathology; St Martin, Steven K, Oardc-hort&crop Sci; St Martin, Steven K, Horticulture&crop Sc
Finer, John J, Oardc-hort&crop Sci and
Evaluation of stress transgenes in soybean.
St Martin, Steven, Oardc-hort&crop Sci and
Soybean breeding for value-added food products.
Horticulture&crop Sc; Dorrance, Anne E, Oardc-
plant Patholgy; Dorrance, Anne E, Plant Pathology; Fioritto, Ronald J, Oardc-hort&crop Sci; Fioritto, Ronald J, Horticulture&crop Sc; Streeter, John G, Oardc-hort&crop Sci; Streeter, John G, Horticulture&crop Sc
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Clinical trials in gynecologic oncology.
Monocyte survival in the pathogenesis of pulmonary
Beattie, Michael S, Neuroscience; Hoyt, Kari R,
Excitotoxic injury in primary neurons cultured from
College transfer decisions and their effects on future
Snook, Jean T, Oardc-human Ecology and Human
Trans fatty acids in self-selected diets: Are they bad for you,
Flavahan, Nicholas A, Heart & Lung Inst; Chotani,
Role of alpha2- adenoceptors in vascular smooth muscle cell
biology: Toward development of an in vitro model for scleroderma.
Tsai, Chon-liang, Indust Weld&sys Engr
Cooperative research and development program.
Binkley, Philip F, Cardiology; Attar, Talal T,
Modifying the insulin resistance state and its effect on the
Stokes, Bradford T, Physiology&cell Biol
Antigen presentation defects in prostate cancer.
Lippold, John C, Indust Weld&sys Engr
An investigation of ductility dip cracking in austenitic
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Hai, Tsonwin, Neurobiotechnlgy Cnt and Mole&cell
Yoon, Sung Ok, Neurobiotechnlgy Cnt and Anatomy
Determination of upstream regulators of p75- mediated JNK
Peltomaki, Paivi T, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and Mole
Genetic basis of tumor spectrum in hereditary nonpolyposis
Boris-lawrie, Kathleen, Veterinary Bioscienc
Host factors important for post-transcriptional control of a
Clinton, Steven K, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and
SWOG (Southwest Oncology Group) prostate cancer
Activating endogenous regulators of renal chemokine
expression: A novel approach to controlling renal inflammation.
Monocyte survival in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis;
Spectral monitoring of the selective active galactic nuclei:
Objects with peculiar broad-lined profiles, narrow-line and normal Seyfert 1 Galaxies.
Clinical trials of the American College of Surgeons Oncology
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Clinton, Steven K, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and
SWOG (Southwest Oncology Group) prostate cancer
Kraut, Eric H, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct and Internal
Multidisciplinary participation in the cancer control activities
Montalto, Catherine P, Consumer&textile Sci
Retirement assets of families in the United States.
p38 MAPK isoform expression in human mesangial cells.
Cultivating Our Community: Urban Gardening Program,
Breast and bowel treatment protocols agreement.
Bloomfield, Clara D, Comprhnsve Cancer Ct
Total Private Agencies $2,806,982 Colleges and Universities
Plasticity of odor-guided behavior in Manduca.
Flavahan, Nicholas A, Heart & Lung Inst and
Endothelial cell dysfunction and apoptosis in accelerated
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number
Rokhlin, Stanislav I, Indust Weld&sys Engr; Shen,
Technology development for inspection of interphase
Improved ocean radar altimeter and scatterometer data
products for global change studies and coastal applications.
Mahan, Donald C, Oardc-animal Sciencs and Animal
Comparison of the quality of soybeans and soybean meals
from the United States and several foreign origins for swine.
Jackson, Rebecca D, Endo, Diabetes & Met
Women's health initiative study of cognitive aging.
Diffusion processes in molten semiconductors.
Dabrowski, Konrad, Oardc-nat Resources and
The advancement of hybrid walleye aquaculture.
Genetic linkage study in Parkinson's disease.
Mcfeeters, Donald J, Oardc-piketon R & E; Tiu,
North Central Regional Aquaculture Center extension
Frid, David J, Cardiology; Larry, John A, Cardiology
Prevention of Events with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Antihypertensive and lipid-lowering therapy to prevent heart
August 2000 Awards to The Ohio State University Research Foundation Non-Federal Research Grants/ContractsSponsor Name Start Date New/Continuation Principal Investigator(s), Department Master Number Total Colleges and Universities $807,278 Other Non-Federal
Sherman, William M, Ctr Ed Trng Employmt; Lewis,
Career and technical education challenge task force
Morgan V, Ctr Ed Trng Employmt; Mckinney, Floyd
Copelan, Edward A, Hematology & Oncolog
A comparison of peripheral blood progenitor cell
mobilization using docetaxel plus G-CSF versus G-CSF alone in women with breast cancer.
Total Other Non-Federal $144,226 Total Research Grants/Contract $24,124,361
MEMORANDUM National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT®) Certification Examination Information and Resources During the 2004 ASD Pre-Conference meeting in Minneapolis, MN, NBCOT was invited to present information to the attendees about: • The national certification examination format and content; • The certification examination application and test scheduling proce
IDENTIFICATION PS23 PROTECTO LITHIUM COMPLEX GREASE CAS: Not applicable to mixtures. UN: None allocated. PS23 Manufacturing & Distribution (Pty) Ltd P O Box 75626 Lynnwood Ridge 0040 Republic of South Africa AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY NUMBER: +27 - 12 - 808 0655 COMPOSITION: This product is a secret blend of petroleum-derived grease, with additives: Highly refined base oils Mine