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Elisa Ughetto (Ph.D) Last update: June 2013
Politecnico di Torino
10129 Torino - ITALY

Education  and  academic  experience  

o Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino (DISPEA)-since August 2011 o Research Fellow at IP-Finance Institute, Politecnico di Torino-since May 2009 o Research Associate at Politecnico di Torino (DISPEA)-from February 2008 to February 2010 o Visiting Scholar at European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Investment Fund (EIF)- o Ph.D in Economics and Management of Technology, Università di Bergamo, March 2008. Thesis: “Finance and innovation: essays on credit, investment and regulation” Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Buzzacchi o Visiting scholar at Washington University in St. Louis (USA): March-June 2007-Supervisor: o M.S “Laurea in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche” - Università di Torino, April 2003 M.S dissertation: “Multinational companies of the automotive industry in South Korea” (supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Balcet, discussants: Prof. Aldo Enrietti and Prof. Vittorio Valli). o Erasmus student at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK), September 2000- Grants  and  Awards  
o Scholarship (2010) from Fondazione CRT and Fondazione Goria (Master dei Talenti program) o Post-doc research grant (2008) from European Investment Bank o Ph.D (2004-2007) from Fondazione Rosselli o Graduation (2003) award from Fiat S.p.A o High school graduation (1999) award from Fiat S.p.A  
o Accounting and Corporate Finance, graduate programme in Industrial Engineering and
Management, IV Facoltà Politecnico di Torino -2012/2013 (lecturer)
o Management Accounting and Control, graduate programme in Industrial Engineering and
Management, IV Facoltà Politecnico di Torino -2011/2012 (lecturer)
o Management Accounting and Control, graduate programme in Industrial Engineering and
Management, IV Facoltà Politecnico di Torino -2010/2011 (lecturer)
o Management Accounting and Control, graduate programme in Industrial Engineering and
Management, IV Facoltà Politecnico di Torino -2009/2010 (lecturer for the cost accounting
o Management Accounting and Control, graduate programme in Industrial Engineering and
Management, IV Facoltà Politecnico di Torino -2008/2009 (lecturer for the cost accounting
o Measurement and evaluation of science and technology-Ingenio post graduate program-
Università di Milano Bicocca-september 2007 (lecturer) o Management of Innovation-Alta Scuola Politecnica Summer School 2008, 2009, 2010 (tutor),
o Management delle Smart Cities-2013
International  journals  

o CAVIGGIOLI, F., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO, E. (2013). International Patent Disputes:
Evidence From Oppositions at the European Patent Office, forthcoming Research Policy

o CANNONE, G., UGHETTO E.(2013) Born globals: a cross-country survey on high-tech
start-ups, forthcoming International Business Review

o CAVIGGIOLI, F., UGHETTO E. (2013) The drivers to patent transactions: Corporate views
on the market for patents, forthcoming R&D Management

o SCELLATO G.,UGHETTO E. (2013), Real effects of private equity investments: evidence
from European buyouts, forthcoming Journal of Business Research

o CANNONE, G., UGHETTO, E. (2013). Funding innovation at regional level: an analysis of
a public policy intervention in the Piedmont region, forthcoming Regional Studies

o BUZZACCHI, L., SCELLATO, G., UGHETTO E. (2013), The investment strategies of
publicly sponsored venture capital funds, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(3), 707-716

o UGHETTO E., VEZZULLI A. (2011), What role can mutual guarantee consortia play for
financing innovation? A firm-level study for Italy, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and

o ODASSO C., UGHETTO E. (2011), Patent backed securities in pharmaceuticals: what
determines success or failure?, R&D Management, 41 (3), 219-239

o UGHETTO E. (2010), Assessing the contribution to innovation of private equity investors: a
study on European buyouts, Research Policy, vol. 39, 126-140

o SCELLATO G., UGHETTO E. (2010), The Basel II reform and the provision of finance for
R&D activities in SMEs: an analysis for a sample of Italian companies-International Smal
Business Journal,
28(1), pp.65-89

o UGHETTO E. (2009), Industrial districts and financial constraints to innovation-International
Review of Applied Economics, vol.23 (5), pp. 597-624
o UGHETTO E. (2008), Does finance matter for R&D investment? New evidence from a
panel of Italian firms, Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol.32(6), pp.907-925
o UGHETTO E. (2007), Foresight as a triple helix of industry, university and government
relations, Foresight, vol. 9, n.5, pp.14-22

International  books  
o ODASSO C., UGHETTO E. (2013), Biopharmaceutical patent securitization: the cases of
Zerit® and 13 Drug Pool, forthcoming in F. Munari, R. Oriani, (eds.), The Economic Valuation of
patents. Methods, Applications and Cases, Edward Elgar, London

o UGHETTO E. (2012), Buyouts in Western European Countries: The Impact on Company
Growth and Innovation, in D.Cumming (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity, Oxford
University Press Inc., New York, pp.300-326

o SCELLATO G., UGHETTO E. (2009), Basel II and the financing of R&D investments, in D.
Silipo (Eds.), The Banks and the Italian Economy, Springer Physica-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp.135-160
o UGHETTO E. (2008), The financing of innovative activities by banking institutions: policy
issues and regulatory options, in B. Laperche and D. Uzunidis (Eds.), Powerful finance and
innovation trends in a high-risk economy
, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.224-247
National  journals  

o CANNONE G., UGHETTO E. (2010), Il finanziamento pubblico regionale a supporto
dell’innovazione, in Economia e Politica Industriale, vol. 37(3), pp. 117-143

o ODASSO C., UGHETTO E. (2010), La cartolarizzazione di brevetti nel settore farmaceutico:
un’analisi fuzzy, in Bancaria, n.2, pp.28-41

o CALDERINI M., UGHETTO E. (2009), Vincoli finanziari e distretti industriali: quanto
contano le fonti interne di finanziamento?, in L’Industria, n.3, pp. 457-477

o UGHETTO E. (2007), Innovare nel distretto. Il ruolo del mercato del credito, in Sviluppo
Locale, vol. 12, n. 28, 2006/2007, pp. 33-65
o UGHETTO E. (2007), Le banche ed il finanziamento dell’innovazione. Problematiche,
opportunità e nuovi sviluppi dopo Basilea, in Bancaria, n.1, pp.56-65

National  books  

o CARDI M., UGHETTO E. (2013), Il capitale di rischio per lo sviluppo delle PMI, Rubettino

o CANNONE G., UGHETTO E. (2012), Finanza pubblica a sostegno del capitale di rischio:
quali iniziative regionali?, in Nicolai M. (Eds.), Finanza pubblica e federalismo. Strumenti
finanziari innovativi: autonomia e sostenibilità, Primo Rapporto sulla Finanza Pubblica di Fondazione Rosselli, Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 8838773394, pp.675-704
o CALDERINI M., UGHETTO E. (2009), Finanziare l’innovazione, G. Giappichelli Editore,

o UGHETTO E., VEZZULLI A. (2008), Financial intermediation and guarantee-backed loans:
an analysis of default, in Bracchi G. and Masciandaro D. (Eds.), Le Banche ed il governo dei rischi.
Mercati, Consumatori, Regole, Edibank
o UGHETTO E. (2007), The financing of innovative activities by banking institutions: policy
issues and regulatory options, in Bracchi G. and Masciandaro D. Eds. (2007), Banche italiane: la
metamorfosi?, Edibank, pp.347-368
o UGHETTO E. (2006), Territorial proximity and credit constraints to innovation: evidence
from a sample of Italian firms, in Bracchi G. and Masciandaro D. (Eds.), Banche e Geografia. Nuove
mappe produttive e metamorfosi del credito, Edibank, pp.435-456

Contribution  to  books  
o Fondazione Rosselli (2010), Le Finanziarie Regionali. La governance degli strumenti finanziari per il
capitale di rischio. ISBN 978-88-97269-00-7 o GIORGINO M. (2008), Le Finanziarie Regionali. Strumenti di finanza pubblica per l’intervento sul  
Other  relevant  activities  
o Staff membership of the Committee for Economic Development of Turin’s Metropolitan Area-
Torino Internazionale from December 2006 to June 2010 o Research activity for Fondazione Rosselli and Politecnico di Torino since April 2004 on the § Measuring Piedmont’s innovation performance in the biotech industry (2004)
§ Foresight study: the emerging critical technologies in Piedmont’s industry (2005)
§ Piedmont’s innovative performance in the environmental sector (2005)- Environment
§ Foresight study: the instrumental mechanics industry in Emilia Romagna (2005)
Confindustria Emilia Romagna and Fondazione Faber. § Regional Innovation Scoreboard for Lombardy Region (2005 and 2006)– Finlombarda
§ Innovazione di Sistema (2006)-Corriere della Sera
§ Technology platforms for the future of Piedmont: a Foresight study (2007)- Regione
§ Regional financial holdings and public credit enhancement (2007 and 2009)-IFIP
(Osservatorio sulle Finanziarie Regionali) § Private Equity, firms' performance and structural change. Theoretical and empirical
perspectives in Italy and UK (2008) – European Investment Fund
§ IPeuropAware IP Awareness and Enforcement Modular Based Action for SMEs
(2009) -European Union
§ PATQUAL “Study on the quality of the patent system in Europe” (2010)- European
§ The governance of risk capital finance: the role of regional financial holdings (2010)-
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri-Dipartimento per gli Affari Regionali  
o Other academic appointments
o Member of the Evaluating Commission for the enrolment into the Ph.D Program in “Sistemi di Produzione & Design Industriale” (XXVIII Cycle)-Politecnico di Torino o Member of the Collegio Docenti of the Dottorato di Ricerca in Sistemi di Produzione o Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the Albo of external lecturers in o Referee activity for the following international economic journals: Small Business Economics, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Economia e Politica Industriale, European Management Review, Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, International Small Business Journal, R&D Management, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Business Research.


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