Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Procedure # : 032 Effective : Hiring Process Section : Page : 1 of 4 Review Operating Guidelines Statement
Student Transportation Services Brant Haldimand Norfolk
(STSBHN) endeavours to hire the most qualified candidates
for positions that become available within the organization.
STSBHN is an equal opportunity employer. Hiring for all unionized employees, if any exist, shall conform to the collective agreement / policies and procedures of the
Procedure Application and Initial Screening
All new positions will receive prior approval from the
Operations Committee and Board of Directors of STSBHN
Positions shall be posted, at a minimum, on Member Board’s
websites for a time of no less than two (2) weeks. Additional
advertising mediums for the position opening may be utilized
if warranted to attract the most qualified candidates.
All applications will be collected and stored with the Lead
Board’s Human Resource department. Upon the closing of
the posting, all submissions will be forwarded to the
appropriate STSBHN representative(s) for review.
The following matrix outlines the individual(s) responsible for
reviewing the applications submitted based on the vacancy to
Vacant Position Review Responsibility
From the applications received, a short list of potential
interviewees will be created by the responsible individual(s).
The process of short listing applicants will be fact based and
established prior to the assessment of the first application.
Criteria used to filter applications will be based on education,
job related skill sets, and experiences required to perform
Procedure # : 032 Effective : Hiring Process Section : Page : 2 of 4 Review Operating Guidelines Procedure Cont… Interview
The interview will be conducted by a minimum of three (3)
people, one member being from the Lead Board’s Human
Resource department and the other being the supervisor(s)
of the position posted. The team shall also contain both male
and female representation, if at all possible. If three qualified
people are not available to conduct the interviews, consent to
have only two participants must be obtained by the
Operations Committee prior to the first interview taking
The interview team will create a comprehensive set of
interview questions prior to the first interview taking place.
The questions will be competency based and will focus on the
key aspects of the posted position. The team will meet to
discuss the questions and selection criteria to ensure that
there is a common understanding of the process and the
When candidates attend the interview, they must complete a
Reference Consent Form. The references must:
not be of any family relation to the candidate
have observed them in a supervisory role
at least one of the references must be from the
During the interview the team will take turns posing
questions to the interviewee. All members of the team will
record only the actual responses given during the interview.
Each candidate shall be asked the same questions. After the
interview is completed, the members of the interview team
will individually rate the responses given on a scale of 0 to 5
(0 being no response given, 5 being answer provided fully
covered all intended aspects of the question). The
interviewers will tally the scores from the interview and
record them on the bottom of the interview sheet for later
Selection of Identified Candidate
When all interviews are completed and the interviewee’s
Procedure # : 032 Effective : Hiring Process Section : Page : 3 of 4 Review Operating Guidelines
scores are tallied, the interview team will meet to discuss the
Procedure Cont…
results. A successful candidate will be identified by group
consensus. A minimum of two references shall be contacted
(one of who must be the current/ most recent supervisor).
If the references confirm the information obtained from the
application and interview of the identified applicant, and no
additional questions/ information is required that came to
light as a result of the reference checks, a conditional offer
will be made to the identified candidate by a member of the
interview team; employment will be dependent on the results
of the submitted Police Record Check which shall include a
Vulnerable Sector Search. To be deemed acceptable by
2. be completed within the previous six (6) months, and
3. not contain any of the following as listed offenses:
any sexual offence under the Criminal Code;
any violation under the Controlled Drug and
any criminal offences involving minors;
crimes of violence which include, but are not
possession or concealment of a weapon or
propaganda of hate literature or incitement to
possession, distribution or sale of any
other offences specifically related to the job.
All costs associated with the Police Record Check will be the
responsibility of the prospective employee. Police Record
Checks will be filed in a confidential, safe, and secure
location with the Lead Board’s Human Resource department.
All new employees will be subject to a six (6) month
probation period where an acceptable performance appraisal
is required to be performed by the individual’s direct
supervisor, as per (043) Performance Appraisals.
All individuals who interviewed will be contacted regardless of
their success in the process. A debrief may be given to the
Procedure # : 032 Effective : Hiring Process Section : Page : 4 of 4 Review Operating Guidelines Procedure Cont…
All documents relating to the hiring process will be collected and re-submitted to the Lead Board’s Human Resource
department for storage. The Lead Board’s Human Resource department will coordinate the formal sign up and orientation process for the
successful candidate in consultation with the Manager of Transportation Services; or the Operations Committee member of the Lead Board will assist with the coordination
process when the position being hired is that of a the Manager of Transportation Services.
FORHÅNDSVISNING AV IKKE INNLEVERT RAPPORT Helse Sør Øst Forskningsgruppe - Artrose Hovedkonklusjon for 2009: 26 vitenskapelige artikler (+12 i pipleline),en god etablert infrastruktur for forskningen innen hånd, kne og hofte artrose, aktive samarbeid med nasjonale kliniske forskningsmiljø, samt videreutvikling av etablerte og 2 ny internasjonale samarbeidspartnere. Målene for forskn
Summer 2003 EPI NEWS VOL. 3 NO. 3 A Publication of the Genesee County Health Department West Nile Virus Update WNV cases have been reported from Genesee County. The majority of human WNV cases this W the Middle East. It is a close relative year continue to arise from the Central U.S. of the St. Louis encephalitis virus and can infect Experts now believe that WNV will appea