"M" - Pharmacy Pills Pdf:

(microsoft word - portaria 0014 aprova o protocolo cl\315nico e diretrizes terap\312uticas hipoparat ireoidismo.doc)

PORTARIA No- 14, DE 15 DE JANEIRO DE 2010 O Secretário de Atenção à Saúde, no uso de suas atribuições, Considerando a necessidade de se estabelecer parâmetros sobre o Hipoparatireoidismo no Brasil e de diretrizes nacionais para diagnóstico, tratamento e acompanhamento dos indivíduos com esta doença; Considerando que os Protocolos Clínicos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT) são re


CAFEISILANE C Denominación INCI: Siloxanetriol alginate (and) caffeine (and) butylen glycol Familia química CAFEISILANE C es un SILANOL. Los Silanoles son derivados del silicio orgánico, hidrosolubles, con numerosas funcioneshidroxilos y obtenidos por la reacción de distintos radicales, seleccionados para conferirle especificidad al compuesto. Todos los Silanoles son dotados de algunas a

Microsoft word - einführung in das buch joel.doc

EINFÜHRUNG IN DAS BUCH JOEL Zur Entstehungszeit des Buches Gemäss der Einreihung unter den vorassyrischen / assyrischen Bücher: vorexilisch, Zeit des Ersten Tempels Thema Aus der Finsternis zum Licht (Ps 112,4) Zusammenfassung Die islamische Grosskoalition unter der Führung Syriens („König des Nordens“ / „Assur / Assyrer“) wird Israel völlig überrennen und verwüst

Microsoft word - art fiorella - aborto rev jdt 2

A propósito del 28 se setiembre: Día por la despenalización del aborto en América Latina El aborto es la interrupción del embarazo y éste es la implantación del óvulo fecundado en el endometrio, lo que ocurre aproximadamente 8 días después de la unión del óvulo y el espermatozoide. En el Perú, al igual que en muchos países del mundo, la interrupción inducida del embar

Microsoft word - council motion.doc

Executive Board – 21 August 2006 ITEM Council Motion - Medical Research – Laboratory, South Parks Road Councillor Huzzey, seconded by Councillor Rundle moved the following Motion on Notice:- • Disruption has affected Oxford citizens living and/or working near South Parks Road, arising from the construction by the University of Oxford of a new medical research facility there. •


Compare The Cost And Effectiveness of Tamoxifen and Aromatase Inhibitors Hormone Therapies Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence, Extend Life About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the See More About: earn How You Can Fight Cancer With Vegetable Juicing. Buy Your DVD reatment Options, Latest Advances Trustworthy, Current rimary cell immortalization. Custom servi

General internal medicine & health services research case conference teaching module

GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE & HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH CASE CONFERENCE TEACHING MODULE Hirsutism - Answer key Reviewed by Lisa Skinner, MD July 2011 Articles: #1: Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline #2: A Practical Approach to Hirsutism #3: Evaluation and treatment of Women with Hirsutism (just look at Figure 1, page 2569) #4: Evaluation of Women with Hirsutism

Microsoft word - course contents iv sem ll.b

IV SEMESTER LL.B COURSE-I: ECONOMICS-III: DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS Objectives: 1. To know the functioning of the financial institutions in India 2. To know the working of the government financial system 3. To know the influence of international institutions like WTO, IMF and the World Bank and their impact on India 4. To acquire skills in interpreting simple statistical data. The p


Top Ten Mistakes of Roger Clemens’ Legal Communications Team Mistake #1 Waiting three weeks to make a personal public statement. People connect with people, not lawyers. By relying on his lawyer Rusty Hardin, to make a statement on his behalf and later a videotaped statement on his foundation’s website, Clemens missed the opportunity present his “compelling human face

Microsoft word - 1156065102 montebio cti-402 spanish insert 091013

En la zona de control de la membrana los reactivos inmovilizados capturan el y Solo para uso diagnóstico profesional in vitro . No se debe utilizar después de conjugado coloreado y una línea de color siempre aparecerá en la zona de control indicando que un volumen adecuado del espécimen ha sido añadido y y La prueba debe permanecer en la bolsa sellada hasta el momento de su que la reac

Microsoft word - iva-of circ 30157.doc

ÁREA DE GESTÃO TRIBUTÁRIA-IVA N.º Identificação Fiscal (NIF): 770 004 470Chefes de Equipas MultidisciplinaresChefes dos Serviços de FinançasCoordenadores das Lojas do Cidadão Assunto: IVA - ALTERAÇÃO DAS TAXAS APLICÁVEIS ÀS OPERAÇÕES QUE SE CONSIDEREMEFETUADAS NA REGIÃO AUTÓNOMA DOS AÇORESEm Suplemento ao Diário da República n.° 253, I Série, de 31 de dezembro de

Microsoft word - bastro - antlers live.doc

RELEASE DATE: 28.02.05 CHOPSTICKS ‘ANTLERS: LIVE 1991 TRACKLISTING Hirscheneck Czar Bar, Chicago, 7/6/91 Educated Fool 3 Lounge Ax, Chicago, 9/21/91 Metal Legs Sleepy Taste Beatlesnacht Lounge Ax, Chicago, 9/11/91 Glistery (Enchanced CD) FORMATS: BAR CODES: 781484701422 FILE UNDER (musical style) : Alternative 1991, the year tha

Microsoft word - le origini della lingua italiana.doc

I primi documenti di una certa rilevanza culturale nella nostra storia letteraria si incentrano soltanto tra la fine del XII e l’inizio XIII secolo. Ma la progressiva trasformazione in volgare del latino parlato nella tarda età imperiale era in corso già da parecchio tempo, tanto l’idioma volgare era entrato con forza nell’uso delle classi meno colte. Se volessimo in qualche modo fissa


A Pet Poison Helpline Refresher On Top Toxins During Poison Prevention Week Tips on the most common items that can put your pet at risk Minneapolis (March 10, 2010) –The following are some of the most common toxins the veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline encounter and strongly recommend keeping away from pets. • Xylitol: Many sugarless gums, including some Trident™, Orbit

Classification et mode d'action des antibiotiques

CLASSIFICATION ET MODE D'ACTION DES ANTIBIOTIQUES D.YALA*, A.S. MERAD** D. MOHAMEDI, M.N. OUAR KORICH***Un antibiotique est une substance antibactérienne d'origined'acide cl avulanique et qui agit sur les bactéries pro d u c -biologique, c'est à dire produite par des micro-organismes(champignons microscopiques et bactéries) ou de synthèsechimique et qui est cap able d'inhiber la mu


The Round TableVol. 96, No. 388, 3 – 28, February 2007Fiji is suspended from the Commonwealth after a military coup. Peace talksprogress in Uganda and flounder in Sri Lanka. Pakistan’s fragile alliance with the West ishighlighted when President Musharraf is simultaneously praised for fighting terror in the USAand blamed for supporting extremists in the UK. A major terrorist alert at UK ai


Benjamin C. Thompson, Ph.D. Metropolitan State College of Denver Department of Human Performance and Sport Campus Box 25, P.O. Box 173362 Denver, CO 80217-3362 Current Position Assistant Professor , Department of Human Performance and Sport, 2008-present Education Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Exercise Science, August 2008 The University of Toledo – Department of Kinesiology Dis

Information services

SPIN, Inc. Flexible Spending Account Program Over-The-Counter Medicines & Products Eligible Expenses Quick Reference Guide A recent IRS ruling (Revenue Ruling 2003-12:http//www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rr-03-102.pdf) allows reimbursement for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and products from a health care flexible spending account when the OTC product is used for medical purpo

On-the-fly location referencing - the iloc method -

ON-THE-FLY LOCATION REFERENCING - THE ILOC METHOD - This paper describes a promising new location referencing method for map-basedITS applications. The method uses a combination of WGS84 co-ordinates and de-scriptive identifiers to reference locations (real world objects), and has an on-the-flycharacter, which means that location tables are not required. ILOC referencing wasdeveloped by th

Microsoft word - arginin_wirkung-bestaetigt.doc

Wirkung von L-Arginin bestätigt Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall ausbremsen Bonn (pts010/18.08.2009/10:00) - Ablagerungen in den Blutgefäßen führen zu einem chronischen Engpass im Gefäßinneren (Arteriosklerose). Der Blutdruck steigt und die Arterien können schneller verstopfen als gesunde Gefäße. Das Risiko für Durchblutungsstörungen, Demenz sowie Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall stei


Dear Penn Faculty & Staff, Each year many of our students face a conflict between their involvement in classes or other University activities and their religious observance. The religious diversity of our student body greatly enhances the life of our University, but we recognize that at times the range of faith traditions represented can present significant scheduling challenges. We greatly

Myos - ver texto

Os alimentos e os fármacos cumprem necessidades distintas na vida dos seres humanos. Enquanto os primeiros satisfazemas necessidades básicas dos indivíduos de forma a garantir a sua subsistência, contribuindo para a manutenção da saúde, ossegundos são utilizados quando, por qualquer razão, é necessário forçar a “natureza” a corrigir uma situação anormalA interacção alimen

Talking to your young teen about sex and sexuality - guidelines for parents

About Sex and SexualityGuidelines for ParentsSex seems to be everywhere these days—on television, in the movies, and in popular songs. Sex in the media is so common that you might think that• Resisting pressure to have sex: Teens face a lot of peer pressure to your young teenager already knows everything he or she needs to know abouthave sex. If your teenager is not ready to have se

Lpc flow at 3/6/04

LOCAL PRODUCT CIRCULAR LPC-EMD-C-122002a-Malaysia There are no clinical data in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency (Child-Pugh score >9). Capsules V. CLINICAL STUDIES Oral administration of EMEND in combination with ondansetron and dexamethasone (aprepitant regimen) has been shown to prevent acute and delayed nausea and vomiting associated with highly emetogenic chemothera


Washington Legal Foundation Advocate for freedom and justice® FDA LIMITS ON DUAL TRADEMARKS TREAD ON PATIENT SAFETY AND LAW On April 19, 2001, in a typical example of FDA “podium policy,” Jerry Phillips, FDA’s AssociateDirector for Medications Error, took the microphone during the Annual Meeting of the Food and Drug LawInstitute. He announced that there were too ma ny “unne c

Texte de presentation - pascal bruckner

Séminaire ICARE : L’innovation est-elle source de progrès : à quel prix ? Vendredi 16 décembre 2005 à Paris LES PARADOXES DU PROGRÈS Sur le lit de mort de madame Bovary,durant la veillée funèbre,deux ennemisirréconciliables s’affrontent :l’abbé Bournisien,ignare et sectaire et le pharmacienHomais,libre penseur,héritier des Lumières qui vomit la superstition et les ténèbr

Microsoft word - 211113-sulfonamide drug cross sensitivity.doc

Detail-Document #211113 −This Detail-Document accompanies the related article published in− PHARMACIST’S LETTER / PRESCRIBER’S LETTER November 2005 ~ Volume 21 ~ Number 211113 Sulfa Drugs and the Sulfa-allergic Patient *Health Canada Product Labeling Listed by Exception* Sulfonamide-Containing Agents: Summary of Cross-Reactivity Information Drug FDA Comments1,2,

Body and soul - keeping it together

BODY AND SOUL - KEEPING IT TOGETHER! LET'S START WITH THE BODY . . . SENIOR H E A L T H It is said that the first thing a man does when he wakes in the morning is to look out of the window to see how the weather has changed overnight, and the first thing a women does on waking is to look in the mirror to see what the night has done to her face. Enough said … but if your look in the mirror is fo


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: Ondansetron Hydrochloride Injection, Solution 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION Manufacturer Name And 275 North Field Drive Lake Forest, Illinois USA 60045 Hospira Australia Pty Ltd 1 Lexia Place Mulgrave, VIC 3170 Australia Emergency Telephone CHEMTREC: North America: 800-424-9300; International 1-703-527-3887; Australia

Microsoft word - 318

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, August 22-26 2006 LANGUAGE USE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEMORY FOR MUSICAL EXPERIENCES Dr. Mark Lammers Dr. Mark Kruger ABSTRACT opment of the self, social bonding, and motivation (Bluck, Memories for musical experiences among adults associated 2003; Pillemer, 2003). Because music is a pervasive part of with a symphony orches


Abstract: Intractable hiccups in transplanted patients may be caused by varioushiccups; transplantation; adverse e¡ects;medical conditions including infections.We report a case of a 44 -year-old man whocorticosteroids; esophagitis; pulmonary abscesssu¡ered from intractable hiccups after cadaveric kidney transplantation.Weidenti¢ed 3 di¡erent hiccup periods with di¡erent causes: 1) steroi

Psd004424 (tnt verde 15ml)

PRIMA DELL’USO LEGGETE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE che può essere usato per curare disturbi lievi e transitori facilmente riconoscibili e risolvibili senza ricorrere all’aiuto del medico. Può essere quindi acquistato senza ricetta ma va usato cor- rettamente per assicurarne l’efficacia e ridurre gli eff

Microsoft word - winews moz 024.doc

Wirtschaftsnews Mosambik 25.02.2013 _________________________________________________________________________________ I. ALLGEMEIN Russia pardons debt to Mozambique and Russian companies set up partnerships Russia’s Foreign Affairs minister, Sergei Lavrov, announced a debt pardon to Mozambique of US$144 mil- lion, which will now be used for cooperation between the two count


RAFEL NADAL SALAS- L’INDIÀ D’ESPORLES III. Alçament militar i Guerra Civil, 1936-39. L’arròs va a “grumallons” A mesura que arribàvem als darrers dies de la Segona República, l’ambient polític s’enterbolia. La Falange, que no havia aconseguit cap diputat a les darreres eleccions a les quaranta províncies on s’havia presentat, va augmentar la seva pressió social.


A common problem: Asthma is one of the most common lung problems in Australia, and affects as many as 1 in 5 children and 1 in 10 adults. Although it is common, asthma causes variable symptoms in different individuals. There is no cure for asthma. Asthma can, however, be controlled with long term treatment. First, a brief anatomy lesson: to understand lung disease it is important to rem


Providence Health Care Pulmonary Diagnostics Requisition IMPORTANT: Please indicate site below St. Paul’s Hospital Mount Saint Joseph Hospital 3080 Prince Edward St, Vancouver, BC V5T 3N4 TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE FAX REQUISTION Not all tests are available at both sites. SPH ONLY indicates testing is only available at St. Paul’s Hospital APPOINTMENT DATE:

Microsoft word - sativex 1308 final.doc

Sativex (nabiximols) Spirella Building, Letchworth, SG6 4ET 01462 476700 www.mstrust.org.uk reg charity no. 1088353 We hope you find the information in this factsheet helpful. If you would like to speak with someone about any aspect of MS, contact the MS Trust information team and they will help find answers to your questions. This factsheet has been provided free by the Multiple Scler


National Office 175 Bloor Street East Suite 700, North Tower Toll Free: 1-866-922-6065 Fax: 416-922-7538 Text on the screen: Women and Wellness: Achieving Wellness while Living with MS National Education Session May 28, 2011 Question Period I’l start with a written question. Can you give us examples of strategies for coping with changes? That’s quite a question

Microsoft word - feridmuradautobiography.doc

Ferid Murad - AutobiographyHOME SITE HELP ABOUT SEARCH NOBEL PHYSICS CHEMISTRY MEDICINE LITERATURE PEACE ECONOMICS My father, Jabir Murat Ejupi, was born in Albania in 1892 and was the oldest of four children. His mother died when he was 13 years old. He and his family were shepherds and he subsequently ran away from home to sell candy in the Balkan countries as a teenager for several ye

Top teens 3 - 3

Top Teens 3 UNIT 3: And Cleopatra was… Communicative goals: Grammar focus: there was/were (affirmative, negative and interrogative), love , like , don’t like , hate + gerund Vocabulary focus: parts of a building Recycled language: past simple [Grammar exercises] Choose the best option in each of the following sentences: The postman gave the secretary nine let

Coverage of viagra through the medicaid program

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Health Care Financing Administration Center for Medicaid and State Operations 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244-1850 The purpose of this letter is to advise States about the appropriate coverage of Viagra through the Medicaid program and to encourage States to ensure that appropriate medications are provided to the Medica


BIBLIOGRAFIA NATURALISTICA In ordine cronologico 1. Zanetti Michele, 1984, Anfibi e rettili della provincia di Venezia , Provincia di Venezia – assessorato alla Caccia e Pesca, pp. 48 ( E ) 2. Zanetti Michele, 1985, Rapaci diurni e notturni della provincia di Venezia , Provincia di Venezia – Assessorato alla Caccia e Pesca, pp. 48 ( E ) 3. Zanetti Michele, 1985, Boschi e alberi de

Microsoft word - epiduo pcb final feb 2010.doc

London New Drugs Group February 2010 RIMARY CARE BRIEFING: Epiduo 0.1%/2.5% gel This Primary Care Briefing has been produced to inform healthcare professionals in primary care of the new Epiduo, which is used for mild to moderate acne when comedones, papules and pustules are present. What is Epiduo? What is Epiduo licensed for? Epiduo is a topical gel which contains adapa

Microsoft word - 2011 03 17 short version of came tb day report.doc

Summary version – for full report including analyses of each of the different medicines used in the treatment of DR-TB, please consult www.msfaccess.org DR-TB drugs under the microscope The sources and prices of medicines for drug-resistant tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is a curable disease that continues to kill nearly 1.3 million people1 across the globe each year, and is the main cause

Adish kumar

Surya Pratap Singh MB200512 Insilico study of Tyrosine Kinase active site and Angiogenic Inhibitors. ABSTRACT The tyrosine kinases are the key targets for the reason that; they play a key role in the modulation of growth factor signaling. The small inhibitor molecules of tyrosine kinase contend with the ATP binding site of the catalytic domain of various oncogenic tyrosine kinases.


Monster MAC Adventure Race Report The Opening race of the 2013 National Adventure Race Series was the Monster MAC which took place in the Boggeragh Mountains from a base at Millstreet Country Park. In the expert race there was relief all round when last year’s Series champion Tim O Donaghue did not line up and local Brian Murphy felt this could be his chance for success at the 3rd time of t

Medical microbiology

BACTERIA GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OBJECTIVE/RATIONALE Recognizing colony growth characteristics and biochemical reactions to various media is important in identifying bacteria. The student will plate known bacteria and observe for colony characteristics and biochemical reactions. TEKS 121.14 (c) 1A, 1B, 4B, 4C, 4D National Science Education Standards A9-12;C9-12 National Health Care Skill

Sck publ

Newsletter October 2012 for Health & Life Science Industry Neurim – Supplementary Protection Certificates may now be available for previously authorised active ingredients by Kilian Schärli, author of a Ph.D. (to be published) about SPC in Switzerland On July 19, 2012, the Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") issued a hotly anticipated decision in the case

Microsoft word - rbv-faqs.doc

Ribavirin Frequently Asked Questions What is ribavirin? Ribavirin is an old drug that has been used for years to treat serious virus infections like Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). There is new human research from McGill University and University of Montréal which shows that ribavirin can safely and successfully treat a type of blood cancer called AML with min

Antiinflammatory living

Anti-Inflammatory Living By Rachel Abrams, M.D. You probably don’t spend much time thinking about inflammation in your body, but inflammation is a buzz-word in the medical community these days is because it is such an important part of health and wellness. We generally think of inflammation as painful redness or swelling around injuries or joints, but the process of inflammation is used throu

Microsoft word - hip arthroscopy post

Hip Arthroscopy Post-Operative Instructions 1. Physical Therapy should be scheduled for post-op day #1. 2. If oozing from surgery site occurs, and the dressing appears soaked with bloody fluid, please change the dressing as needed. This normally occurs after fluid irrigation during surgery, and will resolve within 24-36 hours. 3. Icing is very important for the first 5-7 days postoperative

Medical release form

Self Medication Order for Benadryl Only The administration of medication to a child during the before and after school SACC Program will be permitted only when the child’s physician certifies in writing that the administration of medication during the before and after school SACC Program is essential to the health of the child and may be self-administered by the child safely. The parent/g

Microsoft word - medikamententests_pdf.doc

Medikamententests an DDR-Bürgern | Manuskript Medikamententests an DDR-Bürgern: Ein Fall in Dresden Bericht: Stefan Hoge, Carsten Opitz, Hannes Schuler Gerhard Lehrer aus Dresden nahm an einem Medikamententest teil – ohne es zu wissen. Seine Witwe will nun, mehr als 20 Jahre später, endlich Klarheit, was mit ihrem Mann geschah. Im April 1989 wurde er nach einem Herzinfarkt ins Kreiskrank

Microsoft word - medicines policy.doc

At Woodland’s we recognise that parents have the prime responsibility for their child’s health and that it is their responsibility to provide school with information about their child’s medical condition. Parents, should obtain details from their child’s General Practitioner (GP) or paediatrician, if needed. The school doctor or nurse or a health visitor and specialist voluntary bodies ma


05 QSW 048024_hardiman (ds) 22/10/04 8:45 am Page 431Qualitative Social WorkCopyright ©2004 Sage Publications London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi, Vol. 3(4): 431–448 Networks of Caring University at Albany, State University of New York, USA ABSTRACT This article examines consumer-run agency participation by adults with psychiatric disabilities. Using qualitative data from 10 intensi

Microsoft word - medical release 2011-2012.doc

MEMBERSHIP TRACKER This page must be filled out, signed by parents and students, and returned to your section leader before the school year begins. The material below will serve as information needed in case of an emergency. This information letter will also serve as a permission form for your son/daughter to participate in band trips or functions with the Mary G. Montgomery High Schoo

Definition and determination

ALLERGY INFORMATION MEDICATION AND IMPLICATIONS Nitric oxide is a biomarker for inflammatory mediators that reflect activity of the eosinophils, which are the main marker for severity of inflammation in asthma. The definitive test is a BAL (bronchialalveolar lavage) of eosinophils, which correlates with effectiveness of inhaled steroids. FeNO (fractional exhaled nitric oxide) can n


Egészségtudományi Közlemények, 1. füzet, 1. szám (2011), 43–48. A JÖVŐ TERÁPIÁJA: NANOMÉRETŰ GYÓGYSZERHORDOZÓ RENDSZEREK JUHÁSZNÉ SZALAI ADRIENN1, DOJCSÁKNÉ KISS-TÓTH ÉVA1, KOSKA PÉTER1, DR. KISS-TÓTH EMŐKE1, DR. SZEBENI JÁNOS1,2,3, Összefoglalás: A hatékony, célzott, egyre kisebb dózist igénylő terápia iránt növekszik az igény, mind az orvos

Getting the facts

ALCOHOLISM U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ALCOHOLISMFor many people, the facts about alcoholism are not clear. What is alcoholism, exactly? How does it differ from alcohol abuse? When should a person seek help for a problem related to his or her drinking? The National


John F. Nash, Jr., submitted his Ph.D. dissertation entitled Non-CooperativeGames to Princeton University in 1950. Read it 58 years later, and you willfind the germs of various later developments in game theory. Some of theseare presented below, followed by a discussion concerning dynamic aspects ofequilibrium. What is a Nash equilibrium1? John Nash defines an equilibrium point as“an n-tuple s

Calanka madow

Calanka Madow Sheekh DR Cismaan Macalim Maxamud ﻥﺃ ﺪﻬﺷﺃﻭ ,ﻪﻟ ﻚﻳﺮﺷ ﻻ ﻩﺪﺣﻭ ﷲﺍ ﻻﺇ ﻪﻟﺇ ﻻﺃ ﺪﻬﺷﺃﻭ ﹰﺎ , ﻛﺭﺎﺒﻣ ﹰﺎﺒﻴﻃ ﹰﺍﲑﺜﻛ ﹰﺍﺪﲪ ﷲ ﺪﻤﳊﺍ ﺪﻌﺑ ﺎﻣﺃ ,ﻢﻠﺳﻭ ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ﷲﺍ ﻰﻠﺻ ﻪﻟﻮﺳﺭﻭ ﻩﺪﺒﻋ ﹰﺍﺪﻤﳏ Horu Dhac Diyaariyaha


ASSOCIATION OF AFRICAN UNIVERSITIES ASSOCIATION DES UNIVERSITÉS AFRICAINES The Association of African Universities (AAU), an international non-governmental organization (INGO), with headquarters in Accra, Ghana, was set up in November 1967 by universities in Africa to promote cooperation among themselves and between them and the international academic community. The AAU wishes to anno


Diagnostika Chlamydia trachomatis Updatedn Infertility due to Chlamydia trachomatis infections New discoveries, diagnostics and therapy Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH · GE-Diagnostika · Theaterstraße 6 · D-22880 WedelPhone ++49 / 4103 / 8006-0 · Fax ++49 / 4103 / 8006-359 · www.medac.de Childlessness Every 7. marriage is nowadays affect

Press release_positive chmp opinion for extended indication for rebif_final_eng

News Release November 18, 2011 Merck Serono: CHMP Gives Positive Opinion for Extended Indication for Rebif® to Treat Patients With Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis Geneva, Switzerland, November 18, 2011 – Merck Serono, a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, announced today that it received a positive opinion from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP),

Los 5 actos lingsticos (searle)

ACERCA DEL LENGUAJE Este texto presenta algunas reflexiones acerca del lenguaje, que influyen en nuestro actuar profesional y que están en la base de la metodología del coaching ontológico. Estas reflexiones tienen que ver, como vamos a ir viendo a continuación, con la idea de que el lenguaje tiene el poder de crear realidades. EL LENGUAJE ES ACCIÓN Decimos que el lenguaje es acción


Information for parents, caregivers and early childhood educators The importance of physical activity in the first six years of life Activity Benchmarks - For 4, 5 and 6 Year Olds Parents want to know As you can see, boys and girls differ in the age that they can do a particular Parents and caregivers want to know what different movement and physical skill, and for every skill there i


New aspects of the renin–angiotensin system: angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 – a potential target for treatment ofhypertension and diabetic nephropathyDaniel BaMarı´a Jose´ and Jan WaDivision of Nephrology and Hypertension, Departmentof Medicine, The Feinberg School of Medicine,Whereas angiotensin-converting enzyme promotes the formation of angiotensin II,Northwestern University, Chicag

Microsoft word - me 3501 course information _su_.doc

MEEM 3501 Product Realization I General Course Information Summer 2006 Instructor Who am I? I grew up in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago (Park Ridge). I attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I received my B.S. (1988), M.S. (1990) and Ph.D. (1992) degrees, all in Mechanical Engineering. I spent 7 years at U. of Michigan before coming to MTU in 2001


Budesonide in the Treatment of Refractory Celiac DiseasePardeep Brar, M.D.,1 Susie Lee, M.D.,1 Suzanne Lewis, M.D.,1 Ikenna Egbuna, M.D.,1 Govind Bhagat, M.D.,2and Peter H.R. Green, M.D.1 Departments of 1 Medicine and 2 Surgical Pathology, Columbia University College of Physiciansand Surgeons, New York Corticosteroids are used in patients with refractory celiac disease. In order to minimize the

Faculty/staff agenda

MEDICINE ADMINISTRATION FORM To Be Completed By Parent/Guardian Student Name:_________________________________________________________________________________ Race: ____________ Height: ____________ Weight: ___________ Sex:__________ Date of Birth:________________________ Social Security #______________________________ Parent:______________________________________ Street Address:_______


L'EBRAISMO NELLA CULTURA OCCIDENTALE La Bibbia non è un libro su Dio, ma un libro sull'uomo. Chi è l'uomo nella Bibbia? Un essere postonel travaglio, ma che ha i sogni di Dio: il sogno di un'umanità che sia veramente la Sua immagine,che rispetti la saggezza, la giustizia e la misericordia; il sogno di Dio di non essere mai solo , ma diavere un egnere umano a compagno nel dramma continuo de

Microsoft word - prescription medicines.doc

REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES COMPONENT OF THE CONSUMERS PRICE INDEX Andrew Ransom Statistics New Zealand, Aorangi House, 85 Molesworth St, Wellington, New Zealand The Prescription Medicines component of the Consumers Price Index (CPI) is being reviewed. The review was prompted by a need to update the sample of medicines and their weights, and to develop a robust stra

03 mis woman's qre 11 dec 2012.xls

MALARIA INDICATOR SURVEY MODEL WOMAN'S QUESTIONNAIRE IDENTIFICATION (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated systemic lupus erythematosus: a double-blind randomized clinical trial JG Juárez-Rojas, AX Medina-Urrutia, E Jorge-Galarza, NA Caracas-Portilla, R Posadas-Sánchez, GC Cardoso-Saldaña,MV Goycochea-Robles, LH Silveira, L Lino-Pérez, J Mas-Oliva, O Pérez-Méndez and C Posadas-Romero 2012 21: 27 originally p


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Synthesis of a-L-Threofuranosyl Nucleoside TriphosphatesKeyong Zou,1 Allen Horhota,3 Biao Yu,2 Jack W. Szostak,1 Larry W. 1Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Department of Molecular Biology,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02184, and 2State KeyLaboratory of Bio-organic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of OrganicChemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3

Erprobung von hilfsmitteln bei infantiler cerebralparese

Erprobung von Hilfsmitteln bei infantiler Cerebralparese mit der Bewegungs- und Ganganalyse Überblick Wegen meiner Tätigkeit am Spastiker-Zentrum München befasst sich mein beruflicher Alltag hauptsächlich mit der infantilen Zerebralparese und anderen neuroorthopädischen Erkrankungen. Zunächst werde ich einen aktuellen Überblick über die Zerebralparese und die Spastik geben und

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H I V A T A L O S É R T E S Í T Õ • 2009. évi 46. szám Az Egészségügyi Minisztérium szakmai protokollja Az egészséges csecsemõ táplálásáról (1. módosított változat) Készítette: a Csecsemõ- és Gyermekgyógyászati Szakmai Kollégium ésa Szoptatást Támogató Nemzeti BizottságA protokoll átdolgozásának céljaBevezetésCsecsemõk és kisdedek táplálása – st

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MARIANNE B. MÜLLER, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Kraepelinstraße 10 80804 Munich Germany Phone: +49-89-30622-288 Fax: Current Position: Head, Molecular Stress Physiology Group, MPI of Psychiatry EDUCATION 1987-1989 Student at the Rheinische Hochschule für Musik Köln (Cologne University of Music), instrumental music performance, piano 198

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3-TIER MANAGED RX PROGRAM Revised for July 1, 2011 Madison BOE Unaffiliated Active HMO FD 450 $10 CO-PAYMENT GENERIC DRUGS $15 FORMULARY BRAND NAME DRUGS $35 NON-FORMULARY BRAND NAME DRUGS Unlimited Annual Maximum Description of Benefits Your co-payment Tier 1: Generic drugs The term “generic” refers to a prescription drug that is

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Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring im Rahmen der systemischen antimykotischen Therapie: Invasive Pilzinfektionen werden überwiegend durch Aspergillus spp . ( A. fumigatus ) und Candida spp . hervorgerufen und stellen lebensgefährliche Komplikationen dar. Aspergillosen imponieren nach Inokulation über den Respirationstrakt initial als Pneumonie und treten vor allem bei hämatologis

22 a-sensitivity pattern of salmonella.p65

MC Vol. 19 - No.2 - 2012 ( 93 - 96 ) Talpur A. A. et al APRIL - JUNE 2012 SENSITIVITY PATTERN OF SALMONELLA TYPHI IN PATIENTS WITH TYPHOID SMALL BOWEL PERFORATIONS ALTAF AHMED TALPUR ABSTRACT NAND LAL KELLA ABDUL RASHID SURAHIO Background: Enteric fever caused by Salmonella Typhi, gram negative bacilli, is counted MUHAMMAD JAVED as a major public health problem, especi


INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS - QUANTITIES AND UNITS Peter Glavi~ Univerza v Mariboru, FKKT, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija Prejem rokopisa - received: 2002-11-11; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2003-01-14 V prispevku so predstavljeni mednarodni standardi ISO 31 (Veli~ine in enote) z naslednjimi deli: ISO 31-0 (Splo{na na~ela),ISO 31-1 (Prostor in ~as), ISO 31-2 (Periodi~ni i


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Things are seldom what they seem. Skim milk masquerades asused to shape policy, even if it was junk. And asmedical organizations grew more sophisticated aboutpress releases and public relations, the obstetricpowers-that-be also realized that even if the studyA funny thing happened on the way to practicingdid not produce the results they had hoped, it didn’tevidence-based obstetric care. Ob


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed maintenance drugs that are also on theExpress Scripts High Performance Formulary. Members who use these drugs will be targeted forSelect Home Delivery outreach. This is not an all-inclusive list of drugs that will be targeted, butrepresents the maintenance drugs that are on the High Performance Formulary. PLEASE NOTE: Not all of the drugs l


See related article, pages 1458 –1465 Defining “Culprit Mechanisms” in Arrhythmogenic Cardiac Remodeling Therehasbeenincreasingawarenessoftheimportance abnormalities and enhanced susceptibility to AF in theof arrhythmogenic remodeling in the pathophysiologyabsence of abnormalities in atrial action potential propertiesof cardiac arrhythmias.1–3 Arrhythmogenic remodel-or connexin

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La crisis del maíz y la tortilla: crisis de la soberanía alimentaria en México . “Del lugar de las delicias de Paxil y Cayalá vinieron las mazorcas amarillas, y las zaquihal o mazorcas blancas.” “.Este maíz amarillo y blanco, fue lo que hallaron los creadores como lo apropiado para la comida del hombre y de esto se hizo su carne cuando fue formado, y asimismo de este alime

Microsoft word - strangles 2009.doc

Puppy Strangles I want to alert you to a condition that may onset in puppies between the ages of two and four months. Because it is often misdiagnosed and because it has potentially fatal consequences, you may want to bring this information to your veterinarian's attention should your puppy present any of the typical symptoms: The condition is variously referred to as juvenile cellulitis

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GASTRIC EMPTYING STUDY - LIQUID Overview The Gastric Emptying Study demonstrates the movement of an ingested bolus of liquid from the stomach into the smal intestine. Various physiologic parameters may be quantified. Indications Diagnosis of functional gastric dysmotility (1-4). Diabetes Malabsorption Gastric outlet obstruction Anorexia Weight Loss Nausea and Vomitting Abd


Fatigue at sea Lützhöft, M., Thorslund, B., Kircher, A., Gillberg, M. Result and recommendations for managing fatigue in watch systems onboard This document presents the main results and recommendations from the project Fatigue at sea. It is meant as a living document, where mainly columns should be filled in with suggestions of who should take action to enforce these recommendations, and



Acta medica 48-3.qxd

Lara Aguilar-Morales 1, Carolina Soley-Gutiérrez 1, Adriano Arguedas-Mohs 1,2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2005) 68: 598–606Complex media from processing of agricultural cropsfor microbial fermentationReceived: 2 March 2005 / Revised: 3 June 2005 / Accepted: 3 June 2005 / Published online: 5 August 2005Abstract This mini-review describes the concept of themore than the cost of transporting the material from theirgreen biorefinery and lists a number of suitable agricult


Originales de las alucinaciones en la enfermedad de Parkinson Introducción. Aunque se han considerado las alucina- presencia de las alucinaciones, se deben considerar tambiénciones en la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) un fenómeno re-otros factores clínicos como son los trastornos del sueño ylacionado con la medicación dopaminérgica, existe un co-nocimiento limitado sobre su relació

(bibliographie_web_spécialité 2)

MITRA - Médiation interculturelle: identités, mobilités, conflits Bibliographie indicative Spécialité 2 - Le sujet migrant : récits et pratiques sociales Semestre 2 – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U Leuven) UE 1 – Migration and Minorities Policies : Anthropological Presuppositions and Implications Field, J. (2003): Social Capital . London, New York: Routled

Microsoft word - info for health professionals_final.doc

Information for Health Professionals: Smoking and Mental Health While the relationship between smoking and mental health is at times complex, the evidence shows that people with a mental health problem do want to quit and can do so safely. The current rate of smoking in the Australian population is just less than 17%,1 yet for people with a mental health problem the rate is about 32%.2 In s

Microsoft word - document

Combination Therapy for Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria in Ugandan Children A Randomized Trial Grant Dorsey, MD, PhD; Sarah Staedke, MD; Tamara D. Clark, MPH; Denise Njama-Meya, MB ChB, MSc; Bridget Nzarubara, MB ChB; Catherine Maiteki-Sebuguzi, MB ChB; Christian Dokomajilar, BA; Moses R. Kamya, MB ChB, MMed; Philip J. Rosenthal, MD JAMA. 2007;297(20):2210-2219. Context


Namens de wetenschappelijke staf van Atal-Medial hebben wij het genoegen u de zevende druk van dit referentiewaardenboekje aan te bieden. De analyses zijn onderverdeeld in 4 groepen:Chemie, Hematologie en StollingFaeces en urineLiquorToxicologieDe bepalingen zijn alfabetisch gerubriceerd; indien relevant zijn referentiewaarden naar leeftijd beschreven. Niet opgenomen zijn de allergenen en die a


Ahmad Alikhani Tel.: (۰۰۹۸۱۹۲٥۲۲٦۷۱٥) Tel.: (۰۰۹۸۱۹۲٥۲۳۰۱۸۱) E-mail: ahmadalikhani@yahoo.co.in EDUCATION ۲۰۰۰-۲۰۰۳ Residency in Infectious Diseases Department of Medicine, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran ۱۹۹۹-۲۰۰۰ Masters degree in Public Health (MPH) Department of Public Health, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran ( ۱۹۸۹-)۱۹۹٥ Me


M i t o x a n t r o n e , E t o p o s i d e , a n d C y c l o s p o r i n e T h e r a p y i n P e d i a t r i c P a t i e n t s W i t h R e c u r r e n t o r R e f r a c t o r y A c u t e M y e l o i d L e u k e m i a By Gary V. Dahl, Norman J. Lacayo, Nathalie Brophy, Kyriaki Dunussi-Joannopoulos, Howard J. Weinstein, Myron Chang, Purpose: To determine the remission rate and toxic- r


Chapter Two Most undergraduate research papers, and many graduate andprofessional research papers as well, are based upon libraryresearch. Library research can proceed smoothly if you follow a se-quence of simple steps. Your first task is to decide upon a topic for a paper. This is, in a sense,the most important task because the paper can be no better than thetopic. I have found five mista


ABSTRACT In this paper we have addressed current research regarding the effect of exercise on the brain. Future developments with regards to the treatment of mental health disorders such as depression and Parkinson’s disease have been suggested. During exercise there is a surge in Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the brain which promotes synaptic growth and neurogenesis in the hippoc

Prévention infections hiver nt 1010

Prévention des infections de l’hiver ’est au moment où l’automne est encore beau, mais quand les nuits deviennent fraiches, qu’il faut adopter une stratégie pour se prémunir des infections de l’hiver. Les risques sont là, et si nos C défenses immunitaires sont affaiblies, les premiers « coups de froid » vont se transformer en rhumes, maux de gorge, irritation de la t

Dr stefan lanka

Dr Stefan Lanka Does vaccinating make sense?--Dr Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld[2001] Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked[1998] 15 YEARS OF AIDSThe continuous failure in the prevention and treatment of AIDS is rooted in the misinterpretation of aninflammatory auto immune process


2013 Step Therapy (ST) Criteria Some drugs require step therapy pre-approval. This means that your doctor must have you first try a different drug to treat your medical condition before we will cover a drug that needs step therapy pre- approval. Below you will find a table of drugs that require step therapy pre-approval. If you find your drug on this list, talk to your doctor about wh

Form of final terms

FINAL TERMS DATED 7 JANUARY 2013 The Royal Bank of Scotland plc ( incorporated in Scotland with limited liability under the Companies Acts 1948 to 1980 UP TO EUR 5,000,000 NON-CAPITAL PROTECTED NOTES LINKED TO A US STOCKS BASKET ISSUE PRICE: 100% (INCLUDING A DISTRIBUTION FEE OF UP TO 1.20%) UP TO EUR 5,000,000 NON-CAPITAL PROTECTED NOTES LINKED TO A US STOCKS BASKET ISSUE P

Libro marecos

Acorde con mi condición disciplinaria incluyo algunos temas re-lacionados específicamente con mi profesión, aunque de una mane-ra que se pueda transitar hacia otras disciplinas. No creo que esto sea un impedimento, sino todo lo contrario, para que mis amigos puedan dedicarle algo de su tiempo . Es sabido que respaldarse en personajes famosos, da la espe-ranza que el aval sirva de ariete

Kansliapäällikön puhe_11 06 2013_iisalmi_fi_eng_jakelu-sv

Kanslichef Jaana Husu-Kallios tal vid evenemanget LINC Finland 11.6.2013 Permanent Secretary Jaana Husu-Kallio, Opening Speech, LINC Finland 11th of June 2013 God kväll Idensalmi! God kväll kära LEADER-vänner! Jag har den stora glädjen att välkomna er å mina egna och jord- och skogsbruksministeriets vägnar hit till Idensalmi i hjärtat av Norra Savolax för evenemanget LINC LEADER


”När skadeståndsskyldighet uppstått genom att någon obehörigen sålt annansegendom torde ersättning kunna utgå med det belopp som utvunnits vid försälj-ningen”.1Frågor om kompensation när någon sålt annans egendom aktualiseras i prakti-ken frekvent. Det gäller till exempel situationer där lösa saker förskingras ochsedan säljs, eller där någon säljer egendom som hon stulit


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Haiti talk

MY REWARD Matthew 28:19-20 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you… I became acquainted with Tim Mastenbrook and his dedication to missions in Haiti many years ago. A little over five years ago my wife, Kischa, enrolled our family in h


REGISZTRÁCIÓS DÍJ 2012. október 8. előtt 2012. október 8. után kizárólag az „Eshetic party”-ra: €65 kizárólag az „Eshetic party”-ra: €65 *Tanulói regisztáció (egyetemi hallgató, fogtechnikus tanuló) esetén kérjük, mellékelje diákigazolványa másolatát. A REGISZTRÁCIÓS DÍJ MAGÁBAN FOGLALJA A KÖVETKEZŐKET: • belépés a fogászati kiállít


BusterAlert.org Canine MDR1 Mutation MDR1 Veterinary Fact Sheet Info Center The multi-drug resistance gene (MDR1) encodes P-glycoprotein, a protein that functions as a drug-transport pump across cell membranes. A lack of P-glycoprotein means certain drugs cannot be absorbed, distributed or metabolized normally (particularly affecting the brain). Dogs with the MDR1 genetic mutat


Speaker Profile Two courses in Late Phase and Outcomes Research Sarah Goring Director, Epidemiology Qualifications MSc, Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, 2008 Dissertation “Effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroids in preventing morbidity and mortality in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the impact of coexisting asthma” BSc, Ma

Microsoft word - aps 12-13 exam c (final)

MARK THE BEST ANSWER TO EACH OF THE FIRST 15 QUESTIONS ON THE SCAN PAGE Which of the following is the best reason why we use the standard normal distribution ( z ) when conducting inference for proportions rather than switching to the t p is an unbiased estimator of p . A drug company tested the effectiveness of a new anti-anxiety medication. Of 200 people who took the new medication, 64

Microsoft word - drug abuse.doc

Bibliography -- Drug Abuse ========================================================================= 362.29 BAY Bayer, Linda N. Crack & cocaine. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, [2000]. Note: Describes the effects of crack and other forms of cocaine on the body, the dangers of abusing them, the reasons why people use them, and ways to prevent an addiction or get help. 362.2


dynamic phase diagram of possible behav- 1. Schal er, V., Weber, C., Semmrich, C., Frey, E. & Bausch, A. identical E. coli cells arise over time under the iours of the filaments. Just how universal this Nature 467, 73–77 (2010). selective pressure imposed by the presence of diagram will be — whether it describes the 2. Joanny, J. F. & Prost, J. HFSP J. 3, 94–104 (2009)

What is addison's disease?

Addison's Disease Addison's disease is a rare endocrine, or hormonal disorder that affects about 1 in 100,000 people. It occurs in all age groups and afflicts men and women equally. The disease is characterized by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin in both exposed and non-exposed parts of the body. Addison's disease occurs when


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DENGAN KERJASAMA ‘N’ LEVEL ENGLISH PAPER I Section 1 (15 MARKS) 16 Explain in your own words, in what ways were the Buddhist monks similar? [2] Fill in each blank with a suitable word. Sharks attack humans, thinking they are sea lions. Write each answer in the space provided in the passage. Megalodon eat people because of their colossal size. The monks _________________


Prevalence of bruxism in children receiving treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Prevalence of bruxism in children receiving treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a pilot study Ghadah A. Malki* / Khalid H. Zawawi** / Marcello Melis*** / Christopher V. Hughes**** The objective of this study was to evaluate reported bruxism among children affected by attention

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In patients with Fredrickson Types IIa and IIb hyperlipoproteinemia pooled from 24 controlled trials, the median (25thand 75th percentile) percent changes from baseline in HDL-C for atorvastatin 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg were 6.4 (-1.4, 14),8.7 (0, 17), 7.8 (0, 16), and 5.1 (-2.7, 15), respectively. Additionally, analysis of the pooled data demonstrated consistent Lipitor® and significant decrea


FACT SHEET PS-47 Common Poultry Diseases1 G.D. Butcher, J.P. Jacob, and F.B. Mather2before healing is complete, the surface beneath is raw Respiratory Diseases and bleeding. Unthriftiness and retarded growth areThere are many common and important diseasestypical symptoms of fowl pox. In laying hens,which can affect the respiratory system (air passages,infection results in a transient

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Karl Fischer Titration What is a Karl Fischer chemical reaction? I2 + 2H2 O+ SO2 -> 2HI + H2SO4 This reaction taking place in the presence of a base and a solvent. (a typical solvent could be methanol, and a base imidazole) How does the Karl Fischer determination work? A chemical reaction takes place between Iodine (I) and water (W) with the reactants being in a 1 to

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Criteria for Use of Levetiracetam (Keppra®) VHA Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategic Healthcare Group and the Medical Advisory Panel The following recommendations are based on current medical evidence and expert opinion from clinicians. The content of the document is dynamic and will be revised as new clinical data becomes available. The purpose of this document is to assist practitioner


ZELNORM- tegas erod maleate tablet Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation ---------- T2004-53/T2004-54 89015305 ZELNORM® (tegas erod maleate) Tablets Rx only Pres cribing Information DESCRIPTION Zelnorm® (tegaserod maleate) tablets contain tegaserod as the hydrogen maleate salt. As the maleate salt, tegaserod is chemically designated as 3-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-ylmethylene)-N-

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Sept 2007 To my Dear Sweet Ladies, This is a month of changes. Two weeks ago, we were on the farm in Minnesota, then we came here to live in Abu Dhabi in a high rise overlooking the *Arabian* Gulf (where we were last year. Some call it the *Persian* Gulf). Next week we will be moving everything across the country to what they call a villa, but what we would call a cement and clay tile, single fami


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DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATE - dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection Baxter Healthcare Corporation DESCRIPTION Dexamethasone sodium phosphate, a synthetic adrenocortical steroid, is a white or slightly yellow crystalline powder. It is freely soluble in water and is exceedingly hygroscopic. The molecular weight is 516.41. It is designated chemically as 9-fluoro-11β,17- dihydroxy-16α-

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November 2009 Dear Participating Provider: Please find highlights of the changes made to the Coventry Commercial Formulary that will take effect for January 1, 2010. We have also enclosed a copy of the Member/Physician Reference 2010 Prescription Drug List. In addition, our formulary is available through Epocrates and on our website at . The formulary is viewable in the Provider Section unde

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Episodic Treatment with Topical ACV/Hydrocortisone Prevents Cold Sores: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Patient-Initiated Clinical Trial C. HULL1, J. HARMENBERG2, E. ARLANDER3, F. AOKI4, B. DARPO3, M. LEVIN5, S. TYRING6, S. L. SPRUANCE1 1Univ. of Utah Sch. of Med., Salt Lake City, UT, 2Karolinska Inst., Stockholm, Sweden, 3Medivir,

Before the

Before the MAHARASHTRA ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION World Trade Centre, Centre No.1, 13th Floor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 Tel. No. 022 22163964/65/69 – Fax 022 22163976 E-mail mercindia@mercindia.org.in Website: www.mercindia.org.in Case No. 164 of 2011 In the matter of Petition filed by M/s. Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. seeking direction upon MSEDCL to

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Data collection Data of Escherichia coli genes were extracted from the Ecogene database1, which contains annotations for 4308 genes. These genes were united into transcription units (TUs) based on data from the regulonDB database2 and from the experiments of Tjaden et al.3, giving a total of 3405 TUs. Data regarding transcription regulation interactions in E. coli were extracted from t

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____________ Microbiolocical reports are treated like other results in OBX segments. Each sample is a OBX segment. The Result Type is a formatted text. The Antibiogramm is not divided by organsim --> needed if HL7 is used within a Labsys. The Result Type (Field 2) is FT = Formated Text. The Result Value (Field 5) contains the lines. Each line ist separatet by "\.BR\". The "\.BR\"

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http://tedbiblio.opac3d.fr/s/search.php?filter[]=format:"DVD+docs."&f. L'histoire fondante du chocolat Menier Paru en 2013 chez Skopia films, Courbevoie | Eric Bitoun Un modeste préparateur en pharmacie, Jean-Antoine-Brutus Menierdécouvre les bienfaits du chocolat et décide de les exploiter. En 1836,la première tablette de chocolat Menier est fabriquée, c'est la premi

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Breaking news4

EFFCA breaking news nr. 4 - SPECIAL ISSUE - FLU AND IBD - Influenza is a viral infectious disease caused by some influenza viruses. These viruses are characterized by some surface proteins (called H and N) that distinguish the different kinds of agents. Common seasonal influenza is caused by the type A virus, with two subtypes, H1N1 and H3N2 that affect million of people every year. R


Michael Anderson is a registered Psychologist in private practice in Torquay, Victoria. He has been practicing mindfulness meditation for over 25 years. In 1990 he became increasingly interested in Buddhism and mindfulness practice, and has from this time worked to integrate Western psychology and mindfulness approaches. He has training in ACT, Without a personal practice


Category: Individual Travel DEPART: EVERY TUE / THU / SAT 5D4N SPLASH OF COLOURS AT SPRING IN KOREA “ Min. 4 to Go ” SEOUL / MT SORAK / NAMISEOM ISLAND / HANHYANGJUNG / PEAK ISLAND / EVERLAND SUMMARY SCHEDULE SIGHTSEEING HIGHLIGHTS SEOUL BRIEF: Seoul has been the capital of Korea for about 600 years, since the time of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910

Marine ecology progress series 235:127

MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 235: 127–134, 2002 Published June 19 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Species differences, origins and functions of fatty alcohols and fatty acids in the wax esters and phospholipids of Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus from Arctic waters Catherine L. Scott1, Slawomir Kwasniewski3, Stig Falk-Petersen4, John R. Sargent2,*


Miralax + Gatorade Prep for Colonoscopy You must arrange for a ride for the day of your exam. If you fail to arrange transportation with a responsible adult, your procedure will If you take a medication to thin your blood and have not already discussed this with our office, please call us at 262-544-8622 prior to If you have diabetes, ask your regular doctor for diet and medication


early treatment of tick Borne illnesses by Edwin J. Masters, MD† Both doxycycline and azithromycin are generally well tolerated, have long track records and low incidences of true allergy, are excreted through the G. I. tract, and available as generics. illness,4,5 Lyme disease, Ehrlichia chaffeensis , Ehrlichia ewingii , Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis ,


Middlesex / Monmouth Gastroenterology Miralax /Dulcolax Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy One (1) Week Before Your Procedure Arrange a ride. You will be sedated for your procedure and you cannot drive or return home alone. If you arrive without a responsible escort, your procedure will have to be rescheduled. There are NO exceptions. Stop taking iron supplements or multivitamins


FAQ - DOMANDE FREQUENTI SULLA “MENOPAUSA PRECOCE” Associazione Menopausa Precoce ONLUS CODICE FISCALE: 93069850381 ISCRIZIONE ALBO PROVINCIALE: n. 74948 del 22/08/2007 - Ferrar a Queste sono le domande più frequenti riguardanti menopausa precoce e POF (premature ovarian failure). Le risposte sono state elaborate da alcune nostre Socie e poi sottoposte ad una del e due ginecolo


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MYBO’s GPAT/ NIPER/ PGECET BOOSTER PACK-8 (From MYBO Knowledge Center) : MYBO – A Voluntary Organization 1. Which of the below drug causes diabetes (A) Diazoxide (B) Triampterene (C) Digoxin (D) Phenacetin 2. Interaction between chlorpromazine and levo carbidopa causes (A) Anti-parkinson effect (B) Antagonistic effect (C) Lymphoma (D) None 3. Pin point pupil is a characteristic


YOUR NEW MEDICINES General Overview Your doctors have started you on many new medicines. These medicines are needed to make sure your transplant is successful. The medicines can be put into three different classes: • Anti-rejection – Help prevent your immune system from • Anti-infective – Help protect you against certain infections • Miscellaneous – Medicines tha

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Initial clinical experience with hand – held device (Thrombocheck©) for the detection of bileaflet prosthetic valve malfunction . Ben Zekry S, Sagie A, MD, Ben-Dor I, MD, Nukrian H, ARDS, Battler A, MD, Shapira Y, MD. Echocardiography unit, Department of Cardiology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tiqva, affiliated with Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Te

L'uomo che teneva il cuore sullo stradone

L’uomo che teneva il cuore sullo stradone Di Giuseppe Rossi Un pomeriggio di piena estate nella grande città di New York. E’ domenica. Al quarto piano di un palazzo di appartamenti. Le finestre sono socchiuse. Per la strada un traffico molto ridotto; pochi i pedoni. In una camera da letto un uomo e una donna stanno ultimando la loro siesta: La donna si alza. E’ in sottoveste. Fruga i


Wireless Temperature/Humidity Station Vantage Pro2TM Accessories The Wireless Temperature/Humidity Station measures relative humidity and air temperature. The passive solar radiation shield is made of a proprietary plastic designed for high thermal reflectance and low thermal conductivity. It can be used with any wireless Vantage Pro2™ weather station as well as all other compatible wirele

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Off-Label-Use: Der Fall Methylphenidat 1 für den Vorstand der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie undDie Probleme der Ablehnung des Off-Label-Use von Neuro-Psychopharmaka durch dieKrankenkassen vor dem Hintergrund des Urteils des Bundessozialgerichts vom März 2002wurden hier inzwischen mehrfach diskutiert (Nervenarzt 73 (2002) 796-799; 1125-1127). Die DGPPN hat einen Ka


Nieuwsbrief Maagklachten EEN SERVICE VAN UW APOTHEEK M aagklachten komen veel voor: een op de vier Nederlanders heeft er wel eens last van. De klachten kunnen zeer uit- eenlopend zijn; van onschuldige klachten na een overvloedige maaltijd, tot ernstige pijnklachten die kunnen wijzen op bijvoorbeeld een maagzweer. In deze nieuwsbrief vindt u onder andere informatie over een acute m

Papers are called for addressing art and design education, pedagogy and

Materiality and Immateriality Dr Paul Thomas; Senior Lecturer, Coordinator of the Studio Electronic Arts (SEA) at Curtin University of Technology & the Founding Director of the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth Abstract In this paper I will examine materiality and immateriality in the expanding area of research within art as creative practice. Emerging technologies have created n


Stay the Night – James Blunt Cifras by Maurício Masuda Batidas : Variação 1 : Variação 2 : Introd : D2x A2x Bm2x G2x D2x A2x Bm2x G2x Oh Oh Oh Oh. Oh Oh Oh Oh. Oh Oh Oh Oh A2x Bm2x G2x Hey! It's twenty two degrees , Zero chance of rain D A3x Bm2x It's been a perfect Day , We're all spinning on our heels G2x D A So far away from real , In Californ-i-

Referenzen zu testojack®

Referenzen zur Belegung der Teststeron fördernden wie auch stärkenden Wirkung der wichtig-sten Inhaltsstoffe von TestoJack®1. Wang B, Ma L, Liu T. 406 cases of angina pectoris in coronary heart dis-ease treated with saponin of Tribulus terrestris [in Chinese; English ab-stract] . Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih. 1990;10:85-87. 2. Adimoelja A. Phytochemicals and the breakthrough of traditional

Tantalizing tea

Tranquility in a Teapot: The Effects of Green Tea on Anxiety “I always fear creation will expire before teatime.” – Sydney Smith (Smith par. 6) The end of the world before teatime is a rather nasty thought. For those of the population suffering from anxiety, the end of the world tends to be a particularly nasty thought in the first place. Perhaps with a nice cup of green tea, one would


Please note that established beekeepers, as well as new beekeepers, must reside in a tobacco-dependent county within the Southwest Region to be eligible for participation. Southwest Virginia Tobacco Region: Bland, Buchanan, Carroll, Dickenson, Floyd, Grayson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, and Wythe Beginning beekeepers may make application beginning February 15, 2010

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‘Leave all hope behind….and come in!’ Laat ik beginnen met een bekentenis. Dit is de eerste keer dat ik een dag voor betrokkenenbezoek. Dat ik desondanks meteen de kans krijg om vanaf deze plek het woord tot u terichten, laat zien hoe gastvrij uw vereniging is. Ik wil er alles aan doen om het in mij gesteldeMisschien mag ik mezelf een ervaringsdeskundige noemen, maar een expert ben ik

Les statines

Les hypolipémiants : de la pathologie aux cibles du médicament Une dyslipidémie correspond à une modification qualitative ou quantitative d'un ou plusieurs paramètres des lipides et des lipoprotéines plasmatiques. C’est la conséquence directe d’un trouble métabolique : soit un excès de synthèse, soit un défaut de catabolisme et d’épuration plasmatique. La dyslipidémie

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PEGINTRON /rIBAVIrIN COMBINATION TreATMeNT FlOW SHeeT FOr ADulTS INDICATIONS: PEGINTRON is indicated for use in combination with ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients 3 years of age and older with compensated liver disease. The following points should be considered when initiating therapy with PEGINTRON in combination with ribavirin: (1) These indications are base

Minutes of a meeting of manuden parish council

Minutes of a Meeting of Manuden Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Thursday 3rd. September 2009 at 8.15 pm Present: Cllr L Atkinson (Chairman) Cllr C Forster Cllr A Holmes Cllr J Kershaw Cllr F Womack In Attendance: Mr C Bartram(Clerk) and 4 members of the public. Apologies D Cllr J Loughlin, C Cllr R Gooding, Cllr S Hannington, Cllr J Archer (Vice Chairman) The minutes of the previo

Jodiumdefinitief deel 2voorwebsite nieuw.doc

Dit artikel verscheen eerder in “de Orthomoleculaire Koerier” van decemb er 2004. Kijk op www.me -zelf.nl voor informatie over de praktijk voor natuurgeneeskunde, orthomoleculaire therapie en coaching van de auteur. JODIUM Aspecten van een kleurrijk spoorelement- deel 2 Omdat jodiumtekorten veel voorkomen wordt er in Nederland al sinds begin vorige eeuw extra jodium aan voedin


Centre universitaire de santé McGill McGill University Health Center Subject : Radiologic Exams Requiring Intravenous Contrast for Patients with Decreased Renal Function Manual : MUHC Medical Imaging Policy No. Effective Date : January 1, 2002 Originating Dept : MUHC Medical Imaging New Policy ___ Page : _1_ of ___ Revised Policy ___ I. Purpose: T


NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Discov Med . Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 November 1. Discov Med. 2010 November ; 10(54): 434–442. Neurorestorative Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury Ye Xiong 1, Asim Mahmood 1, and Michael Chopp 2,3,* 1 Department of Neurosurgery, Henry Ford Health System, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, USA 2 Department of Neurolog

Post partum depression.pub

and indirectly may help depression. Biofeed-before taking any new prescription or nonpre-back, like relaxation therapies, should be done only in addition to psychotherapy and medi- Exercise as appropriate for you physical condi- Massage Therapy: Massage therapy may help tion in the days right after giving birth. lower stress, but it does not cure depression. Participate in


Sildenafil Treatment of Women With Antidepressant-Associated Sexual Dysfunction A Randomized Controlled Trial Context Antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction is a common adverse effect that frequently results in premature medication treatment discontinuation and for whichno treatment has demonstrated efficacy in women. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of sildenafil for sexual dysf

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MID-COUNTY ENDODONTIC GROUP, P.A. 60 W. RIDGEWOOD AVE. RIDGEWOOD NJ 07450 201.652.3311 250 KINDERKAMACK RD. WESTWOOD NJ 07675 201.666.4546 PATIENT REGISTRATION Date:_________________ Patient’s Name:_________________________________________________________________ Title: ___________ Parent’s name (if patient is a minor):_______________________________________ Date

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Tinnitus Tinnitus, (pronounced tih-NIGHT-us or TIN-ih-tus) is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise that seems to originate in the ear or head. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), almost 12 percent of men who are 65 to 74 years of age are affected by tinnitus. The prevalence of tinnitus in the U.S. is almost twice as frequent i

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Organisch of psychisch? Het meningeoom en de gevolgen Jan Wiersma werkt als neuropsychiater op centrum Wolfheze bij de diagnostiek en behandeling van de gevolgen na hersenverandering. Lezing gehouden op de ALV van 2 mei 2009 Een dame van 78 jaar. Gezond, onafhankelijk levend. Maar ze is vlak geworden, traag, verzwakt en incontinent. Ze is doorverwezen om behandeld te worden voor een depr

Mental health

The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services Contents Finding Positive Employers Marketing yourself and Disclosure Your Rights Contacts and Resources Case Studies Updated: © Content copyright of or licensed to AGCAS (www.agcas.org.uk)To view the terms and conditions for the material provided in this publication, please see:The Association of Graduate Careers A

Epi news 11_wnv1.pdf

Summer 2003 EPI NEWS VOL. 3 NO. 3 A Publication of the Genesee County Health Department West Nile Virus Update WNV cases have been reported from Genesee County. The majority of human WNV cases this W the Middle East. It is a close relative year continue to arise from the Central U.S. of the St. Louis encephalitis virus and can infect Experts now believe that WNV will appea


Antidepressant medication Advice for adults There is a great deal of misinformation about The Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia’s regulatory agency antidepressant medication and there is no simple for medical drugs) and manufacturers of antidepressants do not recommend antidepressant use for depression in young people explanation of how antidepressants work. Medication can b

Letters to the editor

Letters to the Editor Mania Associated With Initiation of Ziprasidoneplied to our report, 6 of their 8 criteria favor our interpretationthat ziprasidone was the cause of our patient’s manic symptoms. Two criteria are not met, yet only because olanzapine was be- Sir: The efficacy of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment gun concurrent with ziprasidone discontinuation and becauseof psyc


Next Meeting: 21 June 2009 Salle Académique, Rm. 1531 St-Boniface College, 196 De La Cathedrale Av. Novice Programme Regular Programme To be announced Bulbophyllums with Bill Thoms Starts at 1:00PM Starts at 2:00PM Bring Plants for Show & Tell At the time the newsletter went to press, it was uncertain if our guest speaker would be bringing

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The MSCI USA Investable Market Index (IMI) Utilities is designed to capture the large, mid and small cap segments of the US equity universe. All securities in the index are classified in the Utilities sector as per theGlobal Industry Classification Standard (GICS®). Cumulative Index Performance — Gross Returns (Feb 1999 – Feb 2014) — USDIndex Performance — Gross Returns (%) (Februar

GuÍa de estudio

MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES GUÍA DE ESTUDIO TEMAS NACIONALES Y DE POLÍTICA EXTERIOR TEMAS NACIONALES I. HISTORIA DE PANAMÁ A. PERÍODO COLONIAL 1. Colonización y evangelización de América 2. Papel del istmo como vía de tránsito B. PERÍODO DE UNIÓN A LA GRAN COLOMBIA 1. Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá de 1826 2. Intentos separatistas de Panamá de

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Dear customers, Coconut Spa is established in several countries and you will find this brochure displayed in all our Spas, therefore kindly note: Local Taxes, Service Charge other Hotel Taxes, will be All treatments mentioned in this brochure may not be available in some of our Spas For further details please contact the Spa reception of your Hotel - Resort. How to Spa Some advice for your c

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CATEGORIA PRODOTTO INDIRIZZO LOCALITÀ CATEGORIA PRODOTTO INDIRIZZO LOCALITÀ tessera consegnata a tutti i soci. La convenzione è valida in tutta Italia10% extra su pneumatici e interventi in sede10% per ottenimento patenti, recupero punti e pratiche atuto10% articoli Swarovski; 20% su bomboniere e altri articoli regalo10% articoli Swarovski; 20% su bomboniere e altri


PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET Erectile Dysfunction About Erectile Dysfunction How to take ED tablets Your Pharmacist can supply Viagra/sildenafil, Cialis and Levitra tablets Note: Viagra a brand name for sildenafil. If a UK licensed sildenafil tablet becomes available, Pharmacists may offer this as an alternative to Viagra. IMPORTANT: All men with Erectile Dysfunction MUST inform t


International Federation of Health Plans 2011 Comparative Price Report Medical and Hospital Fees by Country The International Federation of Health Plans was founded in 1968 by a group of health plan industry leaders. It is now the leading global network of the industry, with one hundred member companies in 30 countries. Federation member plans meet regularly to share informatio


The new england journal of medicine c u r r e n t c o n c e p t s Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Infection in HumansThe Writing Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) Consultation n unprecedented epizootic avian influenza a (h5n1) virusfollowing: John H. Beigel, M.D., Nationalthat is highly pathogenic has crossed the species barrier in Asia to cause manyInstitute of Allergy and Inf


“Studies on High Performance Bioreactors for Improved Production of Cephalosporin”Dr. A. SWAROOPA RANI Assistant Professor M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D., PDF (Fra) in Centre for Biotechnology, IST,University,Hyd, Kukatpally – 500 085 A.P. Adv. No. UGC/MRP/ASR/1/BT/Project Fellow/2014 Dated: 31/01/2014. ADVERTIS EMENT-(b) Applications are invited by the undersigned from the eligible cand

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Bowel Prep The purpose of a bowel prep is to cleanse the bowel of particulate material and decrease the number of bacteria in the colon. The reason for this is to attempt to decrease the number of infectious complications of colon surgery. There are many different regimens in use. The prep Dr. Fusco most commonly prescribes is the fleets phosphosoda prep listed below. Alternative prep

Efectos de los actos de habla en la comunicación transcultural

municación eficaz con sus pacientes, los pa- Lo que crees que has cientes también deben ayudar al médico duran- dicho no es lo que te todo el proceso y aprender a preguntar y ex-presarse adecuadamente durante las consultas creen que has dicho. (ver como ejemplo el artículo en Health 1 quese cita en las referencias). Los efectos de los actos La comunicación sigue siendo un probl

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OFFICERS   BOARD MEMBERS Corrine Dreyfus 334-567-8009 Christina Flack 334-669-1240 Milly Frakes 334-396-0132 Trigg Grieshop 334-409-2998 George Lemaster 334-281-4502 Goodwyn Community Center on Perry Hill Road The “Tailwagger” is the official newsletter of the Montgomery Kennel Club Inc. Its purpose is to share information among Club Members and other interested parties. Articles


Cannabis et Trouble Déficit de l’Attention (TDA) David Bearman, M.D., Californie (USA) http://davidbearmanmd.com/ Traduction autorisée par l’auteur http://mcforadhd.free.fr/ Les symptômes principaux des types les plus connus du TDAH (Trouble Déficit de l’Attention / Hyperactivité) sont (1) suractivité motrice, (2) inattention et (3) impulsivité (American Psychiatric Associat

Mittagundi asthma form

Mittagundi Asthma Form Participant’s Name: _______________________________ Date: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/GUARDIAN Asthma is a potentially serious condition. Both you and your child should have a good understanding of the severity of the Asthma suffered and know how the necessary management practices for Monitoring, Prevention and Relief of Asthma. This is best established b

Doctor’s orders

ISCHEMIC STROKE ORDERS WITHOUT ALTEPLASE (TPA) 1. Admit inpatient to :  Telemetry  Meridian 6 (satellite telemetry) OR if critically ill  to ICU  to CCU 2. Attending Physician: 3. Condition: 4. Code Status: 5. Allergies/Intolerances: 6. Diet :  NPO  Initiate nursing bedside swallow screen if po medications ordered. Ok to give po meds with sips


Marijuana for Intractable Hiccoughs Everyone has experienced hiccoughs, but little is known about them. Ordinarily, hiccoughing is short-lived and benign and therefore of little clinical interest. But occasionally people suffer bouts of intractable hiccoughs, which become extremely uncomfortable and eventually create a health problem, making it dif icult to sleep and even eat. Little is known

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Hepatotoxicity during therapy with Tipranavir, Citalopram and Finasterid – a case report C. Guhl¹, W. J. Heinz¹, R. Winzer¹, P. Langmann², H. Klinker¹ ¹ Department of Internal Medicine II, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Würzburg, Germany² Private practice, Am Tiefen Weg, 97753 Karlstadt, Germany Background Other causes of elevated liver enzymes like alc


Industry study benefi ts from Network know-howChildren with chronic kidney disease will benefi t from the results of an international clinical study led by a Manchester-based consultant working with the Medicines for Children Research Network (MCRN). This important commercial research study “I think the speed at which documents are step we could take to help other people. At looked at childr

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6. SUBSTANCE ABUSE: ALCOHOL AND DRUGS OVERVIEW In this module, we examine the different kinds of drugs, both those accepted by Western Society and those which are banned. We explain how people become dependent, and show how you can help people conquer their addiction, using the "disease concept" as your guideline. Extract THE EXTENT OF THE PROBLEM One hundred th


MINISTRY OF HEALTH MALAYSIA DRUG FORMULARY NO. 3/2011 No. of item listed : 1530New item listed : **Add Formulation/Strength : ***Add/change Indication : **** Generic Name Malaysia Drug Code Category of Prescriber Acetylsalicylic Acid 300 mg Soluble TabletActinomycin D (Dactinomycin) 500 mcg/ml InjectionAdrenaline Acid (Epinephrine) Tartrate 1 mg/ml Injection C01CA2412


Magnetic Stimulation May Ease Migraine Pain By Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter Thu Jun 22, 7:12 PM ET THURSDAY, June 22 (HealthDay News) -- A magnetic device that seems to help depression and seizures may also short-circuit migraine headaches in their earliest stages, a new study finds. The transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device, about the size of a hair dryer, was able to

Smoking and women's health: tips on why and how to quit

Smoking and Women’s Health: Tips on Why and How to Quit What does smoking do to my body? Smoking is the number one cause of heart attack and cancer in women. Smoking hurts almost every organ in your body. It aff ects your general health and causes many diseases. About 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States is linked to smoking. When you smoke, your blood vessels narrow. Thof h


following questions so we can better assist you with your dental needs. PATIENT INFORMATION Today’s Date__________________________ Birth Date__________________________ Patient Social Security #____________________________________________ Patient Name_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Street Address__

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Comunicación y Medios 12 de Abril de 2013 Ocho columnas Calan a Gobierno: cierran autopista Enfrentan a EPN e IP las cuotas al IMSS Engañosa baja de homicidios en México: ONU Mondragón: “no vamos a tolerar más bloqueos” Chocan IP y Congreso por las cuotas al IMSS Avanza regulación a deuda de gobiernos No intimidan a la


Retention and Separation of Highly Polar Compounds on a Novel HPLC Phase Neil R. Herbert, Ian Chappell, Joyce Wang, Scott Anderson, Mark Jacyno, Wendy Luo :DXNHJDQ5RDG'HHU¿HOG,/86$ Grace Davison Discovery Sciences bringing separations together Summary The selectivity of Grace® Platinum™ column phases is discussed in relation to that of more traditi



Tc017 - fact sheets aw

F A C T S H E E T C o n s t i p a t i o n Constipation is defined as a decrease in the frequency of Medicines bowel movements, or difficulty in passing the stool. EachA number of medicines can affect bowel contractions,individual has a par ticular bowel pattern, and what is normalresulting in constipation. Codeine and codeine derivativesvaries widely. There is no medical evidence that

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ENDLESS ENERGY Do you wake up every morning feeling in need of a good night's sleep? Do you struggle through your morning's business, yawn through lunch meetings and drag yourself home in the evening to col apse, exhausted in front of the TV? Hectic, Nineties lifestyles can leave us with a constant feeling of fatigue, even if we sleep eight hours a night. Longer work hours and lack of sep

Microsoft word - camper+health1.doc

CAMPER HEALTH HISTORY FORM 1 Dates will attend camp: from____________________ to _________________________ Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Camper Name:___________________________________________________________ First Middle Last ___Male ___Female Birth Date ________________ Month/Day/Year ______________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR PA

Mass narcosis

By ALAN ABELSON The markets -- even gold -- respond to the Russian invasion of Georgia with a resounding ho-hum. The core cabal. WHAT A SHAME! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A DREAM TICKET : Edwards and Spitzer. They'd have been a cinch in 2012, if Obama doesn't make it this year, to walk away with the votes of the all- important hot-hormones group, 18-to-29-year-old males. (You know, the co

Formulary drugs requiring prior authorization (pa) for medical necessity

Formulary Drugs Requiring Prior Authorization (PA) for Medical Necessity PLEASE NOTE: HOME SELF-ADMINISTERED INJECTABLES (HSIs) REQUIRE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION **Drugs listed in bold with dual asterisks will have prior authorization requirements lifted for the first 90 days of eligibility when requested in advance by the group. Diagnosis Exceed Before Prior Author

Traveler’s supply custom kit worksheet

CUSTOM MEDICAL KIT Organization: Number: Email: How many people will use this kit? Trip Duration: Quantity of kits to be ordered: Destination (please check one): _____ Developed Country _____ Developing Country … Check here if you want a medical advisor to provide consultation on this order. Please indicate the products and quantities desired. If you do


Market Outlook: Indian markets will have flat to negative opening on the back of weakness in the global sentiments and monsoon concerns still linger. Equity benchmarks are poised at crucial levels, which could be breached if w eakness persists. Nifty has supports at 3850-3900 and resistances are at 4100 -4150. Weakness is expected to continue. Overall outlook for the markets today is that of c

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Vital Wrap — Scientific Evidence There is significant scientific evidence that the application of heat can be effectivefor pain control, and helps to improve range of motion, and possibly wound healing. (ref. 1-4)Most insurers, including Medicare (ref 1-2), recognize the benefits of heat: as stated onthe Aetna website "general indications for therapeutic heat include pain, muscle spasm,


Les cliniques de la douleur : efficaces, mais victimes de leur succès. Par Nathalie Boëls, rédactrice Soulager la douleur chronique représente tout un défi. approche globale et intégrée des douleurs éprouvées Quand les cocktails d’Advil®, d’anti-inflammatoire, par une personne et de leur traitement. Ces cliniques d’infiltration de cortisone, de Tylenol®, de relaxant


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy, University at Buffalo. Founder and CEO, TheraSyn companies Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science Positions and Honors Staff Pharmacist, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia PA Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Department of Pharmaceutics, State University of New York (SUNY) at


Published in the Winter 2012 CURE Childhood Cancer Newsletter Endocrine Problems after Childhood Cancer Treatment Brooke Cherven, RN, MPH, CPON and Lil ian Meacham, MD Survival rates for childhood cancer have grown greatly over the last few decades thanks to many advances in pediatric cancer treatment. Today the majority of children diagnosed with cancer will become long-term survivors. Su


How can I reduce discomfort? From “HOW IT WORKS” in the meeting format of For some of the milder detoxing symptoms, MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS Detoxing from a few home remedies have proven to be useful: Marijuana • Hot soaking baths can help the emotionsnone of us are saints. Our program is not easy,• Drink plenty of water and clear liquids, justWe strive for progress,n

Arm156 1.6

Behavioral Ecology Advance Access published April 11, 2008 Female praying mantids use sexual cannibalismas a foraging strategy to increase fecundityKatherine L. Barry, Gregory I. Holwell, and Marie E. HerbersteinDepartment of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, AustraliaSeveral hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolution of sexual cannibalism. The foraging strategy


BUBRY - PLOUAY – CALAN – LANVAUDAN - LORIENT Valable du 21 décembre 2013 au 29 juin 2014 inclus PLOUAY - LORIENT BUBRY - LORIENT 13 03 13 05 JOURS DE CIRCULATION LMMe LMMe S LMMe LMMe LMMe LMMe Me LMMe Me V LMMe LMMe V JOURS DE CIRCULATION Périodes scolaires Cf.calendrier Périodes scolaires Cf.calendrier Vacances scolaire


Leukemia (2008), 1–8& 2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0887-6924/08 $32.001Divisione di Ematologia dell’Universita` di Torino, Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni Battista, Ospedale Molinette, Turin, Italy and2Division of Haematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN, USAThe introduction of thalidomide, bortezomib and lenalidomi

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Selected References Overview of Effective Symptom Management for MS Archibald CJ, McGrath PJ, Ritvo PG, et al. Pain prevalence, severity and impact in a clinic sample of multiple sclerosis patients. Pain . 1994;58:89-93. Benrud-Larson LM, Wegener ST. Chronic pain in neurorehabilitation populations: prevalence, severity and impact. NeuroRehabilitation . 2000;14:127-137. Chang YJ, H


ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE 1999, 16(5):457–463ÁÑ×ÅÉÁ ÅËËÇÍÉÊÇÓ ÉÁÔÑÉÊÇÓ 1999, 16(5):457–463 Erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease C.S. Thompson,2M.R. Dashwood,2R.J. Morgan,1D.P. Mikhailidis2 1Department of Urology2Department of Molecular Pathology & Clinical Biochemistry, Royal Freeand University College Medical School& The Royal Free Hamps


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Medienspiegel 20.9.-4.10.2009 © Zentralschweiz am Sonntag; 04.10.2009 Nun also doch: Der russische Milliardär Viktor Vekselberghat Gespräche mit dem Winterthurer Rieter-Konzern über einen möglichen Verkauf des Textilmaschinengeschäfts von OC Oerlikon bestätigt. Das internationale Textilmaschinengeschäft sei in einer Krise, sagte Vekselberg, der mit seiner Renova Group den Technol

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Eli Lilly and CompanyLilly Corporate CenterIndianapolis, Indiana 46285U.S.A. Date: June 16, 2008 For Release: Immediately Refer to: Sonja Popp-Stahly, Lilly 317-655-2993 (office)317-437-9947 (mobile) FDA Approves Cymbalta® for the Management of Fibromyalgia Cymbalta Reduces Pain and Improves Functioning in Fibromyalgia Patients INDIANAPOLIS – The U.S. Food and Drug Administratio

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http://www.tagblatt.ch/ostschweiz/stgallen/rorschach/tb-ot08/Musiktalente-aus-aller-Welt;art2889,3297126 Tagblatt Online, 12. Februar 2013 01:33:00 Musiktalente aus aller Welt Das Trio Allegra mit Susanna Klovsky, Klavier, Agnes Pusker, Violine, und Angela Chang, Violoncello. (Bild: Theodor Looser) GOLDACH. Der Kulturverein Schloss Wartegg präsentierte zusammen mit der Musikschule Go

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What is influenza? Influenza is an infectious illness caused by a virus. It is primarily spread from person to person by the aerosol route, via inhalation of droplets formed during coughing and sneezing, or by direct contact with articles contaminated with respiratory secretions. Influenza usually begins abruptly and can include fever, chills, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, non-productive

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4. Show Patient - Hold a mirror approximately 16 inches away from the patient’s face and let them examine their smile. a. If the shade is not what you or the patient wants, remove the BLOCK-OUT Try-In Paste from the LUMINEERS and tooth surface with a Skubes® or a clean, dry brush. Reapply a new shade of BLOCK-OUT Try-In Paste and check the shade again. 5. To Remove


Heartburn Things that can make heartburn worse What is heartburn? Despite its name, heartburn doesn't affect the heart. • Coffee (both regular and decaffeinated) and other Heartburn is a burning feeling in the lower chest, along with a sour or bitter taste in the throat and mouth. It usually occurs after eating a big meal or while lying down. The feeling can last for a few m

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SciAnNews Individual Variation and the Acceptance of Average Bioequivalence by Laszlo Endrenyi & Miklos Schulz Drug Information Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 195-201, 1993 0092-8615/93 Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 1993 Drug Information Association Inc INDIVIDUAL VARIATION AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF AVERAGE BIOEQUIVALENCE Department of Pharmacology, University of Toro


BROMOTRIL ® 400 EC A selective emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the ‘n Selektiewe emulgeerbare konsentraat onkruiddoder vir post emergent control of certain broadleaf weeds in the die na-opkom beheer van sekere breëblaaronkruide in ACTIVE INGREDIENT / AKTIEWE BESTANDDEEL Bromoxynil (nitrile) 400 g / ℓ Bromoksiniel (nitriel) as the octanoate as die oktanoaat B

Avoiding the dangers of cholesterol lowering medications

Avoiding the Dangers of Cholesterol Lowering Medications By Dr. Christopher Napoli, Chiropractor Every day thousands, maybe tens of thousands of Americans are told by their doctors that they have high cholesterol. The doctor usually makes generic recommendations that they cut back on high cholesterol foods, lower their saturated fat intake, and get more exercise. A follow-up test is usuall


⅐ N U M B E R 5 ⅐ F E B R U A R Y 1 0 2 0 0 7From the International Breast Cancer StudyFive Years of Letrozole Compared With Tamoxifen As InitialAdjuvant Therapy for Postmenopausal Women Withof Eastern Switzerland, Kantonsspital, StEndocrine-Responsive Early Breast Cancer: Update of Study Alan S. Coates, Aparna Keshaviah, Beat Thu¨rlimann, Henning Mouridsen, Louis Mauriac, John F. Forbe

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CDS, Sezione IV, Sentenza 29 luglio 2003, n. 4350 Il Consiglio di Stato in sede giurisdizionale (Sezione Quarta) ha pronunciato la seguente D E C I S I O N E - sul ricorso in appello n. 10491/2002 , proposto da: S.p.a. Ingg. Provera e Carrassi, e Costruzioni Civili Cerasi S.p.A., rappresentati e difesi dall’avv. Angelo Clarizia, elettivamente domiciliati nello studio del difensore i


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Women to Women MOST SUPERTWINS Magazine Volume 12 No.1 have fought chronic depression and generalizedanxiety for years, so when my new psychiatrist was very frustrating. I stopped seeing him when my babiesdiagnosed PPD when my triplets were 8 months old I was were two months old. Final y, my babies came home. I was overjoyed andI was treated for depression during my pregnancy o


La fièvre et la prise de la température La fièvre et la prise de la température Faits saillants • Les bébés de moins de 6 mois devraient voir le médecin lorsqu’ils font de la fièvre. • N’utilisez pas de thermomètre au mercure. S’il brisait, vous risqueriez d’être exposé(e) à cette substance toxique. • Le degré de la fièvre ne vous indique pas la gravité de la

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Organising Chairman, AdAsia09 – Kuala Lumpur For all intents and purposes, Yasmin Ahmad was an accidental celebrity. She never set out to be one, nor did she crave fame or fortune. The work she did – advertisements, commercials, movies – was drawn from her own experiences and from her heart. It was truly an honour when she agreed to be one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming AdAsia09

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Mangosteen Documented Health Benefits The Mangosteen, if scientific research is any indication, is perhaps the most important fruit on earth. The potent effects on human health of the Mangosteen have been observed for centuries in Southeast Asia. As a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti- oxidant, Mangosteen has a wide range of health benefits, well documented in reliable sources.

Microorganisms are part of our everyday lives

Bird flu fear has gripped the globe, as the disease spreads. Public Health officials fear that a pandemic will occur if a recent strain of the virus, which has killed one-half of the humans it has infected, mutates into a form that can be transmitted between people. The virus has only infected humans who came into contact with contaminated birds. The strain (called H5N1) has kil


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Kartenvorverkauf/Reservierungen: T 40121-70 ZOOT WOMAN JULI ZEH & SLUT Beginn 20:00 ’Corpus Delicti - Eine Schallnovelle’ SARAH KUTTNER Beginn 20:00 Lesung: ‘Mängelexemplar’ SHANTEL & BUCOVINA CLUB ORKESTAR 20/18 Pressekontakt: Emanuel Rudas, emanuel.rudas@wuk.at , Tel 40121-43 SAISONERÖFFNUNG mit GOD´S ENTERTAINMENT THIS IS NOT 9/11 Vorgrup


Michigan Confirms More Meningitis Cases, Expanded Recall Issued LANSING – The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) is coordinating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a multi-state investigation of cases of fungal meningitis among patients who received epidural steroid injections. Michigan currently ha


This fact sheet has been produced by the Andrology Special Advisory Group (SAG) of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - the enlarged prostate The prostate is a gland that sits below the bladder and is wrapped around the water pipe(urethra). Its major function is to produce seminal fluid or semen which is then stored in a small gl


PHARMACY FORMULARY Revised 3/05 ___________________________________ Dr. Dawn Whelchel, Chairperson Medication Use Team ___________________________________ Dana Haden, RPh. Director of Pharmacy PHARMACY FORMULARY TABLE OF CONTENTS ANTI-INFECTIVES…………………………………………………….1 Antibiiotics, Sulfas, Nitrofurans, Antifungals, Antima

Crp inflammation heart

The condition is low-grade inflammation, which may originate in a variety of unlikely places throughout the body, including even excess fat. New federal recommendations are being written that will urge doctors to test millions of middle-aged Americans for it. The discovery of its surprising ill effects is causing a top-to-bottom rethinking of the origins and prevention of heart trouble. Doctors c

Central otago overview

GDD’s (Growing Degree Days), 850 – 1100 in the growing season seems to be the sweet spot for Pinot Noir. In latitude, that generally means being at about 45-47º North or 44-45º South A significant variation between maximum and minimum temperatures each day. Hot days, (but not too far above 30ºC), and cool nights, develop flavour complexity. Central Otago ranges from the early 30’s down t

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Blastomycosis in Dogs Blastomycosis is a fungal disease caused by the organism Blastomyces dermatitidis . Contributing Factors Dogs with weakened immune systems are at increased risk for infection by this fungus. The weakness in the immune system may be inapparent. The fact that a dog appears healthy does not decrease its risk for contracting blastomycosis. Prevalence Blastomycosis

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Microalbuminuria: An increasingly recognized risk factor for CVD Long known to be associated with kidney disease, the importance of protein in the urine is now becoming recognized as a sensitive, accessible predictor of cardiovascular risk Microalbuminuria—abnormally high amounts of albumin in the urine— is commonly thought of as an important risk factor for kidney disease. But recent


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CITES CoP16, Bangkok, Thailand, March 3-14 2013 THE SUSTAINABLE USE GUIDE TO THE SPECIES PROPOSALS AND WORKING DOCUMENTS This quick reference guide has been prepared by Safari Club International and Safari Club International Foundation as a service to delegates to CoP16, to provide the sustainable use view on the issues before the Parties. We thank Dr Hank Jenkins and Creative Conserv

Acupuncture treatment of chronic migraine headaches: a case report

Medical Acupuncture Journal, Abstract 6 - Acupuncture Treatm. http://www.medicalacupuncture.com/aama_marf/journal/vol10_. A Journal For Physicians By Physicians Spring / Summer 1998 - Volume 10 / Number 1 "Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi" ABSTRACT 6 ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC MIGRAINE HEADACHES: A CASE REPORT By Bryan L. Frank, M.D., RC., INTRODUCTION A 40-


Diseño de la colección: Julio Vivas y Estudio A Ilustración: foto © Joyce George, Corbis / Cordon Press© De la traducción, Benito Gómez Ibáñez, 2012© Paul Auster, 2012 c/o Guillermo Schavelzon & Asoc., Agencia Literaria info@schavelzon.comLiberdúplex, S. L. U., ctra. BV 2249, km 7,4 - Polígono Torrentfondo Piensas que nunca te va a pasar, imposible que te suceda a ti, que

Making sense of anti

Making sense of antipsychotics (major tranquillisers) Contents Making Sense of antipsychotics What should I know before taking these drugs? What should my doctor take into account? Which type of antipsychotic should I take?Why do people take more than one antipsychotic?Who should avoid taking antipsychotic drugs? The different types of antipsychotic Older antipsychotics Making S


Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 68(2), 2003, pp. 153–158Copyright © 2003 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneDESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON THE EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF ARTESUNATESUPPOSITORY IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER ANTIMALARIALS IN THEM. I. AWAD, A. M. Y. ALKADRU, R. H. BEHRENS, O. Z. BARAKA, AND I. B. ELTAYEB Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Department of Internal M

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Medikamentöse Therapie bei Angststörungen Kompetenzfeld Angst Sommersemester 2008 Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie ƒ Übersicht der medikamentösen Behandlung ƒ Medikamentöse Behandlung bei Angststörungen als begleitende oder unterstützende Therapieƒ Mögliche übergreifende Therapieoptionen bei ƒ Besondere Notwendigkeit von Aufklärung über ƒ Akutbehandl


Contraindications: There are no known contraindications according to the Commission E and the WHO. The British Herbal Compendium (BHC) contraindicates ginseng for patients with acute illnesses, hypertension, or who use excessive amounts of stimulants, particularly caffeine-containing beverages. However, adequate documentation for the contraindication of ginseng in acute illness is lacking, but may

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AM 68/89 (Resistocell™) Clinical Research Summaries of all relevant clinical reportsAM 68/89 (Resistocell™) has been used in humans since 1968. Numerous clinicians have reported their observations concerning welcomeand unwelcome effects of the application of AM 68/89. The following studies have been chosen according to their systematismand scope and reflect the latest developments in

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DIRECTIONS FOR USE Restraints: Do not use less than 14 days before slaughter for human consumption. Do not use in sheep that are producing or may in future produce milk or milk products for human consumption. Precautions and Contraindications: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Not to be used at the same time as any other selenium treatments such as v accines, drenches and fe

The truth wears off

The New Yorker The Truth Wears Off Is there something wrong with the scientific method? by Jonah Lehrer December 13, 2010 For the original New Yorker version of this article go to http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/12/13/101213fa_fact_lehrer On September 18, 2007, a few dozen neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and drug-company executives gathered in a hotel conference room in

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= Antiviral eye drops/ointment Examples: Zovirax® (Aciclovir) eye ointment, Virgan® (Ganciclovir) eye gel How do they work? Antiviral medications are used to treat infections caused by viruses. They stop viruses from spreading or multiplying. Eye ointment or drops are used to treat simple viral eye infections. Tablets or suspensions might also be required in more severe cases. I

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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2009) 63, 337 – 339doi:10.1093/jac/dkn488Advance Access publication 26 November 2008Curcumin as a promising antifungal of clinical interestC. V. B. Martins1,2, D. L. da Silva1, A. T. M. Neres3, T. F. F. Magalha˜es1, G. A. Watanabe1,1Departamento de Microbiologia, ICB, UFMG, Av. Pres. Antonio Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte,MG 31270-901, Brazil


Rattengift Bei Hunden ist die Gefahr der Aufnahme von Rattengift (Blutgerinnungshemmer) oder mit Gift versetzten Futterstücken leider immer ein aktuelles Thema. Auch eine Ratte, die bereits Gift gefressen hat und für den Hund erbeutbar ist, weil sie vielleicht schon durch die Vergiftung verlangsamte Reaktionen hat, kann dem Hund zum Verhängnis werden. Die Giftstoffe zur Ratten- und Mäus


Interacciones farmacológicas Se denomina interacción farmacológica a la modificación del efecto de un fármaco causado por la administración conjunta de otros fármacos. l Hay 2 tipos de interacciones: A- Favorables para el paciente B- Defavorables para el paciente, que se incluyen en el capítulo de los efectos indeseados de los fármacos Mabel Valsecia- Cátedra F

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PACKAGE LEAFLET: INFORMATION FOR THE USER Retin-A® gel 0.01% Retin-A® gel 0.025% Tretinoin Retin-A is a registered trademark Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start using this medicine. Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again If you have any further questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist This medicine has been prescribed for you. D


Chemical biology and bacteria: not simply a matter oflife or deathDeborah T and Eric J RubinChemical biological approaches to understanding bacteriasmall molecules as tools to systematically dissect thehave largely been confined to screening for antibiotics. Morepathways involved in these complex phenotypes, culmi-complex phenotypes, such as virulence, have largely beennating in the gene

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Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: LITHIUM NITRATE SOLUTION MSDS ID: MRD-110 * * * Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification * * * Chemical Name: Aqueous Lithium Nitrate Solution Product Use: Various Industrial Applications Manufacturer Information Mineral Research and Development General Comments NOTE: Emergency telephone numbers are to be us


12 POSTÊPOWANIE PRZECIWBÓLOWE W URAZACH Ewa Mayzner-Zawadzka, Beata B³aszyk,Wojciech Serednicki, Jan Dobrogowski, Jerzy Wordliczek,Andrzej Zawadzki Obra¿enia cia³a stanowi¹ obecnie jeden z najpowa¿niejszych proble-mów medycznych. S¹ one trzeci¹, co do czêstoœci, przyczyn¹ zgonów,a drug¹, co do czêstoœci, przyczyn¹ niezdolnoœci do pracy. W Polsce wskaŸnik urazowoœci wyno


Wissenschaftliche Originalarbeiten 1. Danker K, Gabriel B , Heidrich C, Reutter W. Focal adhesion kinase pp125FAK and the beta 1 integrin subunit are constitutively complexed in HaCaT cells. Exp Cell Res 1998;239:326-31 (Impact Factor: 3.589). Gabriel B , Mildenberger S, Weisser CW, Metzger E, Gitsch G, Schüle R, Müller JM. Focal adhesion kinase interacts with the transcriptional c

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CONTINUOUS NEBULIZER TREATMENT Page 2 of 7 PROCEDURE FOR MASK DELIVERY Check physician’s order. The continuous bronchodilator nebulization therapy (CBNT) order should include treatment duration and total number of mg and/or cc to be delivered per hour. The physician’s order may also include a desired FIO2. The CBNT must be reordered after the completion of the initial therapy. Id


ONCOLOGY CLINICAL RESEARCH TRIALS -2009 A Randomized, double blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase III trial for Postmenopausal Women with ER, PgR+ Advanced Breast CA.With or without Inhibition of EGF & Her2 Growth Factor Receptors;Neo-Adjuvant Phase III study comparing 16-18 wks of neoadjuvant Exemestane, Letrozole. Or Anastrozole. Postmenopausal Stage II & III ER A Randomized Phase I

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Allergies: Allergy Triggers There are a number of different allergy-causing substances. The most common include pollen, dust mites, mold, animal dander, insect stings, latex and certain food and medication. If you have an allergy your symptoms can range from mild eye irritation and congestion to a more severe reaction causing generalized swelling and difficulty breathing. And, if you have ast

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Interview with Marjorie Herdes and William Stockton: Practitioners of the Year. By Christine Herdes MARK YOUR CALENDARS Upcoming MNODN Monthly Meetings March 4th 3:30 – 5:30 pm, Finding Your Compass: Aligning Organizational Culture with Development Network recognizes an individual who has made significant It’s my understanding that the award was April 1st 3:30 – 5:30 pm,

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Case 1:07-cv-10288-RGS Document 81 Filed 01/15/10 Page 1 of 34UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ex rel. COMPLAINT OF THE UNITED STATES This is an action against defendant pharmaceutical manufacturer Johnson & Johnson and two of its subsidiaries (collectively, “J&J”) to recover treble damages, restitution, and civil penalties under the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-33, and the


APPLICATION 2014-2015 GLOBAL UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE PROGRAM IN EURASIA AND CENTRAL ASIA The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Eurasia and Central Asia is a program of the Bureau of Department of State and is support ed by the people of the United States. The program provides opportunities for non-degree study in the United States. In addition to course work, projects an

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Institut für Coaching, Training und Consulting Arbeit ohne Ende – Am Ende durch Arbeit? Inhalt Einleitung 1. Entwicklungen in der Finanzdienstleistungsindustrie und deren Auswirkungen 1.1. Veränderung des Marktes – der Sport 1.2. Technologische Entwicklung 1.3. Die Kunden 2. Diagnostische Einschätzung 3. Lösungen im Vorgehen der Unternehmen 4. Die Rolle des Betriebsrates E

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M, Cremer R, Bru¨ning T, Rihs HP. Use ofwere defined as those to which more thansensitized, respectively. The IgE distri-bution profiles and the level of sensiti-zation were not significantly differentInternational – Journal of the World AllergySymposium of the Collegium Internationaledifferent reasons. Individuals aged 4–18 years were enrolled in

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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 66: 225–237, 2001. © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Breast cancer survival and in vitro tumor response in the extreme drug resistance assay Rita S. Mehta1 , 4, Richard Bornstein2, Ing-Ru Yu1, Ricardo J. Parker1, Christine E. McLaren3 , 4,Khanh P. Nguyen4, Kuo-Tung Li4, and John P. Fruehauf1 , 41 Oncotech, Inc., C


MICRONAUT-S MRSA / GP Microtitration plates for the automated or manual susceptibility testing of multi-resistent Staphylococci, Enterococci and Pneumococci Principle, shelf-life and storage The susceptibility testing is based on the rehydration of antibiotics by adding a standar- dized bacteria suspension (Mueller-Hinton II broth). The result is measured photometri- cally after 18-

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When a sufficient concentration of drug is present, it will fill the Onse Step Morphine limited antibody binding sites. This will prevent attachment of the MonlabTest® colored antibody-colloidal gold conjugate to the drug-protein conjugate zone on the test band region. Therefore, absence of Only for professional in vitro diagnostic use. the color band on the test region indicates a


ERRATUM mediscript StaR - Stand 24.07.2013 Seite 2- Seite Bänder Skript STATUS aktueller Text berichtigter Text Herausgeber und Autoren Band 1 Anita Störmann, München - Kap. 17 sowie Chirurgie-Info-Kästen [AS] Dr. med. Anita Störmann, München - Kap. 17. 2 sowie Chirurgie-Info- Kardiologie/Skript 1 • ausgeglichener Versorgungstyp (20 %)… • ausgeglichener Versorgun


ADULT UROLOGY UROLOGIC COMPLICATIONS OF SEXUAL TRAUMA AMONGMARIE NORREDAM, SONDRA CROSBY, RICARDO MUNARRIZ, LIN PIWOWARCZYK, ABSTRACT Objectives. To describe the urologic and sexual complications of male survivors of sexual torture, including prevalence, sequelae, diagnosis, and treatment. Methods. Through chart reviews, we identified all male survivors of torture who had been treated f

La voz de galicia. el diari.

La Voz de Galicia. El diario más leído de Galicia gracias a la participa. http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/SSEE/print.jsp?idContenido=00031281. Viernes 13 de agosto del 2010 Rimonabant, un medicamentopara perder peso, acarreaproblemas psiquiátricosUna investigación revela que la medicina aumenta el riesgo dedesarrollar graves problemas psiquiátricos, y que en algunospacientes se dieron vario


15 november 2010 Sojabönan har fått ett oförtjänt dåligt rykte. Den orsakar inte skadliga hormonrubbningar och är troligen skyddande mot cancer. Sanningen om soja. Hälsoböna eller ohälsosam? av Per Hormonstörande ämne Om ett spädbarn äter sojamjölk kroppen och det finns inget som har inga negativa effekter kunnat får det mellan 13 000 och 22 000 tyder på att fytoöstro


Many parents struggle with the decision of whether or not to send their possibly sick child to school. Juggling the demands of work and the demands of their students school work may make the decision even more difficult. It’s tempting to give a dose of Tylenol or Motrin and hope for the best. However, school age children are especially good at spreading germs and children cannot learn as effec


Internationale Lierconferentievan 20-25 juli 2003 in KeeneHet volgende relaas is een samenvatting van Floortje Bedaux Wildenberg 40 2716 NE het uitgebreide verslag van deze conferentie;dit verslag is gemaakt door Clarina Kos en het Petra Rosenberg Stationslaan 8a 3701EP Zeist 030.692.41.95 fax. 030.697.74.68 E-mail: floortje@bedaux.netrosenberg.t.p@worldonline.nl De internationale lierbi

93 - 97 de-la-rosa.pmd

Tropical Biomedicine 24(2): 93–97 (2007) Research Note Study of the reproductive capacity of Trichinella spiralis recovered from experimentally infected mice under-dosed with albendazole or mebendazole de-la-Rosa, J.L.1, Álvarez, N.1 and Gómez-Priego, A.1,21 Laboratory of Tissular Helminthes, Institute of Epidemiological Diagnostic and Reference. Ministry of Health. Mexico City, 11

Board 130308 for web site

MALVERN HILLS CONSERVATORS MEETING OF THE BOARD 13 March 2008 7 pm The Committee Room, The Council House, Malvern Present:- Mrs S Adeney, Mr R J Chamings, Mr C Cheeseman, Mr R F Hall-Jones, Mr M Morgan, Mr A Myatt, Mr J Plant, Mr A J Phillips, Mr R G Roberts (Chairman), Dr B G Smith, Mr J Smith, Mrs S Thetford, Mr R Thomas, Mr D Watkins, Mr W Watts, Mr B A Wilcock. I

Microsoft word - r4989595.rtf

Veiligheidsinformatieblad volgens (EG) nr. 1907/2006 RUBRIEK 1: Identificatie van de stof of het mengsel en van de vennootschap/onderneming Productidentificatie: Relevant geïdentificeerd gebruik van de stof of het mengsel en ontraden gebruik: Details betreffende de verstrekker van het veiligheidsinformatieblad: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67 40589 Düsseldorf

Clinician baseline_version 9 10_08_2011x

BSR Biologics Register Clinical Baseline Form Please complete the following PATIENT information Clinical baseline form version 9:10/08/2011 1. Does the patient have rheumatoid arthritis? If NO , can you specify the other diagnosis? 2.a) What was the year of diagnosis? 2.b) What year was this patient first seen by a rheumatologist? 3. ACR Criteria (please indi

(5) food and herbs

Women Realise Anaemia Can Be Treated Haemoglobin Levels Improve Through this intervention, more than a thousand women understood that theAfter six months of nutritious food and herbal treatment there was anweakness’ they experienced could be treated. They were able to examine theimprovement of up to two gram percentage in the haemoglobin level of 80 percentpallor of their eyes an


LISTA PESTICIDI / PESTICIDES LIST LISTE01 LISTP01 LISTF01 LISTF02 LISTC01 LISTC02 LISTS01 LISTS01 LISTS01 LISTS02 LISTS02 LISTS03 LISTS03 2,4-D (sum of 2,4-D and its esters expressed as 2,4-D)Abamectin (sum of avermectin B1a, avermectinB1b and delta-8,9 isomer of avermectin Acibenzolar-S-methyl (sum of acybenzolar-S-methyl and acibenzolar acid (CGA 210007) expressed as acybenzolar-S-


GWTG Stroke PMT (Standard and Coverdell) Crosswalk with MSRT PMT Data Element Name MSRT Data Element Name Final clinical diagnosis related to strokeFinal hospital diagnosis related to stroke that was ultimately responsible for this admissionWhen is the earliest documentation of comfort measures only?When is the earliest documented time that patient was on CMO? ARRIVAL AND ADMISSION IN


E D I T O R I A L TRANSEPITHELIAL NASAL POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE ΈNPDΉ MEASUREMENTS IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS ΈCFΉ Dorota Sands Cystic Fibrosis Centre, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland Abstract The main underlying physiologic abnormality in cystic fibrosis (CF) is dysfunction of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), which results in abnormal transport of sodium a

Microsoft word - documento definitivo ppi 6 aprile 07 _2_.doc

NOTE SULL’IMPIEGO DEI FARMACI INIBITORI DI POMPA PROTONICA (PPI) IN GASTROPROTEZIONE ED IN TERAPIA Gruppo di lavoro sul a appropriatezza prescrittiva dei PPI del a Diverse categorie di farmaci di comune impiego possono essere causa o concausa di danni gastrointestinali. La possibilità di ridurre questo rischio con provvedimenti diversi rappresenta un argomento importante nel a Alcune


The Horsemen’s Newsletter Maryland takes House Committee outlines first step toward recommendations for racing reform voluntary Maryland’s racing industry came under this scenario, since the subsidy Lasix program ticipate in Maryland’s Lasix program, un-to assist the racing industry,” stated theracing be addressed before the state allo-in the spring, while a


The Water Economics in the Middle East Main Problems and Possible Solutions Contents 4. Water situation in each of the area’s countries. 6 5. Understandings and Treaties regarding water in the Middle East. 22 6. Means of improving the water situation in the Middle East . 26 a) Methods of increasing the quantity of water that do not require cooperation between the sides. 27 b)

Traitement d'une gale avec d.p.e. plus

la Gale ou Parasitose La gale est une inflammation locale de la peau du cheval, causée par divers acariens qui vivent dans la peau du cheval en creusant des galeries. Cette infection étant causée par des parasites, la gale doit être traitée rapidement car elle est extrêmement contagieuse entre les chevaux, y compris via le matériel de pansage. Cette maladie se manifeste par de très f


0323 Mente e Cura 2_2011:- 3-09-2012 16:57 Pagina 5 Interviste/Interviews Massimo Biondi Ordinario di Psichiatria, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Psichiatriche e Medicina Psicologica della Sapienza - Università di Roma In che modo la psichiatria attuale considera la relazione mente-corpo? Finalmente, forse dopo molti decenni, la psichiatria cerca di integrare i due con-cetti


Prof. Dr. med. Maximilian Spraul Chefarzt der Medizinischen Klinik III Interdisziplinäres Diabetes-Fuß-Zentrum, Mathias-Spital und Jakobi-Krankenhaus, Rheine Mathias Spital Frankenburgstraße 31 48431 Rheine m.spraul@mathias-spital.de Tel.: +49 (59 71) 46411 Fax: +49 (59 71) 4 23 16 95 Beruflicher Werdegang 1977 - Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Mannhei


North Branch Construction, Inc. 76 Old Turnpike Road Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-3233 Fax (603) 225-7165 www.northbranch.net EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Purpose of This Employee Handbook This Employee Handbook is intended to serve as a guideline, describing the basic personnel policies and practices ordinarily applied by North Branch Construction, Inc. This handbook is

Level of agitation of psychiatric patients presenting to an emergency department

Level of Agitation of Patients Presenting to an ED Level of Agitation of Psychiatric Patients Presenting to an Emergency Department Leslie S. Zun, M.D., M.B.A.; and La Vonne A. Downey, Ph.D. Received May 25, 2007; accepted Oct. 18, 2007. From the Department of Emergency Medicine, Rosalind Franklin University ofMedicine and Science/Chicago Medical School, and the Department of Object

#diabetesla - healthcare social media transcript

#diabetesLA - Healthcare Social Media Transcript #diabetesLA transcript Healthcare Social Media Transcript Thu Dec 01 16:15:00 PST 2011 change time period New ! Explore analytics for this time period: #diabetesLA analytics Explore the world of healthcare social media: Healthcare Conferences - Healthcare Tweet Chats - All HealthcareHashtagsLearn more about #diabetesLA at The Healthcare

La thérapeutique 2003

La thyroïde, c’est si simple ! 32 questions fréquentes sur la glande thyroïde La thyroïde est une petite glande d’environ 20 grammes situéedans le cou. Elle peut être palpée par le médecin lors de l’examen. Elleproduit les hormones thyroïdiennes. 2. Quelles sont les hormones thyroïdiennes ?La thyroïde produit surtout de la thyroxine (abréviation courante :T4) et un peu

muscat hash house harriers

MUSCAT HASH HOUSE HARRIERS THE FAMILY HASH RUN NO. 1868 FROM DOGBREATH http://muscath3.org Run Report for run number 1868 Stats : Current Runners: 71 Turnout: 22 Percentage:31% HARES: Prozac Man and Beata 1868 Run Report. Starting with Google’s Map to allocate our new Run Site which was basically opposite to the Poo Farm, eventually we made our way to the Plat


Experimental and clinical results with Avemar (a dried extract from fermented weath germ) in animal cancermodels and in cancer patientsMICHELE NICHELATTI, M.D., MÁTÉ HIDVÉGI, M.D. Avemar Research Group, Limbiate (MI), Italy and Biromedicina Co., BudapestINTRODUCTION Relationships between food and health todayand some nonnutrient substances like echinacea, saw palmetto,must be studied by tak


THE PUBLIC SECTOR EQUALITY DUTY: IMPLICATIONS FOR GOVERNMENT IN SCOTLAND Origins of the Public Sector Equality Duty The Public Sector Equality Duty (“PSED”) is encompassed in new legislation by virtue of s 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”) which provides as follows: Public Sector Equality Duty (1)A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard


Jason Andrew Silva, M.D. Practice Merrimack Valley Orthopedic Associates 10 Research Place Suite 203 North Chelmsford, MA. 01863 Email: Jsilva@merrimackvalleyortho.com Phone: 978 275 9650 Fax : 978 275 9566 Fellowship OrthoCarolina Sports Medicine/Shoulder & Elbow Charlotte, NC Dr James Fleischli, Director 8/2012-7/2013 Residency University of Massachusetts Department


Perceived Treatment Efficacy for Conventional and Alternative Therapies Reported by Persons with Multiple Chemical SensitivityPaper presented at the Chemical Injury Information Network 2001 MCS Conference,Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 13-15, 2001. Correspondence should be directed to: Pamela Gibson, Ph.D., James MadisonUniversity, School of Psychology, MSC 7401, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. Phone 54


Kidney International, Vol. 67, Supplement 94 (2005), pp. S70–S74 Prevention of renal failure: The Malaysian experience LAI SEONG HOOI, HIN SENG WONG, and ZAKI MORAD Department of Medicine, Sultanah Aminah Hospital Johor Baru, Johor, Malaysia; and Department of Nephrology, Hospital KualaLumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Prevention of renal failure: The Malaysian experience. Re- the face of

Microsoft word - $31vgfiiu.doc

Health Scrutiny Committee – 6 January 2012 Evaluation fol owing the closure of day services provided by South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 1. That the Health Scrutiny Commit ee consider and comment on the at ached evaluation fol owing the closure of mental health day services, and transition to other services, in What is the Scrutiny Committee being asked t


Langenbecks Arch SurgDOI 10.1007/s00423-005-0002-8disease (GERD) by anti-reflux surgeryrespecting the functional – morphologicalrestoration of the esophagusalso dealt with during the operation. restoration of functional morphology. R. Horstmann ( * ) . C. Classen . S. RöttgermannDepartment of Surgery, Herz125.2±12.7 points in the follow-up. operatively, all patients underwentendoscopy,


Countercurrent chromatography: a worthy technique for the direct measurement of liquid-liquid partition coefficients 1 Area de Quimica Analitica, CCEE, ESTCE, Universitat Jaume I, 12080, Castello, Spain 2 Laboratoire des Sciences Analytiques, CNRS, Université de Lyon 1, Bat CPE-308, 69622 Abstract chromatography are: (i) a high loading capability, (ii) a very simple solute retention


MEDICAL STANDARDS These notes are included for the guidance of doctors who may be unfamiliar with requirements for diving. DISQUALIFYING FACTORS ALLOWABLE FACTORS OTHER POINTS Diving is not advised during pregnancy. Those who have dived before discovering they were pregnant are advised to contact a gynecologist. Perforated eardrum in new entrants, chronic vestibular disease in Pe

1037279_capnohrfcasestudy.qxd [ 2 ], page 1 @ normalize

C A S E S T U D Y The Use of Capnography and NPPV in Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure Jhaymie L. Cappiello, RRT RCP Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC A 73-year-old male with a complex history of COPD, hypertension and previous myocardial infarctions presented to the emergencydepartment in severe respiratory distress. The patient was placed on Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventila

(microsoft word - pr\346diken - s\370ndag 26.nov. 2006.doc)

Prædiken søndag den 26. november 2006 – Han har omsorg nok til at sende det bedste. – Han er det rigtige. (He is the real thing) Tema: GUD er ………… Jeg er Alfa og Omega, siger Gud Herren, han som er og som var og som kommer, den Almægtige. – Du kan ikke se ham, men du ved han er der. - Han gør det at rejse til en oplevelse. Ingen er vel i tvivl om, at ovens

05 hhs352415

© The Author(s), 2010. Reprints and Permissions:http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav [23:1; 79–105; DOI: 10.1177/0952695109352415]http://hhs.sagepub.comThis article argues that a new diagram is emerging in the criminal justicesystem as it encounters developments in the neurosciences. This doesnot take the form that concerns many ‘neuroethicists’ – it does not entaila challen

Microsoft word - first aid policy january 2005.doc

MILVERTON C. P. SCHOOL First Aid Policy We have three trained First Aiders in school:- All our trained first aiders are experienced in dealing with ailments and accidents and must be consulted on First Aid matters. Medical Care Parents/carers of children who need to take medicines during the school day are asked to bring the medicine to the medical room at the beginning of the sc

Instructions and information for sinus surgery



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Worksheet 1 MAS367 Sample Sizes, Allocation, Bias and Randomization 1. The Beck depression inventory score is often used as the outcome measure in trialsthat assess treatments for depression. It has standard deviation 8 (no units). Supposethat in a trial comparing two treatments there is interest in detecting a difference of 3.5between the mean Beck depression inventory scores in the two gro


Randomized Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial ofTadalafil in Raynaud’s Phenomenon Secondary toSystemic Sclerosis ELENA SCHIOPU, VIVIEN M. HSU, ANN J. IMPENS, JENNIFER A. ROTHMAN, DEBORAH A. McCLOSKEY,JULIANNE E. WILSON, KRISTINE PHILLIPS, and JAMES R. SEIBOLD ABSTRACT. Objective. Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP) is an important clinical feature of systemic sclerosis (SSc) for which consistently


domenica 13 maggio 2012 cultura@ilroma.net PROTAGONISTI VERONICA PIVETTI CONDIVIDE CON ISA DANIELI IL SUCCESSO DI “SORELLE D’ITALIA” AL TEATRO DIANA Esplosiva e allegra, praticamente unica di Giuliana Gargiulo me è stata la quotidianità, nella vuto a mia sorella, una storia che quale l’ufficio dei miei genitori Ha dovuto fa- Scriverà ancora? era… il

Microsoft word - frogs immune briefing chemtrust new pr final v6

Embargoed: 22.00hrs Sunday 20.10. 2013 Press Release Hormone disrupting chemicals linked to reduced immune function in frogs and possible implications for humans A new CHEM Trust (Chemicals, Health and Environment Monitoring Trust) briefing, co- authored by the Institute for the Environment, Brunel University and the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society London, has hig


Congratulations to Partner Michael Badowski on Defense Verdict in Med Mal/Prescription Drug Matter This case involved the death of a thirty-year old female on August 23, 2002 from multipleprescription drug overdosing. The essence of the Plaintiff’s claims was that our Defendant painmanagement physician negligently prescribed high doses of the pain medication Actiq (oraltransmucosal fen

The safety of fracturing fluids – a quantitative assessment

The Safety of Fracturing Fluids – A Quantitative Assessment by Steve Coffman, member of the Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes -- August 4, 2009 In response to a FOIL request to New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, the Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes received a list of 48 toxic substances (as defined by the DEC or EPA) permitted for use in hydraulic fra


Induction Rate Doubles as ACOG Issues New GuidelinesMisoprostol should not be used for inducing labor in women with a history of uterine surgery or a priorcesarean delivery, according to new guidelines issued by the American College of Obstetricians andGynecologists (ACOG). Action Points Explain to interested patients that a number of clinical conditions affecting the mother or fetus orboth m


The Need for Better Management of Treatment-Resistant Depression, Part 3: References Better Ways to Manage Treatment-Resistant Depression David L. Dunner, M.D. Diagnosis Rating Scales for Depression Hamilton M. A rating scale for depression. J Neurol NeurosurgRush AJ, Gullion CM, Basco MR, et al. The Inventory of DepressiveSymptomatology (IDS): psychometric properties. Psychol Med

Rapid alert system for food and feed - week 27

RAPID ALERT SYSTEM FOR FOOD AND FEED The current legal basis of the system is Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laying down the generalprinciples and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority andlaying down procedures in matters of food safety (O.J. No L 31 of 1 February 2002). Thepurpose of the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) is to provide the control aut

Mwma mourevisedoct-09_10

Memorandum of Understanding Mojave Weed Management Area ( Revised October 7, 2009) Introduction Weed infestations in the Mojave Desert in California reduce the biological, agricultural, recreational, and economic value of the land and negatively impact the environment by suppressing native plant species. A coordinated approach among Federal, State and local agencies will improve t


PROgRam CSH Asia/ICMS Joint Conference on Tumor Microenvironment Suzhou, China November 13-17, 2012 TUESDAY, NovEMbEr 13, 2012 GreetiNGS isaac P. Witz, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Introductory Remarks KEYNoTE LECTUrE Introduced by isaac P. Witz robert C. Gallo , Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, M

Cv_annex i_03

Publications Prof. PIETRO MORTINI Peer reviewed publications 1. Experimental and clinical ef ects of nicardipine and nimodipine in prevention of vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage.Pasqualin A,Vol mer D,Tsukahara T,Mortini P,Barone G,Kassel N. Cerebral Vasospasm. University of Tokyo press 508-511; Tokyo 1990. 2. Le malformazioni artero-venose intradurali spinali. Scienza R.,Mor


Mayo Clin Proc, January 2002, Vol 77 Autonomic Tone as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor Autonomic Tone as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor: The Dangers of Chronic Fight or Flight BRIAN M. CURTIS, MD, AND JAMES H. O’KEEFE, JR, MD Chronic imbalance of the autonomic nervous system is a pertension also provide important lessons about the ad- prevalent and potent risk factor for adverse ca

Microsoft word - prilosec otc 12-17-07.doc

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Prilosec OTC™ Tablets Page 1 of 4 SECTION I – CHEMICAL / PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Hazard Rating EMERGENCY PHONE: Transportation Emergency (24 hour) Telephone Number: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 in the U.S. and Canada; Issue Date: December 17, 2007 Last Reviewed: 09/09/2003 1-703-527-3887 for calls

Microsoft word - metroplus formulary summary10 22 07 final.doc

MetroPlus Formulary Update for CHP and FHP Program Members In an effort to deliver the best and most efficient health care to its members MetroPlus has implemented a formulary on October 1. As some members may currently have prescriptions for excluded or restricted products MetroPlus will grandfather most of its existing members for 90 days (some therapeutic classes will have different gr

Microsoft word - urodynamics.doc

Urodynamics is a test to see how well your bladder functions. Some (but not all) reasons this test may be needed include for the evaluation of incontinence, for people with bladder emptying problems, to look for incontinence prior to surgery for pelvic prolapse, and for patients who have a poor response to medicines for incontinence. The purpose of this test tries to see how well your bladder


FIBROMYALGIA: SYMPTOMS, DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT Fibromyalgia is a condition involving musculoskeletal pain all over the body. Widespread pain is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia. There may also be fatigue, sleep disturbance, memory and mood issues. More women than men are likely to be diagnosed with this disorder. A known cause for fibromyalgia has yet to be discovered. Howe


Literaturverzeichnis des Autors Auswahl publizierter pharmakoelectroenzephalographischer und pharmakopsychologischer Studien sowie pharmakologisch relevanter oder primär methodenorientierter Arbeiten: 1. Schenk GK (1976) The pattern-oriented aspect of EEG quantification. Model and clinical basis of the iterative time domain approach. In Kellaway P, Petersen I (Eds) Quantitative Analyt

Microsoft word - quit smoking - jeany kung.doc

The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit recently released data indicating that more than 80% of smokers aged 19 – 29 acknowledge the benefits of quitting. Are you thinking of quitting smoking? Do you know how? It’s your choice! Quit because you want to, and when you are ready to. Most people quitting for the first time try to do it on their own – “cold turkey”. That works for some pe

Pii: s0196-0644(99)70419-

I N J U R Y P R E V E N T I O N / O R I G I N A L C O N T R I B U T I O N Descriptive Epidemiology of Injury and IllnessAmong Cruise Ship Passengers Dwight Edward Peake, MD* Study objective: To provide information, which can be used Charles Lanford Gray, MPH* in the formation of guidelines concerning medical facilities and University of Texas Medical Branch Melissa Renee Ludwig, MD

Maternal use of bupropion and risk for congenital heart defects

ARTICLE IN PRESS www.AJOG.org OBSTETRICS Maternal use of bupropion and risk for congenital heart defects Sura Alwan, MSc; Jennita Reefhuis, PhD; Lorenzo D. Botto, MD; Sonja A. Rasmussen, MD, MS; Adolfo Correa, MD, MPH; Jan M. Friedman, MD, PhD; and the National Birth Defects Prevention Study OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine if maternal bupropion treatment in fants (adjusted odds rat

Oe #10

PUBLIC CITIZEN It's likely that you or a loved one is taking a medication thatwill be mentioned in our pages over the next 12 months. And it's definite that you'll want to know about it. new breakthrough or a more effective or affordable treatment). Now file the issue away. Keep each issue. You'll get an index for the whole • In the past three years alone, over 400 medicat

Wt vol 9 iss 4.cwk

_____________________________________________________________________________Volume 9 Issue 4 Madison Valley History Association, Inc. website: www.madisonvalleyhistoryassociation.org--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Wagon Seat It looks like fall here. The leaves are turning yellow,

Microsoft word - demande_examen.doc

GROUPE DE RECHERCHE ET D’INFORMATION SUR LES OSTEOPOROSES Demande d’examen densitométrique prenant en compte le remboursement sous conditions de l’examen (décision du 29 juin 2006, JO du 30 juin 2006) www.grio.org L’examen n’est remboursable que s’il correspond à l’une des situations cliniques listée ci-dessous (cocher la ou les cases correspondantes)

Microsoft word - supplement cycling for muscle nerds.doc

Do you get frustrated when you read article after article about adding supplements to your workout routine like you’re some kind of “millionaire” who can afford to fork over a couple hundred dollars a month for the latest “cutting edge” formulas? Well, I’ve got good news! Setting up a specific schedule where you stop taking certain supplements can actually enhance their effect when


Bupropion SR Enhances Weight Loss: A 48-Week Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Trial James W. Anderson,* Frank L. Greenway,† Ken Fujioka,‡ Kishore M. Gadde,§James McKenney,¶ and Patrick M. O’Neil** Abstract 0.0008) for placebo, bupropion SR 300, and 400 mg/d,ANDERSON, JAMES W., FRANK L. GREENWAY, KENrespectively. Withdrawals, changes in pulse and blood pres-FUJIOKA, KISHORE M. G


ELIQUIS® ▼ (apixaban) 2.5 mg & 5 mg Film-coated Tablets Prescribing Information Consult summary of product characteristics (SmPC) prior to prescribing PRESENTATION: Film-coated tablets; 2.5mg and 5mg apixaban. INDICATION: of bleeding. This includes interventions for which the probability of clinically Prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular

May 15 pointofcare.pdf

Figure 1. Warfarin Dose Reminder Chart Your doctor has highlighted a row below showing the total amount of warfarin (Coumadin) you should take each week. Look at the highlighted row and find the number under today’s day of the week. Take that number of 5-mg warfarin tablets at approximately 5 p.m. Number of 5-mg tablets to take on each day of the week NOTE TO THE PHYSICIAN: The initial

Las farmacias de internet burlan las medidas de cierre · elpaÍs.com

Versión para imprimir Imprimir Las farmacias de Internet burlan las medidas decierreEn 2010 se cerraron 88 portales de la Red.- FACUA detecta 28 páginas web dedistribución ilegal de medicamentos CAROLINA GARCÍA - Madrid - 08/06/2011 La Asociación de Consumidores en Acción (FACUA) ha identificado 28 páginas web que suministranmedicamentos en España de forma ilegal. "El objet


MSDx Welcomes David McCaleb to its Board of Directors TUCSON, AZ, July 11, 2013 – MSDx, Inc., announced today that David McCaleb has joined its Board of Directors. With over thirty years of experience in leading pharmaceutical companies and biotech start-ups, his successful track record in commercialization and fundraising will augment the MSDx team. During Mr. McCaleb’s career he pla

Microsoft word - 954051_f_gi_11-01-31_mucosolvan lutschpastillen.doc

Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG PACKUNGSBEILAGE Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Mucosolvan® 15 mg - Lutschpastillen Wirkstoff: Ambroxolhydrochlorid Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen für Sie. Dieses Arzneimittel ist ohne Verschreibung erhält

Pediatric asthma & allergy

•• 9 month old with cough productive and clear rhinorrhea for 11 days low grade fevers, male vomits after cough and it is more severe at night time, wheezing in the office with subcoastalretractions although happy and content in moms lap-- remainder of exam normal, pulse ox 94% and respiratory rate 44 + daycare. What do you do as a provider? What questions do you want •• ? Steroid

Parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s Disease Introduction Parkinson’s disease is a common disease that affects muscle control. Parkinson’s disease affects about half a million people every year. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are easily treated. This patient education summary will help you understand Parkinson’s disease and how it can be treated. Anatomy The brain is the control cente


Product Name Section revised Precautions, Interactions with Other Medicines, Adverse Effects, Pregnancy category Precautions, Adverse Effects, Dosage and Administration Precautions, Interactions with Other Medicines, Adverse Effects, Pharmacology, Presentation, Excipients, Overdosage Precautions, Interactions with Other Medicines, Dosage and Administration Interactions with Other Med


Fachinformation des Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz® Remeron® ORGANON AMZV 9.11.2001 Zusammensetzung Wirkstoff: Mirtazapinum. Schmelztabletten: Aspartamum, Aromatica, Vanillinum, Excipiens pro compresso. Filmtabletten: Excipiens pro compresso obducto. Galenische Form und Wirkstoffmenge pro Einheit Filmtabletten zu 30 mg resp. 45 mg Mirtazapinum. Schmelztabletten

Msds map en

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification 1.1. Product Identification: Chemical name: Synonyms: Phosphoric Acid, mono ammonium salt; Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate; Mono ammonium phosphate; Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate; Ammonium phosphate monobasic. Chemical formula: CAS number: Chemical family: Type of product end use:

Jtt-12-01-005 1.6

Published online on 21 August 2012 J Telemed Telecare, doi: 10.1258/jtt.2012.120105 Q Evaluation of a telemedical care programmeFrank Marzinzik, Michael Wahl, Christoph M Doletschek,Constanze Jugel, Charlotte Rewitzer and Fabian KlostermannDepartment of Neurology, Charite´ - University Medicine Berlin, GermanySummaryWe reviewed a telemedicine-based care model for drug optimization in Parkin

Referencia bibliogrÁfica

1. Abraham J, Sheppard J, et al. Rethinking transparency and accountability in medicines regulation in the Unites Kingdom. BMJ 1999 ;318(2):46-7. 2. Ferriman A. Supply of generic drugs still unreliable. BMJ 2000 ;320:1624. 3. Beeley N, Berger A. A revolution in drug discovery. BMJ 2000 ;321:581-2. 4. Walton R. Computer support for determining drug dose: systemic review and meta-analysis.

Notes from the gastro tube video

A. CLEANING THE SITE: It might be red and tender and may have dry, yellow crust. IMPORTANT—Keep tension off the site and tape the catheter to the abdomen. THREE STEPS TO CLEAN—1. Wash hands. 2. Prepare mixture of half water and half hydrogen peroxide. 3. Use solution to clean around the site With a Q-tip (gently loosen crust or drainage) and then dry gently. Will see normal

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Dear Sir or Madam! Good morning/afternoon and welcome to our hotel. We are pleased that you decided to stay with us. If you have spent at least one night in our hotel we kindly ask you to participate in a survey which will help us make your future stay here even more pleasant. The interview will take about 10-15 minutes and is conducted anonymously. 1. How did you arrive to Slovenia? (mark the ap


Anesthesiology and Neurosurgery ADDITION OF TRIAMCINOLONE OR PETHIDINETO EPIDURAL BUPIVACAINE CAN NOT IMPROVE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN RELIEF INLUMBAR DISCECTOMYSEYED J. HASHEMI* HASSAN A. SOLTANI*MITRA JABALAMELI*SEYED A. MIRHOSEYNI**BAHRAM SOLEYMANI*** SUMMARY: There is uncertainty as to whether addition of steroids or narcotics to epidural local anesthet- ics improves pain control in spine s


PRESIDENT: HRH The Princess Royal KG, GCVO Royal Yachting Association Association CATEGORY C MEDICAL STORES . Category C Stores, are required by MSN 1768 (M + F) (numbering refers) on all coded vessels up to category 2. (Listed in annex 2 of MGN 280) (Quantities required.) See 1. CARDIO VASCULAR (b) ANTI - ANGINA PREPARATIONS Glycerol Trinitrite (GTN) (1 unit) GTN c

Chapter 22 e-health 2.0 developments in treatment and research in multiple sclerosis

E-Health 2.0 Developments in Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis The MS4 Research Institute (MS4RI) 1. Introduction The treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) is entering a new era, characterized by the availability of a broad range of disease modifying drugs (DMDs) for patients in the relapsing-remitting (RR) phase of the disease. Through interference with immune-mediated in


trauma. Roughly half of the laryngeal fractures in ourand then stapled closed. Third, spectral imaging was used toseries were managed non-operatively although approxi-determine the distances from the distal end of the flap to themately three-quarters required airway intervention rang-zones of stasis and zones of normal flow. Finally, animals wereing from intubation to emergent cricothyroidot

Nmo_760 263.283

Neurogastroenterol Motil (2006) 18, 263–283Treatment of gastroparesis: a multidisciplinary clinicalreviewThe American Motility Society Task Force on Gastroparesis (members in alphabetical order)T. L. ABELL,* R. K. BERNSTEIN,  T. CUTTS,à G. FARRUGIA,§ J. FORSTER,– W. L. HASLER,** R. W. MCCALLUM,–K. W. OLDEN,   H. P. PARKMAN,àà C. R. PARRISH,§§ P. J. PASRICHA,–– C. M. PRATHER,


On the role of contextual information for privacy attacks and classification t-matyas@microsoft.com & matyas@fi.muni.cz(On sabbatical leave from Masaryk U. Brno, CZ) Abstract teria and Freiburg Privacy Diamond models, motivation forour research, and a simple example used to illustrate the Many papers and articles attempt to define or even quan- use of privacy models. Section two then

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The Truth about Soya Do you use any soya products? Very likely you do. If not through the traditional or obvious soya products like tofu, miso, tamari, shoyu, natto, soymilk and soybean sprouts than in the form of hidden soya in processed foods. Research estimates soya is present in more than 70% of all supermarket products and widely used by all fast food chains. One of the main reaso


Digital kommunikatör H EJ H A N N A ! Jag läste på Facebook att ni söker en vass digital kommunikatör, och jag blev genast intresserad eftersom jag brinner för webbkommunikation och sociala Den här sajten är min ansökan til jobbet. Jag kan givetvis skic ka över papperskopior om du så önskar, men jag tror nog att du kan bilda dig en uppfattning utifrån det du ser här. J


O Objective: To investigate the threshold of transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO ) values in predicting ulcer healing in patients with critical limb ischaemia in a prospective study. O Method: 50 patients suffering from critical limb ischaemia with chronic ischemic ulcers or gangrenous toes were enrolled in this study between January and December 2008. Their demographic data and ankle brac


http://www.lightwatcher.com/culturejam/anthrax_timeline.htmlThe Anthrax-911 Connection TimelineJune 9, 2002 - source: DNA.orghttp://www.rense.com / http://www.ourDNA.orgFort Detrick starts their missions. They include biomedical research and development, medical material management andglobal telecommunicationsThe US produced and stockpiled weapons containing anthrax prior to the Biological Weap

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Layer Chicken Mash Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein (Min)…………………. 16% Lysine (Min)………………………. 1.00% Methionine (Min)………………. .35% Crude Fat (Min) ………………….… 5% Crude Fiber (Max) .……………….2.5% Calcium (Min) ….…………………. 3.75% Calcium (Max) …….………………. 4.25% Phosphorus (Min)…………………

Navrh programu ecapd7

7th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD7) September 6-9, 2004, Liberec, Czech Republic List of invited speakers (25.5.2004) A. Bell (UK): “Temperature dependence and Non-Linearity of dielectrics with composition gradients“ R. Blinc (Slovenia): "Polar nanoclusters in relaxors" L. Bohatý (Germany): “Electromechanical and electro-optical prop


Ulcerative Colitis Medications There are four major classes of medicines that are used to treat ulcerative colitis. Details of how they work, when they might be used, and possible considerations are outlined below. Class of Medicine: 5-ASAs (5- aminosaliclic acid) Type of ulcerative colitis treated: Mild Moderate How it works: Anti-inflammatory medication Formulation: Oral (tablet)


WEEK OF JUNE 18, 2007 • VOL. XXX, NO. 25New Risks, New PlanDrug safety concerns show need for sophisticated risk management. BY STEPHEN PAUL MAHINKA AND KATHLEEN M. SANZO rcoxia, Vioxx, Acomplia, Zelnorm, and Tysabri; Aranesp,Procrit, Avandia and Lucentis. The concerns raised aboutthese drugs illustrate the unprecedented focus on both safe-ty and costs not only at the Food and Drug

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Cysticercose Actualités 2013 Professeur Pierre Aubry. Mise à jour le 21/10/2013 1. Généralités Due au développement chez l’homme de la forme larvaire du Taenia solium , Cysticercus cellulosae, la cysticercose est une cestodose larvaire. La localisation des larves au niveau du système nerveux central en fait une maladie redoutable. Cinq points, qui font l’actualité de


Curriculum Vitae ELERIAN YOUSSEF EKLADIOUS , MB,ChB;MSc(Anatomy);MSc (internal medicine); PhD(Anatomy). 52 Youssef Abbas Street, Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt Date of birth: December, 12th,1950 Married, 2 children Languages: English (very good) Arabic (mother language) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 12/1974 Bachelor degree of medicine and surgery (MB,BCh).Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine, C

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Walter D’Alessio receives Magee Rehabilitation’s 2003 Humanitarian Award Walter D’Alessio, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LeggMason Real Estate Services, was presented with Magee’sHumanitarian Award at the Hospital’s 16th Annual HumanitarianAward Dinner on November 18, at the Four Seasons Hotel. Mr. D’Alessio was honored for his career-long efforts in improvingthe lives

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id5841859 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com Nauclea latifolia (Rubiaceae) (syn. Sarcocephalus latifolius) English: Pin cushion tree, African peach, Guinea peach, Sierra Leone peach French: Scille maritime, oignon marine, medicinal squill African vernacular names: Hausa: Tafashiya,


Para uma Compreensão dos Diferentes Papéis da Demonstração em Geometria Dinâmica1 Michael de Villiers, University of Durban-Westville Introdução Num artigo recente para a revista Philosophae Mathematicae , Yehuda Rav (Empreparação) propõe uma situação hipotética interessante em que teríamos acesso a umcomputador muito poderoso, chamado PYTHIAGORA, com o qual seria possív

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Juha Niemelä Arthur Arkadius Kylander – Amerikansuomalainen kupletisti Artikkeli amerikansuomalaisesta lauluntekijästä Arthur Kylanderista Siirtolaisuusinstituutti – Migrationsinstitutet Turku – Åbo 2003 Arthur Arkadius Kylander – Amerikansuomalainen kupletisti Amerikansuomalainen lauluntekijä Arthur Arkadius Kylander syntyi Liedossa vuonna 1892 ja k

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MRI to assess the contribution of gastric peristaltic activity and tone to the rate of liquid gastric emptying in health A. Steingoetter1, M. A. Kwiatek2, A. Pal3, G. Hebbard4, M. Thumshirn2, M. Fried2, J. Brasseur3, W. Schwizer2, P. Boesiger1 1University and ETH Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, 2University Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology, Zurich, Swit


The Role of Folklore in Pepetela’s Historiography of Angola A infl uência da tradição oral africana tem um papel indiscutível nas dis-cussões da literatura luso-africana. Sem dúvida, este é o caso do romance Yaka (1984) do escritor angolano Pepetela. Em particular, o autor utiliza elementos folclóricos para efectuar uma reescrita da história nacional. Na primeira secção deste

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Product Name: Permerid 500 EC Insecticide Page: 1 of 5 This revision issued: February, 2010 SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY United Phosphorus Ltd, Norwest Business Park, Bella Vista, NSW 2153 Substance: Trade Name: Permerid 500 EC Insecticide Product Use: Insecticide used in agricultural applications and timber treatment. Creation D

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1. Registered Nursed Association of Ontario (RNAO). Screening for delirium, dementia and depression in older adult. Toronto, Canada:Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO ); 2003 Nov. 88 p. 2. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with delirium. 1999. Suhttp://www.psych.org/clin_res/pg_delirium.html (data di ultima3. Royal College of

Antifungal agents

ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS Objectives : To learn the general classes of fungal infections To learn the subclassification of antifungal drugs To know the mechanism of action and basic uses for antifungal drugs Fungal infections (mycoses), though not as frequent as bacterial or viral infections, have nonetheless been increasing in incidence in the human population over the last 15 years or so, l


Bio Data : Prof. (Dr.) Ambikanandan Misra Name : Dr. Ambikanandan Rajnarayan Misra Qualification : M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics), Ph.D. (Pharmacy) Designation : Head, Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Kalabhavan, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Date of Birth : 15-11-1955 Address Office: Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Technology and Enginee


Post Operative Care Every operation has a healing process that is similar to the way in which the body responds to injuries. As such, the corner-stone of this period is analgesia, rest, ice, and gentle movement. Analgesia Pain can be modified through a number of pathways, and medications are tailored accordingly. Oxycontin 10mg twice per day by mouth – this is a very powerfu

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Guida alla lettura. Uno sguardo all’intelaiatura, tra trama letteraria e ordito giuridico, e al ‘backstage’ di «Giustizia e letteratura - I», Claudia Mazzucato - Arianna Visconti Percorsi di giustizia nella letteratura modernaI. Legge, giudizi e pregiudizi in William ShakespeareShakespeare alla sbarra. Giustizia e processi nel «Mercante di Venezia» e in «Otello», Arturo Cattaneo L

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International Journal of Obesity (2001) 25, 1095±1099ß 2001 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0307±0565/01 $15.00www.nature.com/ijoPAPERGastrointestinal side effects of orlistat may beprevented by concomitant prescription of natural®bers (psyllium mucilloid)H Cavaliere1, I Floriano1 and G Medeiros-Neto1*1Department of Clinical Medicine, University of SaÄo Paulo Medical School,


V E R O R D N U N G Aus für die Malus-Regelung Gute Nachrichten für Vertragsärzte: Ab 2008 entfällt die Malus-Regelung! Darauf haben sich die Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung und die Spitzenverbände der Krankenkassen in den Bundesrahmenvorgaben Arzneimittel verständigt. Ihre Be-gründung: Die Rabattverträge hätten eine vertretbare Umsetzung nicht mehr zuge- Zwölf Arz


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Meta Analysis Zhezhen Jin A statistical technique for summarizing the results of severalKarl Pearson (1904) Averaged correlations for studies of theeffectiveness of inoculation for typhoid feverR. A. Fisher (1944) When a number of quite independent tests ofsignificance have been made, it sometimes happens that althoughfew or none can be claimed individually as significant, yet theag

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VON KOSSA method for calcium 04 – 170801 CND Code: W01030799 Expected aim Product for the preparation of cyto-histological samples for optical microscopy. Application To demonstrate deposits of calcium ions in tissue sections. Principle This method is based on a substitution reaction. Tissue is treated with a silver nitrate solution; cationic silver replaces calcium i


Dr. Moccia Luigi Stefano - microchirurgiaricostruttiva.it - all right are reserved BIBLIOGRAFIA 1. Slaper H, Velders GJM, Daniel JS, de Gruijl FR, van der Leun JC. Estimates of ozone depletion and skin cancer incidence to examine the Vienna Convention achievements . Nature. 1996; 384:256-258. 2. Dionigi, R., Chirurgia III, casa editrice: Masson, edizione 2001. 3. Scuderi N., Chirurgia Pl


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1. Your name and contact information: John Smith, jsmith@myorg.com, 212-555-1212 2. Name of the candidate: Morgan E. Cline 3. Organization with which they were last affiliated: Cline, Davis & Mann 4. General Overview: Morgan E. Cline is one of the great account people of this industry. In many ways, he wrote the book on healthcare client service. A pharmacist. A strategist. An i


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Alpaca basics

MANNA-GUM FARM ALPACAS www.mannagumalpacas.com.au Basic Information About Buying and Caring for Shearing Alpacas Most sheep shearers won’t shear alpacas, so make Alpacas are members of the Camelid family and come sure you have someone to shear your alpacas. from South America. They are modified ruminants and Finding time to shear small numbers of alpacas is chew their cud. The most imp


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Sesión No. 5 Nombre: La Propiedad industrial en particular. Parte 2 Contextualización Una vez analizada la invención, corresponde estudiar dos figuras importantes como son: los modelos de utilidad y los diseños industriales, los primeros constituyen invenciones no tan complejas, es decir, ante la posibilidad de que lo que se busca patentar no pase el riguroso examen de f

Additional protein intake limits weight regain after weight loss in humans

British Journal of Nutrition (2005), 93, 281–289Additional protein intake limits weight regain after weight loss in humansManuela P. G. M. Lejeune*, Eva M. R. Kovacs and Margriet S. Westerterp-PlantengaDepartment of Human Biology, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands(Received 28 January 2004 – Revised 7 July 2004 – Accepted 21 September 2004)Since lon

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Marketing Silence, Public Health Stigma and the Discourse of Risky Gay Viagra Use in the US The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Body & Society Additional services and information for Marketing Silence, Public HealthStigma and the Discourse ofRisky Gay Viagra Use in the USAbstract This article analyzes the rise and fall of a public health


Muzaffar ad-Din Schah auch Mozaffar ad-Din Schah (* 1853; † 1907) regierte von 1896 bis 1907 als Schah von Persien. Muzaffar ad-Din Schah war mit einer unbekannten Anzahl Frauen verheiratet, hatte 7 Söhne und 15 Töchter. Sein Nachfolger wurde sein ältester Sohn Mohammed Ali. Konzessionen und Kredite Der älteste überlebende Sohn von Naser al-Din Schah, Mass'oud Mirza Zel -e S

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SEAN P. MAHONEY 404-229-5848 (cell) ▪ Sean (at) MahoneyOne.com EDUCATION GOIZUETA BUSINESS SCHOOL, EMORY UNIVERSITY MBA - Concentrations: Leadership, Strategy, Consulting, Decision Analysis, May 2006 GMAT: 750 - - Recipient of Merit based scholarship; Dean’s List; Beta Gamma Sigma President, Entrepreneurship Club; Lead Presentation Coach, Goizueta Presentation Coaching SALIS


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MAXPROP HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (Company Registration No 1965/004024/07) MANUAL PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC 51 OF PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT NO 2 OF 2000) ____________________________________________________________________________ NATURE OF BUSINESS The entity is a private body in terms of Section 51 of the Public Access to Information Act. The private body is a

Journal officiel de la république française - n° 149 du 30 juin 2010

JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE Avis relatif aux décisions de l’Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie portant fixation des taux de participation de l’assuré applicables à des spécialités pharmaceutiques Par décisions du directeur général de l’Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie en date des 21 mai et7 juin 2010, les taux de participation


CHECKLIST OF ENDANGERED AND THREATENED ANIMALS AND PLANTS OF ILLINOIS Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board The Board revises the list of protected species at least once every five years and completed its most recent revisions in 2009. The following list reflects those 2009 and subsequent 2010 revisions: This booklet contains a list of all species which have been designate


About myself I’m not a professional mathematician, I work as a pro-grammer. I have been studying in a university in Russia but have notfinished my study. So, I know little beyond my specialization. Nevertheless in my free time I discovered a new theory whichwould completely overturn general topology. About this lesson In this lesson I present my discovery, the theory of funcoidsand reloid

4ms minutes on april 30, 2009

MEDiCAM successfully conducted its Membership Monthly Meeting (4Ms) on April 30, 2009 at Chamkarmon Referral Hospital, No. 130, at the corner of street 294 and Norodom Boulevard. The meeting took place from 2:00-5:00 pm with the following topics: 1) MEDiCAM short announcement and swine flu update, 2) Cambodia MCH Handbook and 3) the Secondary prevention of disability. 1. MEDiCAM 4Ms Swine Flu

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Imagine the next time you join a discussion about Birth Control. When you start sharing the fascinating BirthControl facts below, your friends will be absolutely amazed. Birth control pills have been around for many years and their success just shows that it can prevent pregnancies. In fact, there are so many of them around that despite the side effects women are still willing to make thatsacrifi


F e a s i b i l i t y o f F o u r C o n s e c u t i v e H i g h - D o s e C h e m o t h e r a p y C y c l e s W i t h S t e m - C e l l R e s c u e f o r P a t i e n t s W i t h N e w l y D i a g n o s e d M e d u l l o b l a s t o m a o r S u p r a t e n t o r i a l P r i m i t i v e N e u r o e c t o d e r m a l T u m o r A f t e r C r a n i o s p i n a l R a d i o t h e r a p y : R

Wednesday, october 3, 2012

Wednesday November 6, 2013 Opening Ceremony – Dead Sea Hall Thursday November 7, 2013 KEYNOTE LECTURE I: High Dose Gonadotropin Stimulation for IVF: Is it necessary and does it have a negative Effect or Outcome?* Suheil Muasher (USA) (Wadi Rum Hall) O1 Hall: Wadi Rum Hall: Dead Sea 1 Hall: Dead Sea 2 CONCURRENT SCIENTIFIC SESSION 1: CONCURRENT SCIENTIFIC SESS

Derma - ss 2002.doc

Derma Klausur Sommersemester 2002 Frage 1 Bei der chronisch stationären Psoriasis vulgaris ist folgende Lokaltherapie geeignet: 1. Frage 2 Welche sind die häufigsten spezifischen Haut- und Schleimhautveränderungen bei Lues II 1. Frage 3 Zu den nichtinfektiösen granuIomatösen Dermatosen zählen: Frage 4 Welche bullöse Autoimmundermatose ist in der Regel mit einer glutensensitiven Entero

Molecular imaging of matrix metalloproteinases in atherosclerotic plaques

Review Article © Schattauer 2012 Molecular imaging of matrix metalloproteinases in atherosclerotic plaques Sébastien Lenglet1; Aurélien Thomas2; Pierre Chaurand2; Katia Galan1; François Mach1; Fabrizio Montecucco1 1Cardiology Division, Foundation for Medical Research, Department of Medical Specialties, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Department of Chemistry, Montréa

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Maximum Strength Mucinex ® Fast-Max ® DAY TIME Severe Cold and NIGHT TIME Cold & Flu Caplets Drug Facts Drug Facts (continued) Active ingredients (in each caplet) Purposes Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are Mucinex FAST-MAX DAY TIME Severe Cold ■ taking the blood thinning drug warfarin Acetaminophen 325 mg . Pain reliever/fever reducer


Département Recherches et Analyses M ax u la B o u rse Réalisations de AD W Y A au 3 0 / 0 9 / 2 0 0 9 Le s r é a l i s a t i o n s d e A D W Y A s e r a p p o r t a n t a u t r o i s i è m e t r i m e s t r e 2 0 0 9 t é m o i g n e n t d ’ u n e c a d e n c e c r o i s s a n t e d e s e s r e v e n u s T O T A L D E S V E N T E S L O C A


Pesq. Vet. Bras. 24(3):115-119, jul./set. 2004Uso da ciclofosfamida em modelo de imunodepressãoMaurício Garcia2, Silvio P. Sertório2, Glaucie J. Alves2, Sabrina C. Chate2, Roberta Garcia M., Sertório S. P., Alves G. J., Chate S. C., Carneiro S. & Lallo M.A. 2004. [Ovineexperimental immunosuppression using cyclophosphamide.] Uso da ciclofosfamida emmodelo experimental de imunodepressão

Microsoft word - medizinerskriptum zahnersatzkunde.doc

Die Zahnersatzkunde gliedert sich in folgende Teilbereiche: • Parodontologie • Zahnersatzkunde (Prothetik und Restaurative Zahnheilkunde) festsitzender Zahnersatz (Kronen, Brücken, Goldgussfüllungen) abnehmbarer Zahnersatz (Total- und Teilprothesen) • Implantologie (Chirurgie und Prothetik) • Funktionslehre (Kiefergelenksdiagnostik und -therapie)

Drug monograph: urosodiol - actigall

UROSODIOL - Actigall  (Ciba)(Rx) Prescriber Highlights • Bile acid that may be useful for tx of hepatobiliary disease in dogs/cats. May also be used for cholesterol containing gallstones. Contraindicated: rabbits and other hindgut fermenters. Caution: complications associated with gallstones (e.g., biliary obstruction, biliary fistulas, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholangitis).

Agitated patient

Management of Severe Agitation Key Points 1. The management of the severely agitated or violent patient embraces psychological, physical and pharmacological approaches. 2. Psychological methods focus on controlling the environment through the establishment of communication and trust. 3. Physical measures involve show of force and physical restraint. Physical restrain


Croda Personal Care Product Index ARLACEL RANGE (SORBITAN ESTERS) WATER-IN-OIL EMULSIFIERS AND OIL-IN-WATER CO-EMULSIFIERS ARLACEL 60 In antacid suspensions, creams, silicones emulsions For liquid orals, oleoresin stabilization, hair oils ARLACEL 165 MULTIPURPOSE MIDRANGE-HLB OIL-IN-WATER EMULSIFIER Primary emulsifier for creams and lotions; thickener/ stabilizer for stearic acid


Tel: 514-956-7503 Fax: 514-956-7504 Internet: www.megs.ca Email : support@megs.ca Montreal TRICHLOROETHYLENE- MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification 24 Hour EMERGENCY 2. Composition, Information on Ingredients U.S - CHEMTREC 1-800- 5. Fire Fighting Measures 6. Accidental Release Measures 424-9300 7. Ha


Literatur 1. Adams T, Heisey RS, Smith MC, Briner BJ. Parietal bone mobility in the anesthetized cat. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1992;92:599--622. Amprino R. Bone Histophysiology. Guy’s Hospital Rep. 1967;116:51--69. Andres KH. Über die Feinstruktur der Arachnoidea und Dura mater von Mammalia. Z Zellforsch. 1967;79:272--295. Australian Physiotherapy Association. Protocol after 6 years. Man T


Essentials MS can affect your emotions as well as your body. Although this has been recognised since MS was firstdescribed in the 19th century, it is only more recently thatwe have begun to understand more about how MS candepression cause changes in mood and feelings. 1 There are now many treatments available to help manage these often upsettingand difficult aspects of MS. Medication, talk

Smoke-free community assessment

Smoke-Free Community Assessment Tool (SFCAT) Background: This assessment is for communities that want to increase smoke-free environments in schools, college campuses, multi-unit housing facilities, outdoor venues and other localities. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the smoke-free policy status of any Michigan community, including municipalities (cities, villages, townsh


38 PHARMACOTHERAPY Tan Chay Hoon Introduction With the availability of numerous drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, it can sometimes be difficult to choose from amongst them. Therefore, the rationale of prescribing has to be based on: 1. Patient’s profile, e.g. age, underlying medical problems, previous history of drug response and allergy; and A Anxiolytics

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DMH POLICY Antipsychotic Medications Policy #: 83-50 (Rogers Decision) Date Issued: December 16, 1983 Effective Date: December 16, 1983 Approval by Commissioner Signed by: Date: December 16, 1983 James J. Callahan, Jr., Ph.D., CommissionerRogers – Implications for Administration of Antipsychotic MedicationOn November, 29, 1983, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is

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Impressum y Condiciones Generales de Utilización de los Servicios MAXtel Las presentes Condiciones Generales rigen un servicio de telefonía internacional Premium provisto por BeeOne Communications - Route des Jeunes 6 – 1227 Carouge, nombrado de acá en más con la marca comercial registrada MAXtel. Se utiliza “el Cliente” para nombrar toda persona física o jurídica que contrata

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A Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Közösségi Pszichiátriai és Addiktológiai Szekciója és az Ébredések Alapítvány VIII. KÖZÖSSÉGI PSZICHIÁTRIAI és ADDIKTOLÓGIAI KONFERENCIÁRA, STIGMA, KÖZÖSSÉG, TÁRSADALOM címmel kerül sor, 2009. december 3-án, Budapesten, a TIT Stúdióban (XI. Zsombolyai u. 6.) A konferenciát Prof. Huszár Ilona

Division of respirology, critical care and sleep medicine

DIVISION OF RESPIROLOGY, CRITICAL CARE, AND SLEEP MEDICINE 2007 – 2008 ANNUAL REPORT Department of Medicine University of Saskatchewan and Saskatoon Health Region Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………………………………………….Page 3 Division Faculty ……………………………………………………


Telephone audio server and audio archive General considerations The growing popularity of podcasting, “audio on demand” and the proliferation of MP3 songs and audiobooks have created the need to organize such a collection of sounds into an audio archive. A typical solution for an audio archive/server consists of a PC with USB mass storage for audio files. The purpose of this embedded

Grippe vogelgrippe infoblatt

Ihr Betriebsarzt informiert (Vogel-) Grippe – Pandemie (Information für Arbeitgeber) Die Virusgrippe (Influenza) gehört zu den bedeutsamsten Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen. Sie ist seit alters her bekannt und wird doch in ihrer Gefährlichkeit bis in unsere Tage unterschätzt. Erste Berichte über Epidemien mit zahlreichen Todesopfern gibt es bereits aus der Zeit von Hippokrate

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SEAFARERS RETIREMENT FUND INVESTMENT STATEMENT February 2012 Seafarers Retirement Fund – Investment Statement IMPORTANT INFORMATION (The information in this section is required under the Securities Act 1978) Investment decisions are very important. They often have long-term consequences. Read all documents carefully. Ask questions. Seek advice before committing your


Orientation diagnostique devant des Dr B. BOUJON Internat ŒDÈMES DES MEMBRES INFÉRIEURS Cabinet de Cardiologie, H O E C H S T I N T E R N A T E S T D I R I G É P A R : W I L L I A M B E R R E B I , P A T R I C K G E P N E R , J E A N N A U DIAGNOSTIC POSITIF DIAGNOSTIC ETIOLOGIQUE . Oedèmes bilatéraux, . phlébite . cellulite . Prise de poids . lympha

Microsoft word - list_poster.doc

Poster Presentation Advanced Ceramic Materials Heterojunction Properties of p-CuO/n-CdS Diode Wannapa Chumnearpeut Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Fabrication and Characterization of Heterojunction for CdS Thin Films and CuAlO2 Ceramic Pill Substrate Adison Nopparuchikun Department of Physics, Faculty of Sci


Name: ______________________________ Date of visit: _____/_____/_____ Age: ______ Height: ______ New Patient History Please note: All information is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of ensuring you the best treatment possible. Please answer all areas. Why have you come to the office today? Who referred you to our practice? Self Frie


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▲ EVIEW Abstract: Intradermotherapy is a medical procedure introduced by Pistor in 1958 that consists in the appli- cation of intradermal injections of diluted pharmacological substances that are given directly into the region to be treated. There are reports of the use of intradermotherapy to treat painful diseases, skin disea- ses and unaesthetic conditions. Medical clinics have been recen


Asia's newest megacity offers model for urban growth as populations swell worldwideReading Phys.org on your mobile device? Enjoy a convenient format at your fingertips. Phys.org cannow be found on Google Currents (Android and iOS). Asia's newest megacity offers model for urban growth as populations swell worldwide Iskandar Malaysia, the first "smart metropolis" of Southeast Asia foun

Tooth discoloration induced by endodontic materials: a laboratory study

Tooth discoloration induced by endodonticmaterials: a laboratory studyP. Lenherr1*, N. Allgayer2*, R. Weiger2,3, A. Filippi3,4, T. Attin5 & G. Krastl2,3,61Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry and Temporomandibular Disorders, University of Basel, Basel; 2Department of Periodontology,Endodontology and Cariology, University of Basel, Basel; 3Center of Dental Traumatology, University of Basel, Bas

Microsoft word - parkinson-plus syndromes.doc

Parkinson-Plus Syndromes Last Updated: October 5, 2005 ( http://www.emedicine.com/neuro/topic596.htm ) Synonyms and related keywords: Parkinson disease, PD, Parkinson's disease, atypical parkinsonism, multiple system atrophy, MSA, progressive supranuclear palsy, PSP, parkinsonism-dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis complex, PDALS, corticobasalganglionic degeneration, CBGD, diffuse

Patientin mit makulopathie (amd)

D O I : 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 / j . d z a . 2 0 1 2 . 0 6 . 0 1 0     2 9     D t. Z t s c h r . f. A k u p u n k t u r 5 5 , 2 / 2 0 1 2M. Bijak · Experten: A. Päärmann, J. Nepp Patientin mit Makulopathie (AMD) Female patient with age related macular degeneration (AMD) Zusammenfassung Abstract Altersabhängige Makuladegeneration (AMD) stellt in den In-Age related macular dege


The effect of tibolone versus 17␤-estradiol on climactericsymptoms in women with surgical menopause:A. Somunkiran , C.T. Erel , F. Demirci , M.L. Senturk a Abant Izzet Baysal University, Duzce Medical School, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, b Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology, Tur


RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Product Liability—Eighth Circuit Adopts Narrow View: Only APLA Failure-to-Warn/Mislabeling Claims Against Generic Manufacturers Are Preempted Under Mensing ; Design- Defect and Implied-Warranty Claims Are Still Viable The Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit recently issued a pair of opinions interpreting the United States Supreme Court’s decisions in

Microsoft word - uma abordagem preliminar a 60 anos do museu de arte popular - alexandre oliveira

Uma abordagem preliminar a 60 anos do Museu de Arte Popular Alexandre Oliveira (bolseiro de doutoramento FCT, Departamento de Antropologia ISCTE-IUL, Museu Nacional de Etnologia) Um dos elementos relevantes para a presente discussão em torno do Museu de Arte Popular é o facto de que ao longo dos seus 60 anos de vida, o museu não ter sofrido grandes alterações arquitectónicas e, menos ai

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BERGER&TWERSKI FINAL TYPE.DOC 6/29/2006 9:41 AM FROM THE WRONG END OF THE TELESCOPE: A RESPONSE TO PROFESSOR DAVID BERNSTEIN I. From the Wrong End of the Telescope. 1985 A. A Different Perspective on Bendectin . 1985 B. The Parlodel Saga . 1987 II. Bernstein’s Slippery Slope Arguments. 1989 A. Informed Choice Warnings Are Not Worthless . 1989 B. Bypassing Daubert Wil

Notes for veterinary products talk:

The Precautionary Principle Peter Saunders, King’s College London and In Policy Responses to Societal Concerns in Food and Agriculture: Proceedings of an OECD Workshop. OECD , Paris 2010, pp47-58. There is no definitive statement of the precautionary principle, but there is a reasonable consensus about what it says, at least among its proponents. The 1998 Wingspread Declaration [1] whi


Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Risk for Major Congenital Anomalies Heli Malm, MD, PhD, Miia Artama, MSc, PhD, Mika Gissler, MSocSc, PhD, and Annukka Ritvanen, MD OBJECTIVE: To estimate the risk of major congenital in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-exposed anomalies after exposure to selective serotonin reuptake offspring than in unexposed referent offsprin


1 This page must be sent to ISBE Note: For submitting to ISBE, the "Statement of Affairs" can be 2 and retained within the district/joint agreement submitted as one file to avoid separating worksheets. 3 administrative office for public inspection. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 78 SCHOOL DISTRICT/JOINT AGREEMENT NAME: Madison CUSD


Waller Independent School District 2012-2013 STUDENT’S NAME (Please Print): _________________________________________________________________ CIRCLE SCHOOL THAT WILL BE ATTENDED IN 2012-2013: Waller JH Schultz JH Waller HS DATE OF BIRTH: ________________ AGE________ Gender: ________ GRADE (2012-2013):9th 10th 11th 12th HOME ADDRESS: ____________________________________


PUBLICATIONS 1. Ibrahim, A. and Fahal, A.H., Recovery of radiological y functionless obstructed kidneys. British 2. Fahal, A.H. and Ibrahim, A., Post - prostatectomy auto-irrigation with furosemide in the tropics. 3. Fahal, A.H., Acute Scrotum - Review article. Post Gradate Doctor. 1987; 10(5): 272-278 4. Fahal, A.H. and Yagi, K.I., Skin Endometriosis in Sudan. Tropical and Geogr


Objectives Drugs: IN006.1.A.6. Identify the Florida statute that addresses the scheduling of substances. The Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, Chapter 893, F.S., places all substances regulated under existing federal law into one of five schedules. Schedule I is reserved for the most dangerous drugs and/or other substances that have NO medical use. Schedul

Microsoft word - beerbchick.doc

The basic idea is simple enough: take one chicken and a can of beer. Drink a few glugs of the beer and then insert the opened can into the cavity of the chicken. This will allow you to stand the chicken – using the two legs and the can as a tripod – on a kettle barbecue on which it will cook, to perfection, in a little over an hour, depending on the size of the chicken and the heat of the barb


Number Title Composer 22 Nutcracker Suite. Dance of the Automatons55 Jewels of the Madonna, Intermezzo, No.156 Sonata, No.1, Op.42, 2nd Mvt, Pastorale. 77 Athalia, War March of the Priests. 84 Tristan & Isolde, Love Death. 101 Die Meistersingers. Dance of the Apprentices130 Cavalleria Rusticana, Prelude & Siciliana139 Samson & Delilah - My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice142 Moon


Clinical Trials at Mission Hope Cancer Center n For Colleagues in the Community: 1st Line/2nd Line Breast. A Phase This publication is designed to inform our col eagues in the medical commu-III randomized, Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study of fulvestrant in nity, and especial y physicians who are considering treatment options for their patients with cancer, about current clinica


Bonificación 90 años de Mutual de Seguros Tercer sorteo zona sur El miércoles 21 de octubre se llevó a cabo el tercer y último sorteo del Beneficio que en virtud de su nonagésimo aniversario entrega Mutual de Seguros a mil de sus asegurados en todo Chile, como premio a su preferencia y permanencia junto a la Corporación. 342 titulares de seguros con domicilio en las regiones sép

Microsoft word - problem solving.doc

A year in the vegetable garden Problem Solving Every season brings its own problems and each year can be different from another. This is part of the joy of gardening. However there are several problems which can occur each year but with careful propagation and planting these can be avoided. As vegetables are to be eaten it is advisable to use as few chemical sprays as pos


ATO 1 - I parte entificativo esenzione Malattia o Condizione ACROMEGALIA E GIGANTISMO Prestazioni: ANAMNESI E VALUTAZIONE, DEFINITE BREVI Storia e valutazione abbreviata, Visita successiva alla prima CALCIO TOTALE [S/U/dU] ORMONE SOMATOTROPO (GH) [P/U] PRELIEVO DI SANGUE VENOSO TOMOGRAFIA COMPUTERIZZATA (TC) DEL CAPO, SENZA E CON CONTRASTO TC del cranio [sella turcic

Avbook intro/notes a/w sect

AEROSHELL GREASE 33 AeroShell Grease 33 is a synthetic universal airframe grease composed of Use of AeroShell Grease 33 can provide operators with the following a lithium complex thickened synthetic base oil with corrosion and oxidation inhibitors and load carrying additives. The useful operating temperature range is –73°C to +121°C. • Easier maintainability (one major grease for

H:\wpdata\brendon\class_action_stuff\paxil\press release.wpd

SUFFIELD BACKGROUND MATERIAL Merchant Law Group has issued a Class Action law suit for military and civilian victims of chemicaland biological testing of CFB Suffield, CFB Wainwright, and Camp Sarcee in Alberta, CFBPetawawa and the Chemical Weapons Laboratory (Ottawa) in Ontario. On February 19, 2004, a Military Ombudsman released his report titled “Complaints ConcerningChemical Agent Testi

Package leaflet

GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Anwendung dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. - Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker. Dieses Arzneimittel wurde Ihnen persönlich versch

Microsoft word - revised 2013 prepopik split-dose.doc

Maryland Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endo Center 621 Ridgely Avenue, Suite 101 Annapolis, MD 21401 You will receive sedation and must have a family member or friend who is 18 years old or older to accompany you and drive you home. A taxi is not an approved means of transportation without a family member or friend. If you are diabetic contact the pre-op nurse at 410-224-3636 ext 496 to discus


Tutorial Measuring Behavior 2010 Psychophysiology Applications using a BIOPAC MP System INSTRUCTOR RESUME Aleksandar Dimov has worked as an application specialist at BIOPAC Systems, Inc. for four years after completing an MA in Psychology at UCSB. At UCSB, Aleksandar Dimov was an instructor for the Advanced Virtual Reality Training Institute for Social Psychology, while at BIOPAC


Rehabilitation of the Older Adult with StrokeaDepartment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine,1333 Moursund Avenue, D-111, Houston, TX 77030, USAbTraumatic Brain Injury and Stroke Program, The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research,1333 Moursund Avenue, D-111, Houston, TX 77030, USAcLong-Term Acute Care Brain Injury Program, Kindred Hospital, Baylor Colle

Dyspepsia (printer-friendly)

http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/584173_print Authors and Disclosures Eamonn M.M. Quigley , John Keohane , Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland From Current Opinion in Gastroenterology Dyspepsia Eamonn M.M. Quigley; John Keohane Posted: 12/12/2008; Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2008;24(6):692-697. © 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Abstract and Intr

Microsoft word - 341 04 07.doc

Client Information DIRECTIONS FOR TREATING A SUSPECTED CHLAMYDIA INFECTION We recently treated your sex partner for chlamydia. It is a curable bacterial infection you can get from having sex with a person who has it. You are probably infected, too. Many people who have chlamydia do not know they have it. They often have no symptoms and feel fine. Others may feel pain. It can be in their p

Routebeschrijving autopuzzelrit 2009 a

Routebeschrijving Autopuzzelrit 2009 A-traject Afstand: 15 kilometer Ideale rijtijd: 60 minuten Start bij blauwe vlag in aangegeven richting A. Asfaltweg links (Haarlemmerstraat, richting Hillegom) B. Na verkeerslicht links (Voorsorteren, Weerlaan) 1. Op rotonde 1e weg R 2. Einde weg R 3. Na klinker 1e weg L 5. Vrw R 6. Na “2X” 1e weg L (Voorsorteren, Horst ten Daallaan) 7. Na 11 moffen

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